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Kuliah Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi Internet (1)

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Presentasi berjudul: "Kuliah Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi Internet (1)"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Kuliah Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi Internet (1)

2 Topics Snapshots-Indonesia Internet Users Definition: Internet Internet v.s. WWW History of the Internet How Does It Work? How Can Users Access the Internet? The Internet Infrastructure Domain Name System (DNS) Common Uses of the Internet

3 Snapshots-Indonesia Internet Users






9 Twitter Twitter started in 2006 as a micro blogging service (140 characters) that no one really understands. Indonesian started to paid attention to Twitter in 2010, 4 years after the service is available. Currently, it is estimated that Indonesian produce around 15% of all tweets globally, making Indonesia the 3 rd largest tweets producers after Brazil and USA. Twitter Heat Map: 3 rd most active country

10 Tweets Total tweets in 6 months: 234,056,721 tweets Source: Engine, Indonesian Twitter Users H1 2011 Twitter: Indonesian does not stop tweeting on weekends Average tweets per day: 1,293,131 tweets

11 Hourly tweets of Indonesian users Source: Engine, Indonesian Twitter Users H1 2011 Jan - Jun Jan – Mar Early morning: 11% Morning: 30% Afternoon: 26% Night time: 33% Avg. 53,880 tweets/hour Avg. 3.8m account / month

12 Top cities in Indonesia that tweets Source: Engine, Indonesian Twitter Users H1 2011 Check out Indonesia live tweets map at

13 39,168,140 Facebook Facebook takes Indonesia by the storm in 2009 even though that the service is available since 2006. Propelled by social issues that brewing on facebook and pickup up by traditional media, Facebook Indonesian users went from below 1m users in Jan 2009 to 19m users in Dec 2009 Currently Indonesian is the 2 nd largest Facebook users in the world 2 nd globally

14 The 1st and only Indonesian Facebook Page Directory Categorized and track the most popular Indonesian Facebook Page The 1st and only Indonesian Facebook Page Directory Categorized and track the most popular Indonesian Facebook Page

15 Blogger / Blogging Indonesian bloggers has been around since early 2000. There’s limited data about Indonesia Blogosphere other than that there are about 20+ active blogging communities and Indonesian Bloggers has an annual blogging conference since 2007, “Pesta Blogger” 20+ blogging communities 4 th Pesta Blogger+ 2010 Epicentrum, Jakarta, 30 Oct Rebranded to ON|OFF in 2011

16 Definition: Internet

17 What Is the Internet? It is the largest computer system in the world, consisting of thousands of connected networks. When computers are connected to the Internet, they are able to communicate and share information.

18 Try define:internet at Google

19 Internet v.s. WWW

20 The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) are not synonymous Internet ≠ WWW

21 1.Jika Internet adalah sebuah rel maka WWW menjadi kereta apinya Secara teknis, Internet merupakan sebuah infrastruktur yang digunakan untuk melakukan proses penyajian dan pertukaran data dengan banyak komputer secara global. Sedangkan WWW menjadi media transportasi yang dipakai untuk proses penyajian data melalui infrastruktur tersebut.

22 2.Internet menghubungkan komputer, WWW menghubungkan halaman web WWW Internet

23 3.Internet menggunakan IP Number, WWW menggunakan URL WWW Internet

24 4.Internet menggunakan kabel atau wireless, WWW menggunakan hyperlink WWW Internet

25 History of the Internet


27 How Does It Work?


29 The Internet is based on TCP/IP protocol and the packet-switching technology. Transmission control protocol (TCP) is responsible for breaking up messages into sequences of packets, each approximately 1500 bytes. It makes and breaks the connection between computers on the Internet, whereas the Internet Protocol (IP) takes care of routing the data packets on the Internet. At the destination, the TCP software reassembles these packets into complete messages.


31 How Can Users Access the Internet?



34 The Internet Infrastructure

35 Regular Modem Cable modem or cable network Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Fiberoptic cable Wireless Satellite Cell phone


37 Domain Name System (DNS)

38 The domain name system (DNS) will take care of the translation of a domain name into an IP address or vice versa. For example, if a user were to type the URL, the DNS would translate it into an equivalent IP address of

39 International Domain Names Domain names outside the United States are, for example, as follows: Australia = au, India = in, Japan = jp, China = cn, United Kingdom = uk, South Africa = za. A domain for a university in Japan could be, for example, where the domain ac stands for academic (college or university).

40 Top-Level (commercial).edu (higher education).net (networking companies).org (nonprofit organizations).gov (U.S. federal government).mil (U.S. military).int (international treaties)

41 New Top-Level (air-transport industry).biz (business).coop (cooperatives).info (information).museum (museum).name (for registration by individuals).pro (accountants, lawyers, physicians, etc).tv (television)

42 PANDI PANDI (Pengelola Nama Domain Internet Indonesia) adalah badan hukum yang dibentuk oleh perwakilan dari komunitas teknologi informasi dan telah memenuhi syarat sebagai badan hukum di Indonesia. PANDI memiliki maksud dan tujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menyediakan jasa layanan yang lain terkait dengan nama domain.

43 Available Domain Names komersial, badan usaha dan sejenisnya.CO.ID.NET.ID penyedia jasa telekomunikasi yang berlisensi.NET.ID.AC.ID akademik, universitas, perguruan tinggi dan sejenisnya.AC.ID.SCH.ID sekolah.SCH.ID.GO.ID institusi pemerintah dan sejenisnya.GO.ID.MIL.ID instansi militer.MIL.ID.OR.ID organisasi selain organisasi di atas.OR.ID.WEB.ID pribadi atau komunitas.WEB.ID

44 Common Uses of the Internet

45 E-mail The World Wide Web Remote access Collaboration File sharing Streaming media Voice telephony (VoIP)

46 What’s Your Message? © 2011

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