SYSTEMS PLANNING & ANALYSIS PRESENTED BY 120 WIYATA Through the process of systems analysis and synthesis, we may add, delete, and modify system components toward our goal of improving the overall system. Systems analysis is a term that collectively describes the early phases of systems development.
THE SYSTEMS PLANNING PHASES OF PROJECTS Survey & Identification The Problems Define The Problems Setting The System Objectives 121-122 Feasibility Study Figure 4.1 The Systems Analysis Phases of a Project The figure above is a view of a FAST phase diagram that illustrates the three analysis phases (only). Notice the repository. Prepare The System Proposal Analysis System Documentations
THE SYSTEMS ANALYSIS PHASES OF PROJECTS Analyze The Business Procedure Analyze The Existing System Define User Requirement 121-122 Identity The New System Requirement Figure 4.1 The Systems Analysis Phases of a Project The figure above is a view of a FAST phase diagram that illustrates the three analysis phases (only). Notice the repository. Design System Documentations
FEASIBILITY STUDY Technical Feasibility Tersedianya teknologi, peralatan, Hardware, software, dukungan teknis yang lainnya. Echonomical Feasibility Adanya komitmen dari manajemen untuk menyediakan dana bagi pengembangan dan pengimplementasian proyek sistem. Legal Feasibility Adanya jaminan regulasi, hukum, dan perundang-undangan untuk melindungi usaha pengembangan sistem. Operational Feasibility Adanya prosedur dan personel yang mempunyai kemampuan memadai untuk menjalankan sistem yang telah direncanakan. Schedule Feasibility Untuk menjamin bahwa sistem dapat diselesaikan sesuai dengan target yang telah ditetapkan. 120 Through the process of systems analysis and synthesis, we may add, delete, and modify system components toward our goal of improving the overall system. Systems analysis is a term that collectively describes the early phases of systems development.
TELOS FEASIBILITY FACTORS RATING TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY 8.5 ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY 9 LEGAL FEASIBILITY 6 OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY 8 120 SCHEDULE FEASIBILITY 9.5 Through the process of systems analysis and synthesis, we may add, delete, and modify system components toward our goal of improving the overall system. Systems analysis is a term that collectively describes the early phases of systems development. Total 42 Final Score 8.4 RATING SCALE 5 10 Not Feasible Moderate Totally Feasible
FORMAT PROPOSAL PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM I. LATAR BELAKANG ……………………….. II. TUJUAN PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM III. MANFAAT PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM IV. KONSEP PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM V. BIAYA PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM …………………………. VI. JADWAL PELAKSANAAN PROYEK VII. DESAIN PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM VIII. PENUTUP ………………………. 120 Through the process of systems analysis and synthesis, we may add, delete, and modify system components toward our goal of improving the overall system. Systems analysis is a term that collectively describes the early phases of systems development.