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Presentasi berjudul: "PLAGIARISME DAN SITASI Supriadi HP: WORKSHOP LITERASI INFORMASI"— Transcript presentasi:

1 PLAGIARISME DAN SITASI Supriadi HP: WORKSHOP LITERASI INFORMASI Pusat Perpustakaan dan Penyebaran Teknologi Pertanian 2 Oktober 2014

2 Yogyakarta, - Dosen Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Unversitas Gadjah Mada Anggito Abimanyu mengundurkan diri dari institusi tempatnya mengajar menyusul tuduhan plagiarisme yang ia lakukan terhadap tulisan Hotbonar Sinaga.


4 7 perilaku peneliti tidak jujur
Pemalsuan hasil penelitian (FABRICATION) yaitu mengarang, mencatat dan/atau mengumumkan hasil penelitian tanpa pembuktian telah melakukan proses Pemalsuan data penelitian (FALSIFICATION) yaitu memanipulasi bahan penelitian, peralatan atau proses, mengubah atau tidak mencantumkan data atau hasil sedemikian rupa, sehingga penelitian itu tidak disajikan secara akurat dalam catatan penelitian;

5 3. Pencurian proses, objek dan/atau hasil (PLAGIRISM) dalam mengajukan usul penelitian, melaksanakannya, menilainya dan dalam melaporkan hasil-hasil suatu penelitian, seperti pencurian (a) gagasan, (b) pemikiran, (c)proses, (d) objek dan (e) hasil penelitian, baik dalam bentuk data atau kata-kata, termasuk bahan yang diperoleh melalui penelitian terbatas (bersifat rahasia), usulan rencana penelitian dan naskah orang lain tanpa menyatakan penghargaan;

6 4. Pemerasan tenaga Peneliti dan pembantu peneliti (exploitation) seperti Peneliti senior memeras tenaga Peneliti junior dan pembantu penelitian untuk mencari keuntungan, kepentingan pribadi, mencari, dan/atau memperoleh pengakuan atas hasil kerja pihak lain;

7 5. Perbuatan tidak adil (injustice) dalam hak kepengarangan dengan cara tidak mencantumkan nama pengarang dan/atau salah mencantumkan urutan nama pengarang sesuai sumbangan intelektual seorang Peneliti ATAU mempublikasi data dan/atau hasil penelitian tanpa izin lembaga penyandang dana penelitian atau menyimpang dari konvensi yang disepakati dengan lembaga penyandang dana tentang hak milik karya intelektual (HKI) hasil penelitian;

8 6. Kecerobohan yang disengaja (intended careless) dengan tidak menyimpan data penting selama jangka waktu sewajarnya, menggunakan data tanpa izin pemiliknya, atau tidak memublikasikan data penting atau penyembunyian data tanpa penyebab yang dapat diterima;

9 7. Pemublikasian temuan-temuan sebagai asli dalam lebih dari 1 (satu) saluran (DUPLICATION), tanpa ada penyempurnaan, pembaruan isi, data, dan/atau tidak merujuk publikasi sebelumnya. Pempublikasian pecahan-pecahan dari 1 (satu) temuan yang bukan merupakan hasil penelitian inkremental, multi-disiplin dan berbeda-perpektif adalah duplikasi atau SALAMI PUBLICATION.

10 Peneliti perlu membuat perencanaan yang matang untuk memenuhi angka kredit














24 1. Penyajian sitasi berupa pernyataan diikuti referensi
A survey of the literature also indicates that most researchers are using strains of a surprisingly limited number of yeast or bacterial species and most research has been limited to studying a new strain on a new commodity and/or perhaps against a new disease (Chand-Goyal and Spotts, 1997; Korsten et al., 1997; Leibinger et al., 1997; Teixido et al., 1998; Lima et al., 1999; El Ghaouth et al., 2000; Ippolito and Nigro, 2000; Janisiewicz et al., 2001; Jiang et al., 2001; Saligkarias et al., 2002; Karabulut et al., 2004; Larena et al., 2005; Zheng et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2006, 2008; Guijaro et al., 2007; Sugar and Basile, 2008). Droby, S., M. Wisniewski, D. Macarisin and C. Wilson Twenty years of postharvest biocontrol research: Is it time for a new paradigm?. Postharvest Biology and Technology 52: 137–145

25 2. Penyajian sitasi berupa pernyataan dan tabel
“Microbial antagonists have been reported to control several rot pathogens on diverse commodities (Table 2). Of particular interest among these antagonists are yeasts and yeast like organisms, such as Pichia guilliermondii Wickerham, isolated and developed by Wilson and Chalutz (1989) and subsequent coworkers (Mc-Laughlin et al., 1990a, Wisniewski et al., 1991), for control of postharvest rots of citrus and other fruits; …..”

