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Teknik Penyusunan Silabus

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1 Teknik Penyusunan Silabus
M. Asfah Rahman Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Negeri Makassar Makassar: 28 Januari 2013

2 Tujuan Menjelaskan manfaat silabus bagi guru dan murid;
2. Menjelaskan kandungan bagian-bagian terpenting dari suatu silabus; 3. Menyusun silabus mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris (SMP/SMA);

3 JUST TO THINK "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?“ "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to...” (Alice in Wonderland, Chapter VI, P 64; Carroll, 1960)

4 Batasan / Pengertian Silabus Etimologi: label, daftar – daftar isi
... Ikhtisar atau garis besar suatu pelajaran’

5 Syllabus … Syllabus ……… “…rincian dari APA yang akan dipelajari"
"...subbagian kurikulum yang berhubungan dengan rincian tentang unit-unit yang akan diajarkan" “…pernyataan guru tentang tujuan dan isi, dengan unsur formal dan fungsional dalam pembelajaran baik liniar maupun spiral” “… menyebutkan isi dan mengurutkan pembelajaran yang akan berlangsung,” "... kerangka yang menuntun kegiatan yang akan dikerjakan: alat pembelajaran guna membantu memfasilitasi “belajar” “suatu bentuk dukungan kegiatan pengajaran yang direncanakan di dalam kelas dan suatu bentuk panduan dalam menyusun materi pelajaran yang cocok”

6 Syllabus … Apa yang perlu diketahui pelajar, dan apa yang dapat dikerjakan pelajar dengan pengetahuan itu? i) “Pengetahuan apa yang menjadi fokus?” ii) “Kemampuan apa yang menjadi fokus dan prioritas?” iii) “Apa landasan pemilihan dan pembagian tentang apa yang harus dipelajari?” iv) “Bagaimana mengurutkan apa yang akan dipelajari itu? v) “Apa rasionalnya?” (Long & Crookes [1993])

7 Syllabus … Dilihat dari perspektif siswa, pertimbangkan pertanyaan berikut: i) Mengapa saya memerlukan mata pelajaran ini? ii) Mapel ini memungkinkan saya dapat melakukan apa (tanpa itu saya tidak akan dapat melakukannya)? iii) Apa saja persyaratan Mapel dan bagaimana cara memenuhinya? iv) Bagaimana saya akan dievaluasi/diberi nilai?

8 Steps in Syllabus Development
Collecting: Information References Learning resources PLANNING Formulating: competencies, objectives Determining learning materials, outcomes, performance indicators IMPLEMENTATION Determining: instructional methods/ strategies Determining evaluation instrument (classroom-based evaluation) Feasibility and Quality REVISION Judgment

9 Bagian-bagian Silabus
Sembilan bagian utama: Identitas mata pelajaran Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi dasar Indikator Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber

10 Bagian-bagian Silabus …
Identitas mata pelajaran Jenjang sekolah: Kelas/Semester: Mata Pelajaran: Standar Kompetensi: Sesuai dengan standar isi kurikulum mata pelajaran Kompetensi Dasar:

11 Bagian-bagian Silabus …
Indikator Nyatakan kemampuan yang diharapkan dapat diperoleh siswa jika telah selesai mengikuti pelajara ini. Landasan: - Pengetahuan dan aplikasi prinsip bidang ilmu - Pengembangan keterampilan - Pengembangan sikap positif Memperjelas apa yang Anda inginkan siswa capai; Membantu memilih metode, materi, tugas, evaluasi; “Kontrak” dengan siswa; Info bagi guru lain (prasyarat, keterkaitan) Dapat diamati atau diukur Kata kerja operasional dengan obyeknya Ingat: Tujuan non-isi (pengiring): mis.: menunjukkan toleransi dan penerimaan terhadap pandangan yang berbeda/bertentangan.

12 Bagian-bagian Silabus …
Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Cantumkan konsep, kemampuan/keterampilan, unsur kebahasaan yang menjadi acuan/panduan dalam mengembangkan atau memilih bahan dan sumber belajar. Kegiatan Pembelajaran Cantumkan kegiatan pengajaran (strategi, teknik yang disarankan) dan pengalaman belajar bagi siswa yang direncanakan di dalam kelas;

13 Bagian-bagian Silabus …
Evaluasi / Penilaian Cara dan faktor/aspek yang dinilai: Rujukan: indikator / tujuan pembelajaran Aspek dan bobot Kriteria nilai akhir (sesuaikan dengan aturan sekolah) Alokasi Waktu Tentukan estimasi waktu yang diperlukan untuk mencapai indikator yang telah ditetapkan Sumber Acuan untuk materi yang akan digunakan

14 Bloom Taxonomy ... Knowledge
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products tell list describe relate locate write find state name What happened after...? How many...? Who was it that...? Can you name the...? Describe what happened at...? Who spoke to...? Can you tell why...? Find the meaning of...? What is...? Which is true or false...? Make a list of the main events.. Make a timeline of events. Make a facts chart. Write a list of any pieces of information you can remember.  List all the .... in the story. Make a chart showing... Make an acrostic. Recite a poem.

