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Global Information Systems and Market Research

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1 Global Information Systems and Market Research
Chapter 6 Global Marketing DR. NURITA ANDRIANI


3 Sistem informasi : suatu sistem di dalam suatu organisasi yang merupakan kombinasi dari orang-orang, fasilitas, teknologi, media prosedur-prosedur dan pengendalian yang ditujukan untuk mendapatkan jalur komunikasi penting, memproses tipe transaksi rutin tertentu, memberi sinyal kepada manajemen dan yang lainnya terhadap kejadian-kejadian internal dan eksternal yang penting dan menyediakan suatu dasar informasi untuk pengambilan keputusan.

4 Information Needs of Global Marketers
Understand the importance of information technology and marketing information systems Utilize a framework for information scanning and opportunity identification Understand the formal market research process Know how to manage the marketing information collection system and market research effort

5 Information Technology for Global Marketing
Information Technology refers to an organization’s processes for creating, storing, exchanging, using, and managing information Management Information Systems provide managers and other decision makers with a continuous flow of information about company operations

6 Managing Information for Global Marketing
Management Information System (MIS) – provides a means for Gathering Analyzing Classifying Storing Retrieving Reporting relevant data

7 Tools of MIS Intranet Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) Data Warehouses

8 Table Subject Agenda Category Converage Market Potential
Demand estimates, consumer behavior, review of marketing mix Competitor Information Corporate, business, and functional strategies Foreign Exchange Balance of payments, interest rates, attractiveness of country currency Prescriptive Information Laws, regulations, rulings concerning taxes, earnings, dividends in both host and home countries Resource Information Availability of human, financial, physical, and information resources General Conditions Overall review of sociocultural, political, and technological environments

9 Scanning Modes Surveillance Search Informal information gathering
VIEWING – general exposure to information MONITORING – paying special attention and tracking a story as it develops Search Formal information gathering INVESTIGATION – seeking out secondary data RESEARCH – conducting primary research

10 Preventing Information Overload
Global organizations need Efficient, effective system to scan and digest published sources of information in all countries in which it conducts business Daily scanning, translating, digesting, abstracting, and electronic input of information into MIS

11 Formal Market Research
Global Marketing Research is the project-specific, systematic gathering of data in the search scanning mode on a global basis

12 Environmental Factors Affecting Global Marketing Research
Researchers must be prepared for new parameters of doing business “Cultural megashock” may occur With many markets comes many interacting factors Research may have to broaden view of competitors

13 Largest Global Research Companies
AC Nielsen Corp IMS Health Research International USA NFO Worldwide Gartner Group Video Research United Information Group Information Resources VNU Marketing Information Services

14 Steps in the Research Process
Identifying the research problem Developing a research plan Collecting data Analyzing data Presenting the research findings

15 Identifying the Research Process
What information do I need? Existing Markets – customer needs already being served by one or more companies; information may be readily available Potential Markets Latent market – an undiscovered market; demand would be there if product was there Incipient market – market will emerge as macro environmental trends continue Why do I need this information?

16 Developing A Research Plan
Do we need quantitative or qualitative data? What is the information worth (versus what will it cost to collect)? What will it cost if we don’t get the information? What can be gained from the information?

17 Collecting Data Secondary Data
Statistical Abstract of the United States Statistical Yearbook of the United Nations World Factbook The Economist The Financial Times Syndicated studies And much more

18 Collecting Data (cont.)
Primary Data Collection Methods Survey research Interviews Consumer panels Observation Focus groups

19 Survey Research Menggunakan kuesioner Data didapatkan dari konsumen
Melalui surat, telefon, atau secara langsung (in person) Back translation, parallel translations

20 Personal Interviews Why and explore answers
Telephone interview sangat umum di US mengingat satu rumah tangga minimal memiliki satu line telefon. Tetapi cara ini kurang tepat dilakukan di negara berkembang dimana hanya 1 atau 2% saja rumah tangga yang memiliki telefon

21 Consumer Panels Sampel responden yang perilakunya diamati dalam jangka waktu tertentu Nielsen Media Research unit di Netherland, mengadakan Television Audience Measurement (TAM) dengan mempelajari kebiasaan rumah tangga dalam menonton tv. Broadcasters menggunakan audiens tv utk menetapkan harga advertising. Perusahaan2 menggunakan data ini untuk menentukan didalam program yang mana iklan harus dipasang  peoplemeter (collect national audience data)

22 Observation Procter&Gamble (P&G): mengadakan program observasi dengan mengirimkan video crew ke 80 rumah tangga di UK, Italy, Germany, dan China. Filmmakers akan datang setiap hari ke tiap2 rumah mulai dari bangun tidur sampai waktu tidur.

23 Focus Group Moderator yang terlatih memfasilitasi diskusi mengenai konsep suatu produk, citra dan kepribadian merk, periklanan, tren sosial, atau topik lainnya dalam suatu kelompok yang terdiri dari 6-10 orang. Reebok: menemukan bahwa kesan konsumen muda terhadap sepatu perusahaan adalah positif pada saat merknya tidak muncul, tetapi responnya akan negatif manakala mereka mengetahui merknya adalah Reebok  kampanye iklan dgn menggunakan Venus Williams sbg celebrity endoser

24 Special Considerations for Surveys
Benefits: Data collection from a large sample Both quantitative and qualitative data possible Issues Subjects may respond with social desirability Translation may be difficult Use back and parallel translations to ensure accuracy and validity

25 Presenting the Findings
Report must clearly address problem identified in Step 1 Include a memo or executive summary of the key findings along with main report Ringkasan temuan penelitian: jawaban terhadap masalah yg diajukan Hasil harus dinyatakan dgn jelas dan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar bagi manajer untuk bertindak. Hindari research jargon dan analisis kuantitatif yang kompleks.

26 Sampling A sample is a selected subset of a population that is representative of the entire population. Probability samples Non-probability samples

27 Analyzing Data Demand Pattern Analysis Income Elasticity Measurements
Market Estimation by Analogy Time-series displacement Comparative Analysis Cluster Analysis

28 Global Issues in Marketing Research
Many country markets must be included Markets with low profit potential justifies limited research expenditures Data in developing countries may be inflated or deflated Comparability of international statistics varies greatly Limits created by cultural differences

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