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Dream your paint, paint your dream

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Presentasi berjudul: "Dream your paint, paint your dream"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Dream your paint, paint your dream
MARKETING STRATEGY Universitas Mercu Buana Dream your paint, paint your dream

2 (Henry Rockefeller Sr.)
Dream Your Paint, Paint Your Dream If Life is Painting, Make It Masterpiece Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship. (Henry Rockefeller Sr.) marketing department

3 is not just a battle of products, it is a battle of perceptions.
Remember Marketing is not just a battle of products, it is a battle of perceptions.

4 Back to Nature 1

5 Commited 2 Y 2

6 Recycle, Reused 3

7 4

8 5

9 6

10 Marketing Highlight “Proses sosial dan manajerial dimana seseorang atau kelompok memperoleh apa yang mereka butuhkan dan inginkan melalui penciptaan dan pertukaran produk dan nilai .” ( Kotler , 1988 ) “ Create, Communicate and Deliver the Value to a Target Market at a Profit.” (Kotler, 2007) David Packard (cofounder of HP): “ marketing is far too important to be left only to the marketing department.”

11 Reminders If company focus only on their costs, they will never grow to greatness Seeing marketing expenditures as an investment not a cost Emphasizing on the long term results not on the short term. Move from traditional marketing (integrated) to holistic marketing Marketing cannot work unless it is holistic Holistic marketing is a step in changing the company’s architecture

12 Relationship Marketing Social Respons. Marketing
HOLISTIC MARKETING Integrated Marketing (Traditional marketing) Products and Services, Channels, Communications Internal Marketing Marketing Department, Top Management, Others Departments Relationship Marketing Customers, suppliers, partners UMB Brand Repositio n HOLISTIC MARKETING t Social Respons. Marketing Community, Environment, Ethics, Legal, etc. Process Improvemen t

13 The Latest Marketing Paradigm
Successful companies focus on their CUSTOMER first Marketing is more than advertising (moving from traditional advertising to on-line promotion, public relations and creating branded experiences) Using more Marketing Research (MR) to guide your strategy Based on MR, choose and focus on a segment of the market where you can deliver superior VALUE through differentiation and relevance Be careful about your PRICE.

14 Marketing Process Research ( understanding the market, their needs, wants, expectations, etc) Segmentation (identify different segments in the market through the use of various marketing research technique) Targeting (which of the segments does my company wants to go after) Positioning (where does my company really stands for – i.e. the high quality campus at middle class with reasonable price)

15 Marketing Process cont.
Marketing Mix : 4 P, 7 P, 10 P ? Implementation Control and Evaluation (collect information: preference , awareness, how we are doing and to analyze what worked WELL and NOT)

16 RETHINKING “Rocket Diagram” SME Model
(Sustainable Market-ing Enterprises) Sustainable: political, Technical, cultural change Market-ing : Outlook, Architecture, Scorecard Outlook : 5 C (customer, competitor, company, change, connection) Archite : S T V ( Strategy, Tactic, Value) Scorecard : P C S ( people, customer, shareholder value) Enterprise : inspiration, org.culture, institution

17 Direktorat Marketing UMB
Melakukan Riset Pemasaran (pertama tahun 2002) dan tetap dilakukan setiap tahun Tujuan utama utk identifikasi : segment, target dan positioning dan brand image UMB saat itu Tujuan tambahan : identifikasi keinginan konsumen ke depan. Membuat marketing plan, strategy dan program sesuai hasil riset. Melakukan Evaluasi dan Perbaikan

18 Problem definition and
Marketing Research Tujuan: Mencari keterkaitan antara konsumen, manajemen dan masyarakat, melalui analisis informasi menggunakan metode riset yang tepat dalam rangka menemukan keinginan pasar (needs, wants) dan harapan untuk menyusun marketing strategy, memahami secara lebih baik proses pembelian dan konsumsi serta mengevaluasi kinerja pemasaran Problem definition and Research objectives Research methodology, Data collection plan Data collection, Data analysis Results, Recommendations, Implementation

19 Image and Reputation Pyramid
Referral : Saya akan merekomendasikan Dominant : Kampus pilihan saya Trial : Apa bukti Mutu UMB Inclination : Saya akan mengamati UMB Image : Saya tahu UMB Familiarity : Saya sering melihat kampus Recall : Saya ingat UMB Recognition : Saya pernah mendengar Confused : Kayaknya saya pernah Unaware : Saya tidak pernah mendengar

20 Marketing Plan and Program Activities

21 Menjadi institusi yang memiliki “brand image” yang kuat dalam bidang pendidikan…baik di tingkat lokal maupun internasional. Menjadi kampus pilihan karena memiliki jaringan yang kuat dengan industri dan dunia kerja Menjadi penyelenggara pendidikan terintegrasi (universitas, akademi, training, pusat kajian). Menjadi institusi pendidikan yang berada pada segment middle-upper. Menerima mahasiswa baru sebanyak 2000/tahun untuk semua jalur. Marketing Vision

22 Segmen Pasar UMB Berdasarkan Pekerjaan Orang Tua: PEKERJAAN ORANG TUA
1. PNS 4 1 7% 2. Wiraswasta 24% 3 3. Karyawan swasta 33% 4. Lain-lain 2 36% 4/14/2017 marketing department

23 Segmen Pasar UMB Berdasarkan Penghasilan Di bawah 5 juta
PENGHASILAN ORANG TUA (2007) 1 52% 2 43% 3 5% PENGHASILAN ORANG TUA (2008) 1 48% 2 45% 3 7% Di bawah 5 juta Antara 5 – 8 juta 3. Di atas 8 juta 4/14/2017 marketing department

24 Segmen Pasar UMB Berdasarkan Asal Sekolah 1. SMU SWASTA 2. SMU NEGERI
4/14/2017 marketing department

25 Segmen Pasar UMB Berdasarkan Lokasi Rumah LOKASI RUMAH 1 Jakarta Barat
2 Jakarta Pusat 3 Jakarta Selatan 6 1 44% 44% 4 Jakarta Utara 5 Jakarta Timur & Bekasi 5 4 3 2 2% 1% 6% 3% 6 Tangerang 4/14/2017 marketing department

26 Marketing Target PROGRAM/ TARGET TAHUN 2004 TAHUN 2005 TAHUN 2006
SAAT INI Jumlah Mahasiswa Baru Tingkat kompetisi 1.250 1:1.1 1.350 1.550 1.750 1:1.5 2.000 1: 2 1040 Brand Image : UMB pilihan pertama Lulusan UMB cepat kerja Fasilitas lab UMB baik Mengenal UMB 13% 10% 80% 15% 12% 82,5% 20% 14% 85% 25% 16% 87,5% 30% 18% 90% 11% 5% 8% 75%

27 7

28 Kata Pepatah: Jika anda puas ajaklah anak, teman, saudara masuk UMB, jika anda tidak puas/kecewa sampaikan kepada….. SEKIAN DAN TERIMA KASIH 4/14/2017 marketing department

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