15 Bloom Taxonomy ... Comprehension
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products explain interpret outline discuss distinguish predict restate translate compare describe Can you write in your own words...? Can you write a brief outline...? What do you think could of happened next...? Who do you think...? What was the main idea...? Who was the key character...? Can you distinguish between...? What differences exist between...? Can you provide an example of what you mean...? Can you provide a definition for...? Cut out or draw pictures to show a particular event. Illustrate what you think the main idea was. Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events. Write and perform a play based on the story. Retell the story in your words. Paint a picture of some aspect you like. Write a summary report of an event. Prepare a flow chart to illustrate the sequence of events. Make a colouring book.

16 Bloom Taxonomy ... Application
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products solve show use illustrate construct complete examine classify Do you know another instance where...? Could this have happened in...? Can you group by characteristics such as...? What factors would you change if...? Can you apply the method used to some experience of your own...? What questions would you ask of...? From the information given, can you develop a set of instructions about...? Would this information be useful if you had a ...? Construct a model to demonstrate how it will work. Make a diorama to illustrate an important event. Make a scrapbook about the areas of study. Make a paper-mache map to include relevant information about an event. Take a collection of photographs to demonstrate a particular point. Make up a puzzle game suing the ideas from the study area. Make a clay model of an item in the material. Design a market strategy for your product using a known strategy as a model. Dress a doll in national costume. Paint a mural using the same materials. Write a textbook about... for others.

17 Bloom Taxonomy ... Analysis
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products analyse distinguish examine compare contrast investigate categorise identify explain separate advertise Which events could have happened...? I ... happened, what might the ending have been? How was this similar to...? What was the underlying theme of...? What do you see as other possible outcomes? Why did ... changes occur? Can you compare your ... with that presented in...? Can you explain what must have happened when...? How is ... similar to ...? What are some of the problems of...? Can you distinguish between...? What were some of the motives behind...? What was the turning point in the game? What was the problem with...? Design a questionnaire to gather information. Write a commercial to sell a new product. Conduct an investigation to produce information to support a view. Make a flow chart to show the critical stages. Construct a graph to illustrate selected information. Make a jigsaw puzzle. Make a family tree showing relationships. Put on a play about the study area. Write a biography of the study person. Prepare a report about the area of study. Arrange a party. Make all the arrangements and record the steps needed. Review a work of art in terms of form, colour and texture.

18 Bloom Taxonomy ... Synthesis
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products create invent compose predict plan construct design imagine propose devise formulate Can you design a ... to ...? Why not compose a song about...? Can you see a possible solution to...? If you had access to all resources how would you deal with...? Why don't you devise your own way to deal with...? What would happen if...? How many ways can you...? Can you create new and unusual uses for...? Can you write a new recipe for a tasty dish? can you develop a proposal which would... Invent a machine to do a specific task. Design a building to house your study. Create a new product. Give it a name and plan a marketing campaign. Write about your feelings in relation to... Write a TV show, play, puppet show, role play, song or pantomime about...? Design a record, book, or magazine cover for...? Make up a new language code and write material suing it. Sell an idea. Devise a way to... Compose a rhythm or put new words to a known melody.

19 Bloom Taxonomy ... Evaluation
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products judge select choose decide justify debate verify argue recommend assess discuss rate prioritise determine Is there a better solution to... Judge the value of... Can you defend your position about...? Do you think ... is a good or a bad thing? How would you have handled...? What changes to ... would you recommend? Do you believe? Are you a ... person? How would you feel if...? How effective are...? What do you think about...? Prepare a list of criteria to judge a ... show. Indicate priority and ratings. Conduct a debate about an issue of special interest. Make a booklet about 5 rules you see as important. Convince others. Form a panel to discuss views, eg "Learning at School." Write a letter to ... advising on changes needed at... Write a half yearly report. Prepare a case to present your view about...

20 Bagian-bagain Silabus …
Metode/Strategi Perkuliahan Dasar: Topik materi dan tujuan “Apa sesungguhnya mhs akan kerjakan?” - Ceramah - Diskusi kelompok kecil - Kerja mandiri/pasangan/klpk kecil - simulasi - Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi - Debat - Studi kasus - bermain peran - demonstrasi - Experientail learning (bekerja sambil belajar) - Bekerja dan belajar secara kolaboratif Tentukan Cara: Mempersiapkan pengajaran (reviu atau previu) Menyajikan konsep baru (ceramah, demonstrasi, diskusi) Menuntun menerapkan konsep (diskusi, menulis di dlm kelas, bekerja kolaboratif) Mengevaluasi / Menilai (tes, diskusi, pemecahan masalah, kasus, dll.)