26 Wisniewski , M. E. and C. L. Wilson. 1992
Wisniewski , M.E. and C. L. Wilson Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables: Recent Advances. Hortscience 27(2): 94-97

27 3. Cara penyajian berupa diagram alur
Rademacher, Growth retardants: Effects on gibberellin biosynthesis and other metabolic pathways. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 51:

28 Plagiarism dapat dihindari dengan membaca dan memahami artikel secara utuh
Occurrence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in retailed seafood in The Netherlands Hassan, Z. H., J.T.M. Zwartkruis-Nahuis, and E. de Boer International Food Research Journal 19(1): (2012)

29 This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood samples in The Netherlands. In total 200 seafood samples, including fish, shrimp, oyster and mussel, collected from the retail market in The Netherlands were examined for the occurrence of V. parahaemolyticus using both a cultural and a direct PCR-based method. Two different selective media, thiosulfate citrate bile salts agar (TCBS) and CHROM agar Vibrio (CV), were evaluated for their efficacy to isolate V. parahaemolyticus from seafood samples

30 The results showed that there were no differences among the two media to isolate V. parahaemolyticus from all seafood samples (P > 0.05). Using the cultural method, V. parahaemolyticus was isolated from 16 (8%) and 27 (13.5%) samples, on TCBS and CV plates respectively. All the positive samples were mussels and oysters. Of the 43 isolates of V. parahaemolyticus (on TCBS and CV) obtained, none of the isolates was positive for the genes tdh or trh. The PCR-based method was performed at 0 (t=0), 6 (t=6), and 18 (t=18) hours after the enrichment step and allowed the detection of V. parahaemolyticus in 22 (11%) and 38 (19%) samples, with the DNA extracts prepared from the first enrichment (t=6 h) and the second enrichment (t=18 h) respectively. None of the samples were detected to be V. parahaemolyticus-positive when the DNA extracts were prepared from the sample homogenate before the enrichment step (t=0 h).

31 Cara mensitasi In total 200 seafood samples, including fish, shrimp, oyster and mussel, collected from the retail market in The Netherlands were examined for the occurrence of V. parahaemolyticus using both a cultural and a direct PCR-based method. Using the cultural method, V. parahaemolyticus was isolated from 16 (8%) and 27 (13.5%) samples, on TCBS and CV plates respectively. All the positive samples were mussels and oysters. V. parahaemolyticus was detected in samples of mussels and oysters in the retail market in The Netherlands (Hassan et al., 2012). Samples of mussels and oysters from the retail market in The Netherlands were contaminated with V. parahaemolyticus (Hassan et al., 2012).

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33 Gunakan bantuan pengecekan tata bahasa Inggris on line
Grammarly | Instant Grammar Check - Plagiarism Checker ... Grammar check, instant proofreading, and plagiarism detection. Improve your writing with Grammarly - the leading online English grammar and plagiarism checker.

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35 Grammarly found 46 critical writing issues and generated 7 word choice corrections for your text. Score: 22 of 100 (poor, revision necessary) Plagiarism ! Unoriginal text detected Grammar 2 issues Use of articles (2) Conditional sentences Use of conjunctions Spelling Correction 25 issues Spelling (23) Accidentally confused words (1) Unknown words (1) Sentence Structure 1 issue Sentence fragment (1) Faulty parallelism Word order Punctuation 8 issues Punctuation between clauses (1) Punctuation within a clause (7) Closing punctuation Style Check 4 issues Improper formatting (2) Wordiness (2) Usage of colloquial speech

36 Grammarly found 32 critical writing issues and generated 7 word choice corrections for your text. Score: 71 of 100 (adequate, can benefit from revision) Plagiarism ! Unoriginal text detected Grammar 2 issues Use of articles (2) Conditional sentences Use of conjunctions Spelling Correction 5 issues Spelling (5) Commonly confused words Accidentally confused words Sentence Structure 1 issue Sentence fragment (1) Faulty parallelism Word order Punctuation Punctuation between clauses (1) Punctuation between clauses Punctuation within a clause Style Check 9 issues Improper formatting (4) Wordiness (5) Usage of colloquial speech

37 PENUTUP Plagiarism merupakan tindakan tidak terpuji berupa pengambilan informasi tanpa menyebutkan sumbernya Perbuatan plagiarism akan mengakibatkan resiko yang sangat serius Plagiarism dapat dihindari dengan selalu berupaya untuk melakukan penelitian yang benar, membaca artikel asli dan mensitasi informasi secara benar


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