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LETTE OF CREDIT (L/C) Sumber Hukum Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits-500 (U.C.P.D.C.-500) 1993 Revision Cara Pembayaran Ekspor-Impor yang paling aman adalah menggunakan Letter of Credit (L/C). L/C di sini dimaksudkan menjembatani perdagangan internasional atau antar negara dimana pembeli dan penjual belum saling mengenal baik, maka dengan media L/C resiko non payment dapat dialihkan ke bank yang terkait dalam proses L/C (Issuing bank, negotiating bank, conferming bank). L/C yang merupakan singkatan dari Letter of Credit, kadang disebut juga sebagai Credit khususnya dalam Uniform Customs and Practice (UCP). Disamping itu Documentary Credit juga dikenal sebagai istilah yang umumnya dipakai dalam konfirmasi L/C (lembaran L/C). Documentary Credit mengandung arti bahwa bank hanya bertanggung jawab sebatas dokumen dan tidak bertanggung jawab atas komoditi yang dikapalkan apakah sesuai degan yang tersurat dalam dokumen. Singkat kata petugas bank tidak berurusa dengan barang yang dikapalkan MANFAAT BAGI NASABAH Nasabah (eksportir) mendapat jaminan pembayaran atas barang yang mereka ekspor, sedangkan bagi nasabah (importir) mendapat jaminan penerimaan barang yang mereka impor. Karyawan mempunyai alternatif lain dalam memanfaatkan dana yang dimiliki. Menghindari korespondensi yang berkali-kali.
PERSYARATAN L/C IMPOR Copy API (Angka Pengenal Importir).
SIUP/NPWP/TDP/Akte Pendirian Perusahaan. Copy KTP pejabat perusahaan. Copy tanda tangan pejabat yang berwenang menandatangani dokumen impor. Mengisi & menandatangani Formulir Syarat-syarat Umum Pembukaan L/C. Mengisi dan menandatangani formulir Penggunaan Fasilitas L/C Sight/Usance. Membuka rekening di Bank (untuk memudahkan pemotongan biaya-biaya yang timbul dalam proses L/C Impor). SKBDN ( Surat Berdokumen Dalam Negeri) Copy tanda tangan pejabat yang berwenang menandatangani dokumen SKBDN. Mengisi & menandatangani Formulir Syarat-syarat Umum Pembukaan SKBDN. Membuka rekening di Bank. LC EKSPOR Copy tanda tangan pejabat yang berwenang menandatangani dokumen ekspor. Mengisi & menandatangani Formulir Syarat-syarat Umum Pengoperan Wesel Ekspor. Menyerahkan L/C asli untuk negosiasi (jika L/C tidak melalui Bank Pelaksana Negosasi).
JENIS PEMBAYARAN Open Account Advance Payment Bills for Collection
Documents against Payment (D/P) Documents against Acceptance (D/A) Letters of Credit (L/Cs) Standby Letters of Credit (SBLCs) or Bank Guarantees Main Types of Money Transfers Buyer's Cheque Banker's Draft International Money Orders
RESIKO Customer Risks Can they/will they pay? Exporters should find out everything they can about their buyers. Banks can help by contacting the buyer's bank for a reference. Many commercial organisations can provide credit information at relatively little cost. Does the exporter have any local contacts or agents who might be prepared to undertake some research? On the basis of this information, the exporter can start to think about his stance in terms of the payment risk ladder. Country Risks Key issues include: • Economic, financial and political stability - at a aational as well as financial institutional level; • Foreign Exchange availability and volatility - an exporter's UK bank should be able to assist • Import restrictions/tariffs - Are there any? • If the country has a habit of changing rules regularly or quickly?
EXW {+ the named place} Ex Works
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM EXW {+ the named place} Ex Works Ex means from. Works means factory, mill or warehouse, which is the seller's premises. EXW applies to goods available only at the seller's premises. Buyer is responsible for loading the goods on truck or container at the seller's premises, and for the subsequent costs and risks.
