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HIV/AIDS & Mobility in Indonesia Yayasan Satudunia, 11 Juni 2009.

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Presentasi berjudul: "HIV/AIDS & Mobility in Indonesia Yayasan Satudunia, 11 Juni 2009."— Transcript presentasi:

1 HIV/AIDS & Mobility in Indonesia Yayasan Satudunia, 11 Juni 2009

2 HIV & Migration Migration is not a risk factor for HIV  Conditions under which people migrate increases the vulnerability for HIV infection Underlying causes drive mobility ≈ drive HIV epidemic (e.g. poverty, inequality and social inequity)

3 HIV Trends among MMP* In Low Prevalence countries like Lao PDR and The Philippines : among PLHIV more than 1 / 3 were migrants Thailand: –Migrant Fishermen in Thailand showed HIV prevalence rates as high as 9%, –Sex workers along border areas, show consistently higher rates than in the rest of the country. Pakistan: 80% dari HIV+ adalah mereka yang dideportasi.

4 HIV Trends among MMP Indonesia: –1.651 TKI meninggal karena AIDS & 4.617 terinfeksi HIV (Depnaker) –Tahun 2007: 323.585 TKW dipulangkan karena hamil & HIV (CARAM Asia) –Tahun 2005: 161 HIV+ dari 145.289 dan Tahun 2006: 203 HIV+ dari 233.626 TKI Timteng (HIPTEK)  0,1% –Tulungagung (2007): 74 Kasus HIV/AIDS; terbesar dari TKI/TKW (KPA) –NTB: 10 / 146 HIV cases (up to Mar 2009 by KPAP)  7 % –NTT: Tahun 97-Mei 2009 671 pengidap HIV/AIDS, TKI 15%, WPS 14% (Dinkes)

5 Key Challenges Migrants - recognized as a vulnerable group, covered by National AIDS Strategy but not appropriate implemented. Countries of origin: Pre departure HIV prevention may be ineffective Host countries: Health and HIV services not geared for migrants Mandatory health examinations not optimalized as a ‘bridge’ to the national HIV programm.

6 Key Challenges Referral system is available but difficult to access, especially for undocumented migrants workers When migrants come back and they are positive they are stigmatized.

7 Recommendations * Develop gender-sensitive data on migration and HIV. Strengthen regional cooperation to ensure a continuum of services (focus on prevention services) Create and fund coordinated multi-sectoral and cross-border HIV efforts. Reinforce an enabling environment. Allocate financial resources to address migrants needs (both countries of origin and host countries).

8 Recommendations * 1. Memperkuat sistem edukasi, komunikasi dan penyampaian informasi kepada migrant workers (documented maupun undocomented; didaerah transit maupun didaerah asal pekerja migran). 2. Memperbaiki sistem kerja (referral system) layanan VCT dan CST serta keterhubungan diantara kedua layanan tersebut pada migrant workers setting. 3. Meningkatkan peran KBRI maupun Labor Atase di negara tujuan dalam memberikan informasi dan layanan terkait penanggulangan AIDS melalui peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia, penetapan mekanisme kerja dan jejaring dengan stakeholder terkait di negara tujuan.

9 THANK YOU Open for Discussion !!!

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