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Programming Hardware & Software. Hardware Four components of a computer system: – CPU - central processing unit Makes decisions, performs computations,

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Presentasi berjudul: "Programming Hardware & Software. Hardware Four components of a computer system: – CPU - central processing unit Makes decisions, performs computations,"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Programming Hardware & Software

2 Hardware Four components of a computer system: – CPU - central processing unit Makes decisions, performs computations, and delegates input/output requests – Memory: Disk Drives, CD drives, Tape drives, USB flash drives. Stores information – Input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Gets information from the user to the computer – Output devices: monitor Sends information from computer to the user

3 Hardware

4 System PROGRAMMING vs application PROGRAMMING

5 System PROGRAMMING menghasilkan perangkat lunak yang menyediakan layanan untuk perangkat keras. Contoh : Scandisk, defrag, dll. Application PROGRAMMING menghasilkan perangkat lunak yang menyediakan layanan bagi pengguna. Contoh : Word Processing, Spreedsheet, Graphic, database, games, dll.


7 Copyright © 2000 by Brooks/Cole Publishing Company A division of International Thomson Publishing Inc.


9 Computer Software Relationships User Interface Basic Input and Output Services (BIOS) needed for a computer to boot up User InterfaceOperating System User InterfaceApplication Programs Computer Hardware

10 Tipe - SYSTEM PROGRAM  Sistem operasi (sebagai contoh terkemuka Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X dan Linux), yang memungkinkan bagian-bagian dari sebuah komputer untuk bekerja bersama-sama melakukan tugas-tugas seperti mentransfer data antara memori dan disk atau output rendering ke monitor, menjalankan aplikasi.  program utility yang membantu untuk menganalisis, Mengkonfigurasi, mengoptimalkan, dan memelihara komputer.utility  Komputer BIOS dan device firmware, yang menyediakan fungsionalitas dasar untuk mengoperasikan dan mengendalikan perangkat keras atau dibangun terhubung ke komputer.  Membangun Software development Tool, seperti compiler, linkers, debugger.compilerlinkers debugger

11 1. SYSTEM SOFTWARE Perangkat lunak yang sudah dibuat dan siap pakai (end user). Dimana system software ini dibagi menjadi 3 bagian : A. OPERATING SYSTEM merupakan suatu kumpulan program yag dibuat oleh vendor software dengan memperhatikan bentuk dan sistem kerja komputer yang akan menggunakannya contoh : Ms.Windows, LINUX, UNIX, XENIX, DOS B. COMPILER merupakan system software yang bertugas untuk merubah / menterjemahkan instruksi-instruksi program ke dalam bahasa mesin (machine language) C. INTERPRETER menterjemahkan instruksi-instruksi program secara langsung tanpa harus menunggu seluruh program selesai, sehingga kesalahan program mudah terdeteksi.

12 PERANAN Sistem Operasi dalam sistem komputer



15 Operating System Controls and manages the computing resources Examples – Windows, Unix, MSDOS, Important services that an operating system provides: – Security: prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system – Commands to manipulate the file system – Input and output on a variety of devices – Window management

16 2. APPLICATION SOFTWARE Program-program yang dibuat untuk menangani suatu masalah atau pekerjaan tertentu yang disebut sebagai aplikasi. APPLICATION SOFTWARE ini dibagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu : A. TAYLOR MADE SOFTWARE program yang dibuat secara khusus bedasarkan pesanan user contoh : = Komputerisasi Sistem Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru = Komputerisasi Sistem KTP (e-KTP), e-travel, e-shop dll = Komputerisasi Sistem Perbankan, Asuransi, Keuangan dll

17 B. PACKAGE SOFTWARE program yang dibuat & diproduksi secara massal yang disesuaikan dengan kegunaannya masing-masing seperti, WORDPROCESSOR, SPREADSHEET, DATABASE, DESIGN GRAFIS dan lain sebagainya. contoh : Ms.Office, Adobe-PhotoShop, FLASH, 3D-MAX, Oracle, SQL C. PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE bahasa program yang digunakan di dalam proses pembuatan program yang biasa digunakan oleh PROGRAMMER. Programming language ini dibagi menjadi 2 bagian yaitu : 1. LOW LEVEL LANGUAGE (Bahasa Tingkat Rendah) machine langugage dan assembly language 2. HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE (Bahasa Tingkat Tinggi) Basic, RPG, Pascal, JAVA, COBOL, C++, C#, VB.Net, FoxPro

18 Application Software Application software makes computer popular and easy to use Common application software: Microsoft Word, WordPerfect PowerPoint Netscape, Internet Explorer PhotoShop, Photo-Paint Quick Time Dreamweaver

19 What is a (programming) language? A program needs to be written in a language There are many programming languages – Low-level, understandable by a computer – High-level, needs a translator! C++ is a high level programming language A sequence of instructions A program (in computer language) An algorthm (in human language)

20 Levels of programming language Machine binary language: unintelligible (tidak dapat dimengerti). Low-level assembly language – Mnemonic names for machine operations – Explicit manipulation of memory addresses – Machine-dependent High-level language – Readable – Machine-independent

21 An example: Machine binary languageLow-level assemblyHigh-level

22 How to translate? A program written in high-level programming language (for example, C++ program) A low-level (machine language) program that is understandable by a computer (for example, a PC) COMPILER (for example, Visual C++, Eclipse, g++)

23 Software Development Major activities Editing (writing the program) Compiling (creates.obj file) Linking with compiled files (creates.exe file) Object files Library modules Loading and executing Testing the program

24 Integrated Development Environments Combine all of the capabilities that a programmer would want while developing software (VC++ 2008, Eclipse) Editor Compiler Linker Loader Debugger Viewer

25 Summary

26 l Mudheng Thoo.. Brooo

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