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Presentasi berjudul: "TESTING dan IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM"— Transcript presentasi:

Catur Iswahyudi, S.Kom, S.E, M.Cs.

2 Deskripsi Matakuliah Kode matakuliah : IFT 4328
Nama matakuliah : Testing dan Implementasi Sistem Jumlah SKS : 3 Prasyarat : Semester : 7 Jurusan : Teknik Informatika (S1) Jadwal : Selasa, – 12.30 Ruang : B2.03

3 Tujuan Mata kuliah ini dirancang untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan kemampuan mengenai : Produk dan proses rekayasa perangkat lunak, Pengukuran kualitas perangkat lunak, Teknik dan strategi pengujian perangkat lunak Implementasi perangkat lunak

4 Kompetensi Setelah mengikuti mata kuliah ini diharapkan mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan untuk: Menyusun Skenario pengujian PL Menyusun dokumen hasil pengujian PL Melakukan pengujian PL Melakukan implementasi PL Melakukan penilaian kualitas PL

5 MATERI Pendahuluan : Rancangan Pembelajaran
Basic Concepts and Preliminaries System Development Life Cycle Software Process and Measurement Software Testing Techniques and Strategies (Unit Testing, Control Flow Testing, Data Flow Testing, Domain Testing, System Integration Testing, Functional Testing, and Acceptance Testing) System Test Design, Planning and Implementation Software Reliability Software Quality Assurance Technical Metrics for Software Software Implementation Techniques Study Kasus : Pengujian dan penilaian kualitas web

6 PUSTAKA Naik, K. And Tripathy, P., 2008, Software Testing and Quality Assurance, John Wiley & Sons Inc. Perry, W.E., 2006, Effective Methods for Software Testing, John Wiley & Sons Inc. Pressman R.S., 2001, Software Engineering : a Practitioner’s Approach 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Sommerville I., 2010, Software engineering 9th Edition, Pearson

7 Strategi Perkuliahan SCL
Pembelajaran dilakukan dengan menekankan peran aktif mahasiswa dalam diskusi kelas, untuk itu diwajibkan bagi mahasiswa untuk membaca materi kuliah sebelum pokok bahasan diajarkan, memberi respon terhadap materi yang sedang dibahas dalam perkuliahan dan mengerjakan tugas dalam kelas maupun tugas mandiri, dalam bentuk : Kuliah tutorial Respon terhadap topik bahasan (individu) Diskusi dalam kelas (tugas kelompok) Tugas mandiri (pendalaman materi) Tugas diberikan minimal 4 kali dalam satu semester; 2 sebelum UTS dan 2 sebelum UAS

8 Administratif Penilaian : Tugas : 50 % UTS : 20 % UAS : 20 %
Kehadiran : 10 % Syarat ikut UAS, kehadiran min. 75% dari kehadiran dosen (14 x)  SE no. 231/Rek/II/2011 Jumlah Ijin maks 4 kali

9 Metode Evaluasi Nilai Akhir (Penilaian Acuan Patokan):
Dasar : SK No. 073/Skep/Rek/2008, tanggal 20 Peb 2008) NA = 0,5*Tugas+0,2*UTS+0,2*UTS+0,1*Hadir A  NA = 80 – 100 B  NA = 60 – 79 C  NA = 40 – 59 D  NA = 20 – 39 E  NA =

10 Download materi Staff site:

11 Kalender Akademik Kuliah : 7 Sept– 23 Des 2015
UTS : 28 Okt – 6 Nop 2015 Pengganti : 28 Des 2015 – 5 Jan 2016 UAS : Jan 2015

12 Nilai 14.1

13 Nilai 13.1

14 How to get “A” grade ? Attend classes regularly. On time. Listen and train to pay attention. Make sure you get all missed assignments (by contacting the lecture or another student) Take advantage of extra credit opportunities when offered. Care about your grades and are willing to work to improve yourself Attentive in class. Don't talk, read, or stare out windows. In other words, You are polite and respectful, even if you get a little bored See your lecture before or after class or during office hours about grades, comments on your papers, and upcoming tests. End up at your lecture's office door at least once during the semester Turn in assignments that look neat and sharp. Take the time to produce a final product that looks good, and reflects of a care and pride in your work

15 Job Desc of Software Tester dan QA Lead
Create Test Scenarios and Test Cases Perform all of applicable testing types , including but not limited : functionality testing, performance testing, and system integration testing Create test documentation Synergy working with project team to achieve on-time and on-budget project performance Continue acquiring various technologies Perform structured coaching to other team member

16 Technical Requirements: • Have experience of using Structured Query Language (SQL) • Able to code in any major programming language • Have proven experience in projects using any major programming language • Have proven experience as team leader is an advantage • Have recognized technical certification is an advantage and willing to pursue

17 Soft Skill Requirements: • ‘why’-attitude and open-minded • Highly commitment to work and good team player. • Highly motivated with spirit to learn new things. • Good problem solving, analytical, and leadership skill

18 Peluang Karir

19 Peluang Karir




23 Untuk Skripsi ?

24 Sertifikasi

25 Bagaimana menghubungi saya?

26 In our classroom

27 Any Questions ?


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