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Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit DENSITY.

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3 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit DENSITY

4 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Standard of Competency 8. Understanding the state of matter and its changes. Basic Competency 8.2. Describe the concept of density in daily life and its application. 8.3. Explain the experiment which is related to expansion and its application in daily life.

5 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Demonstrate the definition of mass as unit amount of substance of an object. Conduct measurement density of water and solid substance with regular and irregular shape. Describe the influence of density of an object in water.

6 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Interpretation of temperature of gas as an impact/function molucule’s movement. Describe qualitatively expansion of solid, liquid, and gas. Identify and explain some applications and impacts of expansion of a substance in daily life.

7 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Mention the definition of mass. Able to measure the density of an object. Explain the influence of density of an object in water. Mention the effects of molucule’s movement as the impact of increasing temperature. Explain expansion of solid, liquid, and gas. Mention the example of expansion in daily life.

8 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Massa Pengertian Jumlah zat yang terkandung dalam suatu benda. Massa Jenis Pengertian Massa tiap satuan volum

9 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit CONTOH SOAL

10 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Jawaban Massa jenis ρ = 6 gr/cm 3 ρ = 6 gr/cm 3 = 6 gr/cm 3 x 1000 ρ = 6000 kg/m 3 Massa JenisMassaVolum ?120 gr20 ml= 20 cm 3 12 gr2 cm 3 6 gr/cm 3 6 gr1 cm 3

11 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Watch the video!!!! D:\Lady rhiez\Perangkat\Video\Floating and Sinking- Density - TeacherTube.flv D:\Lady rhiez\Perangkat\Video\Density and Buoyancy_ Testing Liquids _ PBS LearningMedia.mp4

12 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Keadaan benda dalam zat cair

13 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Keadaan benda dalam zat cair Terapung Massa jenis benda kurang dari massa jenis zat cair. Melayang Massa jenis benda sama dengan massa jenis zat cair Tenggelam Massa jenis benda lebih besar daripada massa jenis zat cair

14 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit PEMUAIAN Watch the video!!!! D:\Lady rhiez\Perangkat\Vide o\Expansion.flv

15 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Pemuaian Pengertian Pertambahan panjang, luas, dan volume benda saat dipanaskan. Penjelasan Saat dipanaskan, molekul benda bergerak lebih cepat dan jarak antar molekul bertambah. Akibatnya benda akan memuai. Sebaliknya jika didinginkan molekul akan bergerak lambat dan jarak molekul berkurang sehingga benda akan menyusut.

16 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Penerapan pemuaian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Rel kereta api diberi celah agar tidak bengkok saat siang hari.

17 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Penerapan pemuaian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Pemuaian pada termometer

18 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Penerapan pemuaian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Kabel listrik dipasang kendor pada siang hari agar tidak putus sat malam hari

19 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Penerapan pemuaian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Celah pada jalan dan jembatan beton

20 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Penerapan pemuaian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Pemuaian pada balon udara

21 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit Penerapan pemuaian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Bimetal pada termostat, termometer, dan saklar alarm

22 Introduction SC/BC Objective Indicator Content Problem Quit

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