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Pengukuran Pendapatan Nasional / output domestik

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pengukuran Pendapatan Nasional / output domestik"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pengukuran Pendapatan Nasional / output domestik
Pengertian /bagaimana GDP didefinisikan Pengukuran /bagaimana GDP diukur Pendekatan dalam pengukuran Nominal vs Riil Indeks Harga Contoh PDB Indonesia Kelemahan Konsep GDP FE-UK PETRA

2 Pengukuran GDP (domestic output) dan National Icome
Pengertian : Total market value All final goods and services Produced In a given year FE-UK PETRA

3 Pengukuran GDP (domestic output) dan National Icome
Pengertian : A Monetary Measure Avoiding Multiple Counting (Final goods ; Value Added) Excludes Non Production Transactions ( Financial Transactions : Public transfer Payments; Private transfer Payments; Stock Market Transactions) and ( Secondhand Sales) FE-UK PETRA

4 Pengukuran GDP (domestic output) dan National Icome
Pendekatan/Approach : Spending/Expenditure Approach Personal Consumption Expenditures ( C ) Gross Private Domestic Investment ( I ) Government Purchases ( G ) Net Exports ( Xn) ; ( X – M) GDP = C + I + G + ( X – M ) FE-UK PETRA

5 Pengukuran GDP (domestic output) dan National Icome
Pendekatan/Approach : Income Approach Compensation of Employees Rents Interest Proprietor’s Income Corporate Profits FE-UK PETRA

6 Mengapa pendapatan total dari suatu perekonomian sama dengan pengeluaran totalnya ?
GDP dapat mengukur pendapatan total setiap orang dalam suatu perekonomian serta pengeluaran total atas seluruh out put (barang dan jasa) dari perekonomian yang bersangkutan. Karena pendapatan dan pengeluaran merupakan dua sisi dari suatu mata uang yang sama. Bagi sebuah perekonomian secara keseluruhan, pendapatan harus sama dengan pengeluarannya. Dalam diagram aliran sirkuler nampak sebagai berikut : Rumah tangga membeli berbagai barang dan jasa dari perusahaan, sedangkan perusahaan menggunakan penerimaan atau hasil penjualannya tersebut untuk membayar upah, pekerja, membayar sewa bangunan, membayar deviden dan sebagainya. GDP sama dengan jumlah total yang dibelanjakan oleh rumah tangga di pasar barang dan jasa. GDP juga sama dengan total upah, sewa, dan laba yang dibayarkan perusahaan di pasar factor produksi. FE-UK PETRA

7 Diagram aliran sirkuler
PASAR BARANG DAN JASA PASAR FAKTOR PRODUKSI PERUSAHAAN RUMAH TANGGA Penerimaan ( = GDP) Pengeluaran barang dan jasa Pengeluaran (= GDP) Pembelian barang dan jasa Upah, sewa dan laba (= GDP) Pendapatan (= GDP) Input untuk produksi Tenaga kerja, tanah, dan modal FE-UK PETRA

8 The Circular Flow Revisited
Resource Market Product Businesses Households Costs Money Income Input Factors Resources Goods & Services Revenue Consumption Government Goods & Services Net Taxes Expenditures FE-UK PETRA

9 Hubungan antara GDP, NNP, NI, PI dan DI
Gross Domestic Product 12,487 Consumption of fixed capital Net Domestic Product 10,913 Statistical discrepancy + Net foreign factor income National Income 10,904 Taxes on productions and imports Social security contributions Corporate income taxes Undistributed corporate profits + Transfer payment Personal Income 10,248 Personal Taxes Disposable Income ,038 FE-UK PETRA

10 + + + + + + + Two Approaches to GDP G D P = = Expenditure Approach
Income Approach Consumption by Households Wages + + Rents Investment by Businesses + G D P + = = Interest + Government Purchases + Profits + Expenditures By Foreigners Statistical Adjustments FE-UK PETRA

11 Expenditure Approach C Ig Personal Consumption Expenditures
Durable Consumer Goods Nondurable Consumer Goods Consumer Expenditures for Services Gross Private Domestic Investment Machinery, Equipment, and Tools All Construction Changes in Inventories Noninvestment Transactions Ig FE-UK PETRA

12 - = Expenditure Approach Gross Investment Depreciation Net Investment
Increased Consumption & Government Spending Stock of Capital Stock of Capital January 1 Year’s GDP December 31 FE-UK PETRA

13 Expenditure Approach G Xn Government Purchases Net Exports
Expenditures for Goods and Services Expenditures for Social Capital Net Exports Xn = Exports (X) – Imports (M) Putting It All Together: GDP = C + I + G + Xn GDP= $8, , , = $12,487 in 2005 Xn FE-UK PETRA

14 GDP Approaches Compared
Accounting Statement for the U.S. Economy, 2005 in Billions Receipts Expenditures Approach Allocations Income Approach Personal Consumption (C) Gross Private Domestic Investment (Ig) Government Purchases (G) Net Exports (Xn) Gross Domestic Product $ 8746 2105 2363 -727 $ 12,487 Compensation Rents Interest Proprietor’s Income Corporate Profits Taxes on Production and Imports National Income Net Foreign Factor Income Statistical Discrepancy Consumption of Fixed Capital Gross Domestic Product $ 73 498 939 1352 917 $10,904 -34 43 1574 $ 12,487 FE-UK PETRA

