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Future Family Business. Budaya Flexibel Budaya Adaptif/selaras Budaya cerdas yang dihadapkan pada perubahan Changing The Culture.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Future Family Business. Budaya Flexibel Budaya Adaptif/selaras Budaya cerdas yang dihadapkan pada perubahan Changing The Culture."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Future Family Business

2 Budaya Flexibel Budaya Adaptif/selaras Budaya cerdas yang dihadapkan pada perubahan Changing The Culture

3 New Leaders Banyak mendapat kendala/jebakan Tidak langsung mendapatkan kekuasaannya

4 Bagaimana mewujudkan? Secara perlahan seiring dengan: Menunjukkan Kemampuan Peduli Konsistensi/sabar Mengelola kontak dan komunikasi

5 Perubahan Kultur Terjadi Tidak puas dengan status quo Visi masa depan/clear direction Langkah yg jelas dan harus diambil pertama dibandingkan dengan Resistensi terhadap perubahan

6 Evolusi Present (masih belum terpisahan fungsi masing2 status) Transition (pimpinan harus menentukan dari titik mana proses dimulai?) Future (Sudah terpisah masing2 fungsi dan berjalan sebagaimana mestinya sesuai harapan)

7 Fact Finding in Fam Biz So many companies facing succession issues in the near future, disagreements between family members over estates and wills may become more common. The vast majority of firms that planned a change in leadership (92 percent) expected that ownership of the family business would remain within the family. But the nature of that leadership may change in other ways.

8 (cont) One-fourth of the firms said that it was likely their next CEO would be a woman, while 42 percent thought it likely that their company would name co-CEOs “As many disappointed family business owners learn too late, it’s dangerous to assume that a son or daughter will follow you into the business,”

9 Tension is one reason that family businesses may be failing. "People tend to wait until they have a conflict until they start thinking about conflict resolution strategies and then wish they had a formal system already in place."

10 Advise Ross W. Nager, executive director of the Arthur Anderson Center for Family Business, warned that parents should avoid naming co-CEOs just to placate their children who want the job: “Only qualified, competent, capable, motivated people should be in the CEO spot.”

11 Following your parents into the family firm doesn’t mean your children will do the same. Today’s young people have more options than ever before-more to lure them away from the family enterprise.

12 James Lea, author of Keeping It In the Family, recommended five ways : Expose family members to all aspects of the business Define the business’s attractive qualities in terms that will appeal to the listener. Recognize those factors that have the potential to dissuade family members from staying involved in the business. (penghalang)

13 Reward family members who decide to join or stay with the family business. Give family members outlets to explore their ideas, interests, and concerns.

14 Real Leader Cont Fam Biz “marketing doesn’t end once you have successfully brought your children aboard. You have to continue selling them—and their families—on the challenges and rewards of your company.”

15 A father-son company seeks advice on formalizing roles and building a sustainable structure for growth. Q James, Miami, Fl. I am part of a small family-owned drywall contracting company, with previous experience in estimating potential projects. My father is the other half of the company, as he has experience in field work. We have experienced some success already, but I'm looking to create structure in our company and lack the experience to do so. What are the steps that I need to take to create clear-cut roles that I should follow? Do my dad and I need to assign responsibilities that we each stick to?

16 Answer Defining roles is always difficult, and is even more challenging when the other party is a family member. Your general goal should be to establish clear spheres of responsibility - and then stay out of each other's area of expertise. "Who Does What“? Everyone in the company knows who the 'go to' person is

17 Advise "Don't wait for a feeling of unfairness to arise before you sit down and talk," he recommends. "Documenting your visions for the company and how it should be run will help to ensure the company doesn't break apart in the future.

18 Fact Finding Family business owners are almost uniformly optimistic about the future, but they express more worries today than ten years ago over a host of family and business topics. In predicting the future of family businesses, there are several trends which appear to be imminent as folows:

19 Only twenty-five percent of family businesses in the future will be led by one family member who is the top executive and majority shareholder. Family factors that affect the business are a far greater concern for the future Keeping up with changes in technology is the number one concern for family business owners followed closely by the lack of qualified employees (including executive employees)

20 Real Inovation in Practice Inspirasi Entrepreneur Mindset Value Creation

21 Real Innovation in Practice Inspiration IdeationInnovation Entrepreneurial Mindset Innovation Eco-system Carry to practice & application Problem Solving Value Creation Marketplace Growth Innovation map Visual/prototype New commodity, method, market, supply, organization

22 CONTOH PT POS Indonesia PT KAI Garuda Yellow Pages

23 Kelincahan Dalam Perubahan Kantor Pos dikelola seperti perusahaan keluarga (kantor negara/pegawai negeri) menjadi BUMN-PT. Pos dan Giro menjadi PT. Pos Indonesia UU Monopoly jadi pasar bebas.

24 Value Creation Real time monitoring by customer Good services = ISO Safe Easy, any where Logistic Outlet retail Bekerjasama dengan Bank Noted: New commodity, method, supplier, market, organization

25 Organic Competencies People Skill and system to produce higher quality product/service Time responsive Lower cost

26 Interpreneurship Masing-masing cabang bisa mengcreate penghasilannya dengan melakukan diversifikasi pelayanan. Contoh cabang Solo melayani logistik jemaah haji.

27 Global Business Opportunities PT Pos sedang mempersiapkan kerjasama dengan pihak lain dari luar dan mengarahkan kegiatannya kesana

28 Tahun 1975 merupakan awal perjalanan usaha PT Infomedia Nusantara menjadi perusahaan pertama penyedia layanan informasi telepon di Indonesia. Dibawah subdivisi Elnusa GTDI dari anak perusahaan Pertamina, Infomedia telah menerbitkan Buku Petunjuk Telepon Telkom Yellow Pages. Perkembangan yang tercatat selanjutnya adalah berdirinya PT Elnusa Yellow Pages di tahun 1984 yang berubah nama di tahun 1995 menjadi PT Infomedia Nusantara pada saat PT Telkom Tbk menanamkan investasi. Saat ini ada 3 (tiga) pilar bisnis:1975Elnusa GTDI Pertamina1995 investasi 1Layanan Direktori / penerbitan Buku Petunjuk Telepon (BPT), (cetak atau elektronik). elektronik 2 Layanan Contact Center menyediakan jasa outsourcing untuk aktivitas pemasaran maupun peningkatan kualitas layanan hubungan antara mitra Infomedia dengan pelanggannya. 3 Layanan Konten yang terfokus pada penyediaan data sesuai dengan kebutuhan mitra dan pelanggan. 4 Infomedia juga mengembangkan bisnisnya sebagai sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang contact center. Call center Telkomsel dan Bank Jabar.all center

29 Tugas Future Family Business Dari Bahan presentasi anda coba buat paparan mengenai future family business (perubahan s/d innovasi) dengan panduan dari Odebrecht-Brazil). Anda bisa acces lgs ke websitenya. Step1 - present state Step2 - transition state Step3 – future state

30 Tugas Cari dan summarize referensi tentang family business di Indonesia yang membuat dan menjalankan strategy bisnis secara konsisten. Identifikasi hal-hal yang mengganggu (apabila ada perubahan). Bagaimana mengeksekusinya ?(apa, siapa, kapan) Bagaimana implementasi dari parallel strategic Planning di Fam Bis trsbt.?

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