21 It is important to begin with the end in mind,
FINAL REMARK It is important to begin with the end in mind, and then put first things first!!

22 Terima Kasih Selamat Bekerja

23 Use reading strategies to construct meaning
a) Use phonological awareness strategies: - Blend sounds of consonants and vowels to make words - Identify and produce rhyming words - Separate spoken words into beginning and ending sounds - Distinguish long and short vowels in words - Match spoken words to printed words - Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds - Read common, irregular sight words e.g. the, have, said - Read aloud to check pronunciation and understanding b) Use meaning-based strategies: - Relate words to pictures - Use knowledge of cohesive devices: connectors to do with time, sequence - Use contextual clues: pictures, title - Use prior knowledge: familiar words, word association - Recognise text types - Ask questions about the texts studied

24 Listen to / Read /View a variety of texts and demonstrate in oral or written form the ability to acquire and use knowledge for a variety of purposes a) Locate information using author, title, table of contents b) Gather informationusing alphabetical order / categories c) Organise information: list and sequence Listen to / Read / View a variety of texts and demonstrate in oral or written form the ability to acquire and use knowledge for a variety of purposes a) Give reasons to support a response to a story, saying whether they like or dislike it b) List, organise information about characters, sequence of events or setting to complete a story web

25 General Knowledge Texts
• Simple Present Tense • Verbs Instructions • Connectors to express sequence • Verbs: Imperatives Lists • Nouns and Noun Phrases • Quantifiers Narratives / Personal Recounts • Adjectives • Adverbs • Connectors to do with time and sequence • Nouns and Noun Phrases • Pronouns • Punctuation • Simple Past Tense • Verbs Conversations and Short Functional Texts • Contractions of verb forms and modal auxiliaries • Modal auxiliaries • Prepositions • Questions • Tense: Simple Present and Past

26 Factual Recounts • Adverbs and Adverbials • Nouns, Noun Phrases and Clauses • Past Tense • Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases • Pronouns • Verbs and Verb Phrases Narratives / Personal Recounts • Adjectives, Adjectival Phrases and Clauses • Compound and Complex sentences • Connectors • Direct and Indirect Speech • Punctuation • Tense: a range of tenses Explanations • Connectors to show cause-and-effect, reason, choice • Modal auxiliaries • Simple Present Tense • Verbs and Verb Phrases Expositions • Adjectives, Adjectival Phrases and Clauses • Connectors

27 Narratives / Personal Recounts
• Adjectives, Adjectival Phrases and Clauses • Adverbs and Adverbials • Connectors to do with time and sequence • Direct and Indirect Speech • Nouns, Noun Phrases and Clauses • Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases • Pronouns • Tense to express past time • Verbs and Verb Phrases Procedures • Adjectives, Adjectival Phrases and Clauses • Connectors to do with sequence • Nouns, Noun Phrases and Clauses • Quantifiers • Simple Present Tense • Verbs and Verb Phrases

28 Conversations and Short Functional Texts
• Adverbs and Adverbials • Contractions of verb forms and modal auxiliaries • Modal auxiliaries • Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases • Pronouns • Questions, Answers and Negative Statements • Tense: a range of tenses

29 Text Types Text Type Purpose Grammatical Features Narratives
e.g. stories, fables Personal recounts e.g. anecdotes, diary / journal entries, biographies, autobiographies To entertain, tell a story, teach or Inform To retell an activity that the writer / speaker has been personally involved in • Adjectives, Adjectival Phrases and Clauses • Adverbs and Adverbials • Connectors to do with time andsequence e.g. soon, later, next, after this • Direct and Indirect Speech (including the appropriate punctuation for direct speech) • Expressions for past time • Nouns, Noun Phrases andClauses • Prepositions and PrepositionalPhrases • Pronouns - personal, reflexive, demonstrative, possessive,interrogative, relative • Verbs - action verbs e.g. run, jump; saying verbs e.g. ask, comment; verbs of perception and appearance e.g. see, seem; verbs of belief and knowledge e.g. consider, understand; verbs of emotion, desire and attitude e.g. like, want, deserve Verb Phrases e.g. dashing out of the car

30 Text Types Text Type Purpose Grammatical Features Procedures
e.g. procedures involved in carrying out a task To tell / record in sequential order the steps taken to do or make something • Adjectives, Adjectival Phrases and Clauses to describe materials / objects • Connectors to do with sequence e.g. then, after this, next • Nouns, Noun Phrases andClauses to refer to materials /objects • Quantifiers e.g. some, many, much, a lot of, a little • Simple Present Tense • Verbs - Imperatives e.g. stir, fold Verb Phrases e.g. cutting the stalk at an angle

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