15 The Income Approach Compensation of Employees Rents Interest
Proprietor’s Income Corporate Profits Corporate Income Taxes Dividends Undistributed Corporate Profits Taxes on Production and Imports FE-UK PETRA

16 The Income Approach From National Income to GDP
Net Foreign Factor Income Statistical Discrepancy Consumption of Fixed Capital Other National Accounts Net Domestic Product (NDP) National Income (NI) Personal Income (PI) Disposable Income (DI) DI = C + S FE-UK PETRA

17 The Income Approach Income Relationships – United States, 2005
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Consumption of Fixed Capital Net Domestic Profit (NDP) Statistical Discrepancy Net Foreign Factor Income National Income (NI) Taxes on Production and Imports Social Security Contributions Corporate Income Taxes Undistributed Corporate Profits Transfer Payments Personal Income (PI) Personal Taxes Disposable Income (DI) $ 12,487 -1,574 $ 10,913 -43 34 $ 10,904 -917 -871 -378 -460 +1,970 $ 10,248 -1,210 $ 9,038 FE-UK PETRA

Compensation of Employees Rents Interest Dividends Proprietor’s Income Corporate Income taxes Undistributed Corporate profit Taxes on productions and imports Consumption of fixed capital NNP NI PI DI Personal Taxes Transfer pay- ments Corporate Income taxes Undistributed Corporate profit Taxes on productions and imports Social Security Con tributions Consumption of fixed capital Business I House hold C Government G FE-UK PETRA

19 Penghitungan GDP riil dengan tahun dasar, tahun 1
Year Unit Of Output Price of Pizza per unit Price Index ( year 1=100) Nominal GDP Real GDP 1 5 10 100 50 2 7 20 200 140 70 3 8 25 250 80 4 30 - 11 28 FE-UK PETRA

20 Penghitungan GDP HARGA DAN KUANTITAS 2001 $1 100 $2 50
Tahun Harga Kuantitas Harga Kuantitas Hotdog Hotdog Hamburger Hamburger 2001 $ $2 50 FE-UK PETRA

21 GDP Nominal, GDP Riil, dan GDP Deflator
PERHITUNGAN GDP NOMINAL Tahun ($1 per hotdog x 100 hotdog) + ($2 per hamburger x 50 hamburger) = $ 200 ($2 per hotdog x 150 hotdog) + ($3 per hamburger x 100 hamburger) = $ 600 ($3 per hotdog x 200 hotdog) + ($4 per hamburger x 150 hamburger) = $ 1,200 PERHITUNGAN GDP RIIL ( Tahun dasar 2001 ) ($1 per hotdog x 100 hotdog) + ($2 per hamburger x 50 hamburger) = $ 200 ($1 per hotdog x 150 hotdog) + ($2 per hamburger x 100 hamburger) = $ 350 ($1 per hotdog x 200 hotdog) + ($2 per hamburger x 150 hamburger) = $ 500 PERHITUNGAN GDP DEFLATOR $ 200 / $ 200 X 100 = 100 $ 600 / $ 350 X 100 = 171 $ 1, 2000 / $ 500 X 100 = 240 FE-UK PETRA

22 Nominal GDP, Real GDP and GDP Price Index, Selected Years
Nominal GDP, Billion of $ Real GDP, Billion of $ GDP Price Index (200 = 100 1980 2789.5 5161.7 - 1985 4220.3 6053.7 69.7 1990 5803.1 81.6 2000 9817.0 100.0 2003 10,971.2 106.3 2005 12,487.1 11,134.8 112.1 FE-UK PETRA

23 Penghitungan GDP deflator
GDP Nominal GDP deflator 100 X GDP riil FE-UK PETRA

24 Contoh PDB Indonesia menurut lapangan usaha
STRUKTUR PRODUK DOMESTIK BRUTO INDONESIA MENURUT LAPANGAN USAHA TAHUN 2002 DAN TAHUN 2003 (Persentase) LAPANGAN USAHA (1) (2) (3) 1. Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan dan Perikanan 17, ,58 2. Pertambangan dan Penggalian 11, ,70 3. Industri Pengolahan 25, ,65 4. Listrik, Gas dan Air Bersih 1, ,22 5. Bangunan , ,00 6. Perdagangan, Hotel dan Restoran 16, ,32 7. Pengangkutan dan Komunikasi 5, ,25 8. Keuangan, Persewaan dan Jasa Perusahaan, 6, ,88 9. Jasa-jasa , ,39 PDB , ,00 PDB TANPA MIGAS 89,03 89,27 FE-UK PETRA

PDB MENURUT PENGGUNAAN ATAS DASAR HARGA KONSTAN 1993 (Triliun Rupiah) Jenis Penggunaan Pertumbuhan (persen) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Pengeluaran Konsumsi Rumahtangga 296,6 308,5 4,02 2. Pengeluaran Konsumsi Pemerintah 35,4 38,8 9,84 3. Pembentukan Modal Tetap Bruto 95,4 96,7 1,36 4. Perubahan Stok ,7 -19,5 - 5. Ekspor Barang dan Jasa 101,7 103,7 1,96 6. Dikurangi Impor Barang dan Jasa 118,9 123,7 4,04 Produk Domestik Bruto 426,9 444,5 4,10 FE-UK PETRA

26 Shortcomings of GDP Nonmarket Activities Leisure
Improved Product Quality The Underground Economy GDP and the Environment Composition and Distribution of the Output Noneconomic Sources of Well-Being FE-UK PETRA

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