KK EKOLOGI Education background & Track Record
Member of Ecology Division Prof. Dr. Djoko T. Iskandar (Evolution, France, 1984) Prof. Dr. Tati S. Syamsudin (Exp. Ecology, France, 1990) Dr. Agus Dana Permana (Agronomy (Entomology), France, 1991) Devi Nandita Choesin Ph.D. (Wetland Ecol., USA, 1997) Rina RP Irwanto Ph.D. (Botany, Australia, 2006) Dr. Dian Rosleine (Plant Ecology, Japan, 2009) Dr. Nurudin (Crop Science, Indonesia, 2014) Dr. Ichsan Suwandhi (Sylviculture, Indonesia, 2014) Dr. Elham Sumarga (Forest Ecology, Netherland, 2015) Arni Rahmawati Fahmi Sholihah Msi Ardhiani Kurnia Hidayanti MSi
Competence NAME TOPICS OF INTEREST ORGANISM DT Iskandar Biodiversity, evolution, biogeography, ecological valuation, species indicators; conservation small vertebrates TS Syamsudin Environmental Impact Assessment, Theoretical Ecology, Biological Management Insecta AD Permana Integrated Pest Management DN Choesin Ecology & management of wetlands & ecotones Plants RRP Irwanto Biodiversity and conservation, Biodiversity D Rosleine Ecology and management of grassland and abandoned area; succession; forest rehabilitation Nurudin Forest soil, Tropical Forest Ecology; Tree species Population Ecology; Dendrology Forest I Suwandhi Tropical Forest Ecology; Plant Population, Dendrology E Sumarga Forest ecology, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, species distribution modelling, remote sensing & GIS
Courses given by: NAME COURSES DT Iskandar Evolusi; Biogeografi; Analisis Morfogenetik; Konsep Evolusi; Biodiversitas Tropika; Filsafat Ilmu; Metode Penelitian S3 TS Syamsudin AMDAL; Ekologi Tanah; Pengantar Sains & Teknologi Hayati; Ekologi; Proyek Ekologi; Manajemen Biologis AD Permana Konsep Biologi; Ekotoksikologi; Pengendalian Hama Terpadu; Pengetahuan Lingkungan; Ekologi Serangga DN Choesin Agroekologi; Pengetahuan Lingkungan; Ekologi Populasi; Ekologi Terestrial; Ekologi; Ekologi Laut RRP Irwanto Biosistematik; Etnobotani; Taksonomi Tumbuhan; Penelitian Biosistem Hutan; Kerja Praktek; Bioprospek Tumbuhan Tropika D Rosleine Pengetahuan Lingkungan; Biosistematik; Proyek Ekologi; Pengantar Rekayasa & Desain; Seminar & Sidang Nurudin Seminar & Sidang I Suwandhi Kerja Praktek; Taksonomi Tumbuhan
Courses load: Name II 2014/2015 I 2015/2016 Total ƩMK ƩSKS ƩMK ƩSKS ƩMK SKS DT Iskandar 3 7 4 9 7 16 TS Syamsudin 3 7 3 10 6 17 AD Permana 3 8 3 2 6 10 DN Choesin 4 7,5 3 8 7 15,5 RRP Irwanto 3 5 4 6 7 11 D Rosleine 3 3.5 3 6 6 9,5 I Suwandhi 0 0 2 1,5 2 1,5 Nurudin 0 0 1 1 1 1
Challenge and issue in ecology in relation with competence and track record of the Ecology Division
ROADMAP KK EKOLOGI SITH 2013-2023 Adaptive potential of ecosystems Water loss and degradation Invasive species Complex retroactions between ecosystem compartments Biogeochemical imbalance ECOLOGICAL HEALTH & ECOSYSTEM SUSTAINABILITY RESEARCH AGENDA Long term & large scale research Coupled human and natural systems dynamics Land use and habitat loss Research collaborations Ecological services: quantification and prediction Evaluation of ecosystem responses to global anthropogenic changes Biodiversity changes and dynamics Past Present 2013 2018 2023
MAIN THEMES: Ecological engineering & bioresource management for mitigation & adaptation of climate change in Indonesia Changing species distribution and its implication for management of productive ecosystems and conservation of protected areas. Biodiversity management to maintain ecosystem function as insurance against risk and uncertainty due to climate change. Conservation and rehabilitation of ecosystems. Development of bioresource-based products with economic value and potential for climate change mitigation.
CHALLENGE AND NEED IN ECOLOGY Understand and respond to ecological/environmental problems in Indonesia and various global issues contributing to solve problems
THE SCIENCE OF ECOLOGY (Odum & Barrett, 2005)
http://www. metrovancouver http://www.metrovancouver.org/planning/development/ecologicalhealth/Pages/default.aspx (Odum & Barrett, 2005) Ecological health reflects the essential link between human health and well-being and the health of the natural environment. Healthy, properly functioning natural systems are the foundation to the region’s economic prosperity, our collective quality of life and personal well-being. We rely on nature to provide a wide range of services, including the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.
J-F Le Gaillard, 2012: Meeting the grand challenges of Ecology Facts & global predictions: the environmental crisis TEMA
J-F Le Gaillard, 2012: Meeting the grand challenges of Ecology Challenges for ecological research
J-F Le Gaillard, 2012: Meeting the grand challenges of Ecology Facts & global predictions: the environmental crisis