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Diterbitkan olehDody Bahri Telah diubah "9 tahun yang lalu
Pertemuan 01 Why Information System Matakuliah: TI307/Sistem Informasi Tahun: 2012 Versi: 1 1
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat Menyatakan sekilas tentang sistem informasi yang akan dibawahakn dikeseluruhan mata kuliah manfaat yang dipelajari, mekanisme pembelajaran, tugas, bahan secara keseluruhan, hubungan dengan mata kuliah lainnya, disiplin dan aturan dalam perkuliahan tsb. (C1) Penjelasan aturan perkuliahan & Pembentukan kelompok/tim 2
Outline Materi Bahan kuliah secara keseluruhan, hubungan dengan mata kuliah lain, tugas, mekanisme pembelajaran, aturan dan disiplin perkuliahan. Diskusi ringan tentang organisasi, pengambilan keputusan, manajemen dan pentingnya sistem informasi 3
Sistem Perkuliahan Onclass : 20 Pertemuan Offclass : 6 Pertemuan ◦ Minggu 3 : pert 5 & 6 ◦ Minggu 5 : pert 9 & 10 ◦ Minggu 10 : pert 19 & 20 4
Tugas Tugas perorangan : Tugas kelompok: Tugas lainnya yang tidak rutin, lihat Simponi. 5
Why Information System ? In Discussion 6
Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm WHY INFORMATION SYSTEMS? Four powerful worldwide changes that have altered the business environment: 1. Emergence of the Global Economy 2. Transformation of Industrial Economies 3. Transformation of the Business Enterprise 4. The Emerging Digital Firm
Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm WHY INFORMATION SYSTEMS? Emergence of the Global Economy Management and control in a global marketplace Competition in world markets Global work groups Global delivery systems The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm
Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm WHY INFORMATION SYSTEMS? Transformation of Industrial Economies Knowledge- and information-based economies Productivity New products and services Knowledge: a central productive and strategic asset The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm
Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm WHY INFORMATION SYSTEMS? Transformation of Industrial Economies Time-based competition Shorter product life Turbulent environment Limited employee knowledge base The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm
Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm Figure 1-1 Labor Force Composition 1900-1997 WHY INFORMATION SYSTEMS?
Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm WHY INFORMATION SYSTEMS? Transformation of the Business Enterprise Flattening Decentralization Flexibility Location independence Low transaction and coordination costs Empowerment Collaborative work and teamwork The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm
Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm WHY INFORMATION SYSTEMS? Emergence of the Digital Firm Digitally-enabled relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees Core business processes accomplished via digital networks Digital management of key corporate assets Rapid sensing and responding to environmental changes The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm
End of Session 1 14
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