Ekonomi Transportasi (Jalan Raya) A. Agung G. Kartika Civil Engineering Dept of ITS
Contents Discounted value Various user cost model including time value Type of analysis, SWOT, economic, financial, sensitivity Viability of public transport Case studies (implementations)
List of References Oglesby Clarkcon H and Gary Hicks (1982) Highway and Urban Transport Planning Tamin, OZ (2002) ND Lea associated Model PCI consultant Model Simplified Method TRRL
Life cycle of project Basic Idea Masterplan dan Pra Studi Kelayakan Highway Economist Studi Kelayakan Highway Economist Preliminary Design DED AMDAL/UKL-UPL
WM Gillespie (Prof of Civil Engineering at Union College) stated in Manual of the Principles and Practice of Road Making: “A minimum expenses is, of course, highly desirable; but the road which is truly cheapest is not the one which has cost least money, but the one which makes the most profitable returns in proportion to the amount expended upon it.“
Frameworks of economy study (Oglesby, 19…) 1. Future (forecasting) consequences only. Differ from the “backward” look of accounting practice. 2. Each alternative among which choices are to be made must be clearly spelled out. Contoh; jika alternatif ring road dibangun, maka penghematan juga akan terjadi pada jalan eksisting, shg perlu diidentifikasi apa saja manfaat dan kerugiannya. 3. View point must be defined before. Eg: locally, regionally, nationally. Beware of transfer of resources only.
Frameworks of economy study (continuation) 4. Clear distinction between economic (the use of resources) and financial considerations (the use of money). Component of Decision making: * economic * financial * political Pada kasus padat karya (banyak unemployed) biaya tenaga kerja bisa excluded
Frameworks of economy study (continuation) 5. Double counting of costs and benefits must be avoided 6. Taxes should not be included as cost in economy studies for public agency 7. Finding regarding resources consumption (market value) should be reported separately from nonresource element (non market value)
Relevant Cost 1. Allocated cost (administration, planning & engineering overhead) should be omitted. Krn jadi atau tdk, biaya tsb tetap ada. 2. Expenditure before the time of economy study should not be considered. Contoh: sunk cost pada perbaikan jalan eksisting yg dibandingkan dgn jalan baru dimana jalan baru memiliki nilai buku.
Relevant Cost 3. All relevant cost must be included and all irrelevant cost must be excluded. Contoh: pabrik yg terkena gusur oleh jalan. Pada cash flow finansial proyek, sangat tdk relevant memasukkan biaya pemindahannya, tp dari sisi ekonomi tetap relevan utk dimasukkan dalam pembiayaan krn ada konsekuensi penggunaan resources.
Relevant Cost 4. General rule: salvage value should be neglected in economy study of public investment. Tapi kadang ada pengecualian utk jalan, krn memiliki lahan bekas jalan. Namun meskipun demikian, hanya nilai bersih yang bisa diperhitungkan, yaitu setelah dikurangi dengan konversi, legal cost, clearing dll.
Service lives Table 4.1
Gbr 4.1
Table 3.1
Table 3.2
Table 3.2
Gambar 4.2
Table 4.2
Gbr 4.3
Gbr 4.4
Gambar 4.5
Gambar 4.6
Gambar 4.7
Gbr 4.8
Table 4.3
Table 4.4
Table 4.5
Table 4.6
Metode Analisa Ekonomi Nett Present Value (NPV) Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) EIRR FYRR Metode Analisa Finansial Nett Present Value (NPV) Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) Internal Rate of Return Break Even Point/Pay Back Period MARR
Exercise Time value PC: $8/hr SUT: $10/hr 3S2 truck: $10/hr 10mil, 10mph ADT PC: 5000vpd SUT: 3000vpd 3S2 truck: 2000vpd Commercial trip: 90% Usercost saving per year? 10mil, 30mph