FCA {+ the named point of departure} Free Carrier
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM FCA {+ the named point of departure} Free Carrier The delivery of goods on truck, rail car or container at the specified point (depot) of departure, which is usually the seller's premises, or a named railroad station or a named cargo terminal or into the custody of the carrier, at seller's expense. The point (depot) at origin may or may not be a customs clearance center. Buyer is responsible for the main carriage/freight, cargo insurance and other costs and risks.
FAS {+ the named port of origin} Free Alongside Ship
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM FAS {+ the named port of origin} Free Alongside Ship Goods are placed in the dock shed or at the side of the ship, on the dock or lighter, within reach of its loading equipment so that they can be loaded aboard the ship, at seller's expense. Buyer is responsible for the loading fee, main carriage/freight, cargo insurance, and other costs and risks.
FOB {+ the named port of origin} Free On Board
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM FOB {+ the named port of origin} Free On Board The delivery of goods on board the vessel at the named port of origin (loading), at seller's expense. Buyer is responsible for the main carriage/freight, cargo insurance and other costs and risks.
CFR {+ the named port of destination} Cost and Freight
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM CFR {+ the named port of destination} Cost and Freight The delivery of goods to the named port of destination (discharge) at the seller's expense. Buyer is responsible for the cargo insurance and other costs and risks. The term CFR was formerly written as C&F. Many importers and exporters worldwide still use the term C&F.
CIF {+ the named port of destination} Cost, Insurance and Freight
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM CIF {+ the named port of destination} Cost, Insurance and Freight The cargo insurance and delivery of goods to the named port of destination (discharge) at the seller's expense. Buyer is responsible for the import customs clearance and other costs and risks.
CPT {+ the named place of destination} Carriage Paid To
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM CPT {+ the named place of destination} Carriage Paid To The delivery of goods to the named place of destination (discharge) at seller's expense. Buyer assumes the cargo insurance, import customs clearance, payment of customs duties and taxes, and other costs and risks.
CIP {+ the named place of destination} Carriage and Insurance Paid To
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM CIP {+ the named place of destination} Carriage and Insurance Paid To The delivery of goods and the cargo insurance to the named place of destination (discharge) at seller's expense. Buyer assumes the import customs clearance, payment of customs duties and taxes, and other costs and risks.
DAF {+ the named point at frontier} Delivered At Frontier
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM DAF {+ the named point at frontier} Delivered At Frontier The delivery of goods to the specified point at the frontier at seller's expense. Buyer is responsible for the import customs clearance, payment of customs duties and taxes, and other costs and risks.
DES {+ the named port of destination} Delivered Ex Ship
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM DES {+ the named port of destination} Delivered Ex Ship The delivery of goods on board the vessel at the named port of destination (discharge), at seller's expense. Buyer assumes the unloading fee, import customs clearance, payment of customs duties and taxes, cargo insurance, and other costs and risks.
DEQ {+ the named port of destination} Delivered Ex Quay
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM DEQ {+ the named port of destination} Delivered Ex Quay The delivery of goods to the quay (the port) at destination at seller's expense. Seller is responsible for the import customs clearance and payment of customs duties and taxes at the buyer's end. Buyer assumes the cargo insurance and other costs and risks.
DDU {+ the named point of destination} Delivered Duty Unpaid
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM DDU {+ the named point of destination} Delivered Duty Unpaid The delivery of goods and the cargo insurance to the final point at destination, which is often the project site or buyer's premises, at seller's expense. Buyer assumes the import customs clearance and payment of customs duties and taxes. The seller may opt not to insure the goods at his/her own risks.
DDP {+ the named point of destination} Delivered Duty Paid
JENIS PROSEDUR EXIM DDP {+ the named point of destination} Delivered Duty Paid The seller is responsible for most of the expenses, which include the cargo insurance, import customs clearance, and payment of customs duties and taxes at the buyer's end, and the delivery of goods to the final point at destination, which is often the project site or buyer's premises. The seller may opt not to insure the goods at his/her own risks.
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