<PRE> … </PRE> Preformatted text means that the paragraph in this tag preserves the spaces and line breaks.
LIST Numbered lists Bullet lists Definition lists
Numbered (Ordered list) Ordered List <OL> are lists where each item in the list is numbered. For example, the list might be a set of steps for a recipe that must be performed in order, or a legal contract where each point needs to be identified by a section number.
Numbered (Ordered list)…..contd. Tag <OL type=1, a, A, I, i> adalah tag pembuka untuk menampilkan daftar dengan nomor urut dengan pilihan : Type Keterangan Numbering Style 1 arabic numbers 1, 2, 3,…………. a lower alpha a, b, c, ………… A upper alpha A, B, C, ………. i lower roman i, ii, iii, ………… I upper roman I, II, III, …………
Numbered (Ordered list)…..contd.
Bullet (Unordered List) Unordered List <UL> are lists that begin with a bullet point (rather than characters that indicate order). Tag <UL> has several types: Disc = displays bullet as bulat hitam Circle = displays bullet as bulat kosong Square = displays bullet as kotak hitam
Definition List Definition lists are made up of a set of terms along with the definitions for each of those terms The definition list is created with the <dl> element and usually consists of a series of terms and their definitions. Inside the <dl> element you will usually see pairs of <dt> and <dd> elements. <dt> This is used to contain the term being defined (the definition term). <dd> This is used to contain the definition. Sometimes you might see a list where there are two terms used for the same definition or two different definitions for the same term.
Nested Lists
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Opening Links in a New Window
Linking to a specific part of the same page
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Images WWW menggunakan 2 format standar gambar, yaitu GIF dan JPG. Kedua format gambar ini dirancang untuk digunakan dalam web dan dalam platform komputer yang berbeda-beda.
Tag/Atribut Nama : Keterangan <IMG> Image : tag ini akan menempatkan gambar ke dalam dokumen HTML Atribut <IMG> SRC=”nama_file_gambar” Source : atribut ini digunakan untuk menentukan lokasi dan nama file gambar yang akan ditampilkan. ALIGN=TOP,MIDDLE, BOTTOM Alignment : atribut ini digunakan untuk menentukan posisi gambar terhadap teks disekelilingnya ALT=”Teks” Alternate : atribut ini digunakan untuk menentukan teks yang akan menggantikan gambar apabila sebuah browser tidak mendukung penggunaan gambar.
html> <body> <p> Insert image from another folder: <img src="/images/image1.gif" width="33" height="32"> </p> <p>Image from a website: <img src="" width="73" height="68"> </body> </html>
html> <body> <p> Bottom align an image: <img src="/images/image1.gif" align = “bottom” width="33" height="32"> </p> <p> Center align an image: <img src="/images/image1.gif" align = “center” width="33" height="32"> <p> Top align an image: <img src="/images/image1.gif" align = “top” width="33" height="32"> </body> </html>
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