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Not relational Database Diskusi di kelas SIDE 35 01 (20 Januari 2015)

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Presentasi berjudul: "Not relational Database Diskusi di kelas SIDE 35 01 (20 Januari 2015)"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Not relational Database Diskusi di kelas SIDE 35 01 (20 Januari 2015)

2 DDL, DML, DCL, Query, Transaksi DDL : Komponen dari SQL / Bahasa yg digunakan untuk mendefinisikan (menciptakan atau mengubah) struktur database, tabel, view atau objek database lainnya. Contoh: create tabel a (b int, c string).DDL : Komponen dari SQL / Bahasa yg digunakan untuk mendefinisikan (menciptakan atau mengubah) struktur database, tabel, view atau objek database lainnya. Contoh: create tabel a (b int, c string). DML : Bahasa yang digunakan untuk melakukan perubahan/modifikasi terhadap data. Contoh: Insert into a (500,’aa’)DML : Bahasa yang digunakan untuk melakukan perubahan/modifikasi terhadap data. Contoh: Insert into a (500,’aa’) DCL : bahasa yang digunakan oleh administrator untuk melakukan konfigurasi/ kontrol terhadap database. Misal: commit, grant..DCL : bahasa yang digunakan oleh administrator untuk melakukan konfigurasi/ kontrol terhadap database. Misal: commit, grant.. Query : permintaan data dari user terhadap database. Contoh: select..Query : permintaan data dari user terhadap database. Contoh: select.. Transaksi : Kumpulan statement SQL. Contoh: begin transaction, select …, update, insert, commit.Transaksi : Kumpulan statement SQL. Contoh: begin transaction, select …, update, insert, commit.

3 Review kuis SIDE 35-02 kota(nama_kota,jml_penduduk) gunung(nama_gunung, nama_kota) Select nama_gunung from gunung g, kota k where g.nama_kota=k.nama_kota and jml_penduduk > 20.000 P1  Π nama_kota ( σ (kota jmlpddk>20rb )) Π nama_gunung (P1 ⋈ gunung.namakota=kota.namakota gunung)

4 Oracle adalah DBMS untuk menyimpan data, SQL Plus/SQL Editor untuk mengedit scripting SQL, Delphi berguna untuk membuat aplikasi yang akses ke Oracle.

5 Indexing pada relational NIMNAMAALAMATSMA 113139XXXBoyPGAKartika asih Bdg 1131394xxxxAmiraBBRSMA 2 BDL 113114xxxxxdariusSKBMAN Tarakan 1131393xxxxBungaSKPSMK 30 Bali ….. select * from mhs where nama=’darius’,

6 Full table scan NIMNAMAALAMATSMA 113139XXXBoyPGAKartika asih Bdg 1131394xxxxAmiraBBRSMA 2 BDL 113114xxxxxdariusSKBMAN Tarakan 1131393xxxxBungaSKPSMK 30 Bali …..

7 Primary index on candidate cey NIMNAMAALAMATSMA 113139XXXBoyPGAKartika asih Bdg 1131394xxxxAmiraBBRSMA 2 BDL 1131393xxxxBungaSKPSMK 30 Bali 113114xxxxxZakiSKBMAN Tarakan ……..………..……….………………. 11 || 61 111 112 113 || 611 612 11112 112 113 113 || 61101 61102 61103 61205

8 History The term NoSQL was first used in 1998 for a relational database that omitted the use of SQL (see [Str10]). A blogger, often referred to as having made the term popular is Rackspace employee Eric Evans who later described the ambition of the NoSQL movement as “the whole point of seeking alternatives is that you need to solve a problem that relational databases are a bad fit for” (cf. [Eva09b])

9 Key Events on NoSQL Timeline Taken from Dan McCreary (2013)

10 Motives of nosql practitioners “NoSQLers came to share how they had overthrown the tyranny of slow, expensive relational databases in favor of more efficient and cheaper ways of managing data.” [Computer world report] Avoidance of Unneeded Complexity High Throughput Horizontal Scalability and Running on Commodity Hardware

11 So, what is noSQL mean actually ? NoSQL the big tent –a label for a "meme" that now encompasses a large body of innovative ideas on data management (Dan McCreary, 2013)

12 Pressure on RDBMS Taken from Dan McCreary (2013)

13 An evolving tree of data types Taken from Dan McCreary (2013)

14 Three eras of enterprise data NoSQL will not replace ERP or BI/DW systems– but they will complement them and also facilitate the integration of unstructured document data (Dan McCreary, 2013)

15 ACID vs Base NoSQL data stores give up ACID constraints in order to achieve scalability and higher performance. In fact, updates are eventually propagated and there are limited guarantees on the consistency of reads. BASE acronym, in contrast to the ACID acronym, refers to this idea: an application works basically all the time (basically available), does not have to be consistent all the time (soft-state) but will be in some known-state state eventually (eventual consistency). The BASE approach according to Brewer forfeits the ACID properties of consistency and isolation in favor of “availability, graceful degradation, and performance”. For instance, in case of Twitter, it is fine that the tweets of a person are distributed to the followers eventually in order to provide high availability and scalability. Taken from Gajendran (2013)


17 BDNR Introduction to NOSQL Konsep Dokumen Data model in Dokumen Take online course in mongodb Graph Algorithm Graph QP Graph Analytics UTS Graph Indexing Graph Summarization Business Process Graphs UAS Silabus

18 Komponen Penilaian UTS (25%), UAS (35%), KUIS (10%), TUBES (30%)UTS (25%), UAS (35%), KUIS (10%), TUBES (30%) Jika pass mongodb online course dan bisa mempresentasikan di depan kelas dengan bagus, UTS otomatis 100.Jika pass mongodb online course dan bisa mempresentasikan di depan kelas dengan bagus, UTS otomatis 100.

19 References McCreary, Dan. 2013. Making sense of NoSQLMcCreary, Dan. 2013. Making sense of NoSQL Strauch, Christof. NoSQL Databases. A series of course in Stuttgart Media University.Strauch, Christof. NoSQL Databases. A series of course in Stuttgart Media University.

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