Teknik Mencari Jurnal Ilmiah Idaman Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, M.Kn. Head of Scientific Publication Center Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6373-1199) ORCID APAC Ambassador Mendeley Advisor Editor in Chief Rechtsidee: Law Journal
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THINK Are you submitting your research to a trusted journal? Is it the right journal for your work? More research is being published worldwide. New journals are launched each week. Stories of publisher malpractice and deception are also on the rise. It can be challenging to find up-to-date guidance when choosing where to publish. How can you be sure the journal you are considering is the right journal for your research? thinkchecksubmit.org
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CHECK (cont) Are articles indexed in services that you use? Does the journal site explain what these fees are for and when they will be charged? Do you recognise the editorial board? Do the editorial board mention the journal on their own websites? Is the publisher a member of a recognized industry initiative? Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ? Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) ? Open Access Scholarly Publishers’ Association (OASPA) ? thinkchecksubmit.org
SUBMIT Complete the check list and submit your article only if you are happy you can answer ‘yes’ to most or all of the questions. You need to be confident your chosen journal will have a suitable profile among your peers to enhance your reputation and your chance of gaining citations. Publishing in the right journal for your research will raise your professional profile, and help you progress in your career. Your paper should be indexed or archived and be easily discoverable. You should expect a professional publishing experience where your work is reviewed and edited. Only then should you submit your article. thinkchecksubmit.org
Contoh Questioned Journal (www.ijeat.org)
REPOSITORY BUKAN PUBLISHER ATAU INDEXING SERVICE Preprint = Before Publish Postprint = After Publish 1. General Repository: Academia.edu, figshare.com, mendeley, etc 2. Specific Repository: https://peerj.com/preprints/ http://www.ssrn.com/en/ https://arxiv.org/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/
Contoh Questioned Journal
Level Jurnal Nasional Berdasarkan Pemerintah Ber-ISSN (media online) Mudah ditelusuri online Penulis/Reviewer/Editor dari berbagai institusi di Indonesia setiap terbit Terindeks di Pengindeks kelas menengah Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi Syarat pada Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi Jurnal Nasional Bereputasi Syarat pada jurnal Nasional Terindeks DOAJ ber- Green Tick Berbahasa PBB Ber-DOI PAK DIKTI 2014 + Permenristekdikti 20 2017 + BUKU PANDUAN PAK DIKTI TERBARU
Wujud DOI
Situs P3i UMSIDA P3i.umsida.ac.id
Level Jurnal Internasional Berdasarkan Pemerintah Ber-ISSN Penulis min. 2 negara berbeda setiap terbit Editor dan Reviewer berbagai Negara Berbahasa PBB Terindeks di Lembaga Pengindeks Menengah atau Tinggi Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Terindeks di Lembaga Pengindeks Tinggi Memiliki Faktor Dampak PAK DIKTI 2014 + Permenristekdikti 20 2017 + BUKU PANDUAN PAK DIKTI TERBARU
Lembaga Pengindeks Rendah Google Scholar, ISJD, IPI, World Cat, Moraref dan yang setara. Tidak menggunakan kualifikasi tertentu agar bisa terindeks Menengah DOAJ, REPEC. ERIC, PubMed, Ebsco, dan yang setara, Memerlukan seleksi kebijakan dan seleksi formal lainnya Tinggi SCOPUS. Web of Science, dan yang setara Memerlukan seleksi konten dan kebijakan jurnal
Faktor Dampak (Ranking Journal) Google Scholar H-Index= Based most cited paper and and number citation in other publication I10-Index= Number publication with at least 10 citation Scopus Citescore = Calculate Citation from all document in year one to all documents in prior three years for a title Scimago >>> SJR (Scimago Journal Ranking), SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) Web of Science (Clarivate Analytic) Impact Factor The calculation is based on a two-year period and involves dividing the number of times articles were cited by the number of articles that are citable. 5-Year Impact Factor = dividing by source item in previous five year
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com
Citescore http://journalmetrics.scopus.com/
Scimago http://www.scimagojr.com
Scimago (cont)
Impact Factor (Journal Citation Report-Clarivate Analytic) ???????????????????????????????????????? BERBAYAR
Impact Factor (Clarivate Analytic)
Impact Factor (Clarivate Analytic)
Penyetaraan Penyetaraan Jurnal Internasional Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi B Berbahasa PBB Terindeks DOAJ ber Green Tick Penyetaraan Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi A Terindeks DOAJ ber Green Tick dan ber DOAJ SEAL PAK DIKTI 2014 + Permenristekdikti 20 2017 + BUKU PANDUAN PAK DIKTI TERBARU
DOAJ Green Tick
Beberapa Publisher Bereputasi Elsevier Emerald SAGE Routledge Wiley Springer Taylor Francis Oxford University Press Cambridge University African Journal Online RMIT Publihing Biomed Central Nature
Contoh Jurnal Internasional
Contoh Jurnal Internasional Publisher Universitas
Google Scholar (cont)
Catatan Artikel tidak terindex google scholar yang di sitasi oleh artikel terindex GS = terindex google scholar. Artikel yang terindex google scholar = bisa di search di google scholar engine + authornya Author yang membuat profile google scolar tapi tidak menggunakan email institusi = tidak dapat di cari secara online. Artikel terindex google scholar yang disitasi oleh artikel yang terindex google scholar = Sitasi Bertambah = H-Index = I10-Index
Tips memiliki H-Index tinggi di Scopus (atau GS) Menulis dan diterima di jurnal yang terindex Scopus. Melakukan self citation terhadap artikel kita sebelumnya yg terindex di Scopus, secara tepat sesuai sitasi yang baku yg tercantum pada Scopus atau How To Cite di Jurnal. Mempublish artikel tersebut di jurnal terindex Scopus. Meminta kolega yang akan menulis artikel di jurnal yg terindex Scopus untuk mensitasi artikel kita yg terindex Scopus. Mensosialisasikan artikel kita di media sosial dan academic networking platform (researchgate, academia edu, Grup di Mendeley, SSRN) Memfollow profile akademisi sebidang di twitter, researchgate dan kemudian mempromosikan artikel kita. Melakukan strategi promosi terukur, agar tiap artikel yang kita buat tersitasi teratur. Menulis artikel dengan roadmap yang jelas.
Country Ranking
Indonesia Ranking