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Perkeretaapian Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Internasional HWTSK, Inc Sebuah Kajian “Outsider”

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Presentasi berjudul: "Perkeretaapian Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Internasional HWTSK, Inc Sebuah Kajian “Outsider”"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Perkeretaapian Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Internasional HWTSK, Inc Sebuah Kajian “Outsider”

2 1 Lebih Baik dari yang Diperkirakan Laporan dari berbagai sumber telah meyakinkan kita bahwa: – Perkeretaapian The berada dalam kondisi jelek – Disiplinyang rendah – Tidak aman Kami melakukan inspeksi terhadap Perkeretaapian melalui beberapa kali kunjungan Kami membandingkan capaian-capaian Perkeretaapian Indonesia dengan Perkeretaapian yang sejenis di tempat lain Perkeretaapian Indonesian ternyata lebih baik dari yang kami perkirakan Tetapi terdapat banyak ruang untuk upaya perbaikan

3 2 Interaksi terbatas dengan PTKA sampai Saat Ini Halaman2 berikut kita menampilkan data perbandingan yang sangat umum Kemudian, korelasikan data tersebut dengan observasi. Korelasi ini akan menghasilkan kajian awal tentang Perkeretaapian Indonesia dimata Outsider Kehati-hatian selalu penting bila membandingkan kerata api: Analisa ini tidak membandingkan PT. KA dengan usaha kereta api sangat besar dengan ukuran rel yang berbeda Tujuan dari analisa ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran umum tentang perbandingan antara PT. KA dengan perusahaan kereta api lain yang sekelas.

4 3 Kami memilih perusahaan kereta api sekelas untuk perbandingan. Perusahaan tersebut menggunakan ukuran meter atau jarak ujung rel (sama dengan Indonesia) Dengan panjang hampir 4,700 kilometers, PT KA adalah berbeda dibanding kereta api lain yang juga menggunakan ukuran meter Ukuran Jaringan Kereta Api

5 4 Karyawan Jumlah karyawan PT KA secara umum konsisten dengan perusahaan kereta api lain sekelas –capaian produktivitas lebih menarik untuk dikaji

6 5 Work Performed: Narrow Gauge Some narrow gauge railways perform much more work (passenger kilometers + freight tonne-kilometers). PT KA is lightly used.

7 6 Network Productivity Some narrow gauge networks are highly productive – EFVM because of iron-ore, Japan’s railways because of high density passenger services

8 7 Employee Productivity Network density helps employee productivity measures – here EFVM and South Africa in freight transport, but Japan in passenger transport

9 8 Employee Productivity PT KA relatively low network density reduces employee productivity as measured by network kilometers per employee

10 9 Motive Power Productivity PT KA’s locomotive and power unit fleet is relatively productive Dense infrastructure (signals, Catenary) or high axle loads help EFVM and Japan achieve high motive power unit productivity

11 10 Freight Wagon Fleet Productivity PT KA’s wagon fleet is moderately productive - limited by light axle loads. Railways with more productive freight wagon fleets have higher axle loadings.

12 11 Passenger Vehicle Fleet Productivity PT KA’s passenger vehicle fleet is productive, even comparing it to Japan A high proportion of urban transport trips helps increase PT KA passenger vehicle fleet productivity

13 12 Passenger Fares PT KA’s average passenger fares are low, even compared to China.

14 13 Freight Charges PT KA’s average freight tariffs are relatively high

15 14 PT KA has been focused on passenger transport Passenger services appear to be relatively productive but efforts to increase revenue density of trains (Rupiah/train path) should be considered Low axle loads and short train lengths are fine for passenger traffic but a hindrance to freight transport in its markets – Geography of Indonesia limits length-of-haul – Current limitations make freight less competitive – Freight and passenger markets in Java very competitive for road, air and sea transport, making it difficult to increase freight market share

16 15 Investment should be focused on limitations While the infrastructure is in good condition, speeds can be increased – More precision in track maintenance equipment can improve line and surface – New signal systems can improve capacity and permit higher speeds – These investments can provide better financial returns than double tracking Low axle loads and short train lengths are OK for passenger traffic but a hinder freight transport in PT KA markets – Short potential haul lengths require high productivity from the railway – fast service or heavier loading, or both – Freight and passenger markets in Java very competitive for road, air and sea transport, making it difficult to increase freight market share A long term plan to increase axle loading capacity and reduce the tare weight of freight wagons can help make freight more competitive

17 16 Some Preliminary Conclusions Scrap old rolling stock. other materials. and facilities that are uneconomic to operate – they clog the network, represent idle money, and send a poor message to employees and customers Invest in modern track maintenance machinery – not only for labor savings but also for increasing materials’ lives, and for improved commercial capabilities and line capacity the better track offers Invest for the long term, e.g. in higher axleloads Investigate international practices more fully – Given PTK’s axle load limits, low-tare high-capacity wagons are more commercially viable even if these wagons cost a premium price – Develop more detailed specifications for technology investments to ensure inter-operability and maintainability and to reduce spares requirements Simplify the organization structure to streamline decision making – too many parties involved in decisions, too many layers of HQ, regional, and local organizations Think “where you want to be”, not “where you are.”

18 17 Thank you!

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