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Hasil Evaluasi Sistem Surveilans HIV AIDS di Kabupaten Bantul

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Presentasi berjudul: "Hasil Evaluasi Sistem Surveilans HIV AIDS di Kabupaten Bantul"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Hasil Evaluasi Sistem Surveilans HIV AIDS di Kabupaten Bantul
dr. Maftuhah Nurbeti Dept. IKM FK UII Karyasiswa S2 Epidemiologi Lapangan FK UGM

2 Sistem Surveilans Respon
Fungsi Pokok Pelaksana Deteksi kasus Petugas UPT Registrasi Konfirmasi Dinkes, Lab Pelaporan UPS Analisis dan interpretasi Respons segera Dinkes Respons terencana Feedback

3 Alur surveilans Epidemiologi
Pelaporan Umpan balik Pengumpulan Data Kompilasi Data Analisis & interpretasi data Keputusan/ penentu Investigasi Tindak lanjut

4 Tujuan sistem surveilans
Mendeteksi tren Mendeteksi KLB Memperkirakan besarnya morbiditas dan mortalitas Mengidentifikasi kelompok risiko tinggi Mengidentifikasi faktor risiko Menilai tindakan kontrol Meningkatkan praktek klinik Merangsang penelitian epidemiologi

5 Metode Evaluasi Jenis: deskriptif eksploratif
Metode pengumpulan data: indepth interview Subyek: penanggung jawab surveilans HIV AIDS di semua puskesmas


7 Karakteristik Responden
VARIABEL KATEGORI PERSENTASE Peran dalam sistem Surveilans Dokter koordinator P2M 68,0 Tugas Fungsional Dokter Lama Tugas yang Berhubungan dengan Surveilans 1-5 tahun 73,9 Masa kerja di puskesmas Jenis Kelamin Perempuan 60,0 Pendidikan S1 76,0 Rangkap jabatan Ya 88,0

8 ASPEK SUMBER DAYA: 1. Ketenagaan

9 ASPEK SUMBER DAYA KETENAGAAN Total number of personnel is adequate
58.3 Had attended HIV-AIDS training 32.0 Needs training 100.0 Do Not Understand about HIV Surveillance System Accept HIV-AIDS Surveillance System 52.0 Know about HIV AIDS Surveillance System Objectives 80.0 FINANCING SYSTEM No specific Budget for HIV AIDS surveillance system 84.0


Tuberculosis Patients 70.0 population High risk groups 68.0 Health center patients 52.0 Community 24.0 Data Source Community Health Center 100.0 Public Hospital 52.9 Private Hospital 23.5 Private Clinic 11.8 Laboratories Doctor/midwife in private practice Health Office

12 DATA COLLECTION (lanjutan)
VARIABLE CATEGORY PERCENTAGE Adequacy of Data Source Not enough 88.2 Type of data collected Clinical status 82.4 Age Address Risk Factor 47.1 Social Economy The number and type of data source are not enough 64.7 Time of data collection Right after the finding of case/suspect System unable to detect an increase in the number of cases 64.0

13 DATA COLLECTION (lanjutan)
VARIABLE CATEGORY PERCENTAGE Data Collector Surveillance Officer 52.9 HIV Programmer 17.6 TB Programmer Coordinator of disease control (Doctor) 11.8 Health center doctor Form for data collection Exist 0.0

14 DATA COLLECTION (lanjutan)
VARIABLE CATEGORY PERCENTAGE The element of confidentiality Run 94.1 Form of data storage Paper non form 41.2 Paper form 29.4 Computer data 11.8 Internal Data Analysis before data been reported 50.0 Simplicity of computerization Yes 72.0 Simpler system if computerization improved (Yes answer) 76.0

Ever reported cases/suspects (from all Health Center) 56.0 Ever reported cases/suspects Yes 82.4 (from Health Center that has cases/suspects) No 17.6 Report receiver Health Office 92.4 AIDS Control Commission 14.3 Other 7.1 Ways and means to report Telephone 64.3 Letter 28.6 Direct verbal 21.4 Routine report Report form

Methods of distributing report is not enough 52.9 Contents of the report Notification of cases 78.6 Request for follow up 35.7 What has done by health center 28.6 Other information Has done referral 14.3 High risk group The format of report is not effective 64.3

Frequency and time of reporting Everytime cases/suspects found 92.9 Once a month 7.1 Absence of reporting form 100.0 The existence of quality control system 0.0 Reported cases are incomplete 84.0

18 Response and feedback Existence of response VARIABLE CATEGORY
PERCENTAGE Existence of response There are response 78.6 No response 21.4 Format of response VCT implementation 60.0 Visits/Request more information 30.0 Other response 20.0 Further Investigation 10.0

19 Response and feedback (lanjutan)
VARIABLE CATEGORY PERCENTAGE Existence of feedback Yes 40.0 No 60.0 Format of feedback Progress Report of HIV AIDS cases in Bantul 50.0 Notice that there is positive cass Notice about the importance of reporting cases 16.7 Other feedback 0.0

20 Response dan feedback (lanjutan)
A published newsletter on epidemiological studies Exist Frequency of epidemiology newsletter publishing Once in 3 months A published surveillance profile Frequency of surveillance profile publishing Once a month

21 Atribut surveilans Atribute Penilaian Flexibility Not flexible
Acceptance Diterima Sensitivity Belum sensitif Representativeness Belum representatif Timeliness Tepat waktu Time of onset Delayed Time of diagnosis Time of Data Collection On time Time of Report Time of control activities

22 Terima kasih

23 Any Question...??? Any Comment!

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