Silabus MK Aliran & Perpindahan Kalor 2 Fase Definisi : macam-macam (pola) aliran/ flow-regime, konsentrasi volumetrik & cara pengukurannya, fluks, kecepatan superfisial, kecepatan relatif, kecepatan drift, flow-regime map, model analitik. Homogeneous Flow : aliran stedi satu dimensi, faktor gesekan homogen, faktor gesekan trubulen. Separated flow : slip, metode Lokhart-Martinelli, pressure drop aliran dengan perubahan fasa. Boliling : regimes of boiling, nucleation, gas nucleation pada bulk-liquid, pertumbuhan bubbles, gerak bubble pada permukan yang dipanasi, catu kalor pada pool-boiling, forced-convection boiling, burn-out, metal boiling. Condensation : teori Nusselt, pendekatan lapis batas pada kondensasi film laminer, korelasi untuk pipa vertikal dan horisontal serta internal pipa. Flow-pattern detection. Solid-liquid two-phase flow.
Daftar Pustaka 1. Two-phase Flow : Theory And Application, 2003, Kleinstreuer, Taylor&Francis 2. Thermo-fluid Dynamics of Two-Phase Flow, 2005, Mamoru Ishii and Takashi Hibiki, Springer. 3. Multi-Phase Flow Handbook, 2005, Clayton .Crowe, CRC. 4. Modelling And Experimentation in Two-Phase Flow, 2004, Volfango Bertola, Springer. 5. Two-Phase Flows And Heat Transfers with Application to Nuclear Reactor Design Problems, 1979, Jean J.Ginoux, McGraw Hill Education. 6. Boiling, Condensation and Gas-Liquid Flow, P.B. Whalley, 1987, Clarendou Press, Oxford.