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Linguistics is the study of language that is used by human beings to communicate each other.

Linguistics deals with human language. Human language includes deaf sign-languages, but excludes what is often termed body language However, in reality, the language that is studied by linguistics is the language that is produced verbally, has segmental units which are produced by speech organs and be characterized systematically

Linguistics studies the language which can be characterized in terms of its form and meaning. The form means the speech sound that are arranged into a bigger unit that conveys meaning. Linguistics studies language in term of both its internal structure and its relation with other factors, such as social, regional, and psychological factors.

LANGUAGE Language: 1. set of signs signs combine an exponent (a sequence of letters or sounds) with meaning. 2. a means to communicate, it is a semiotic system. Language theory of Sausser 3. a social fact, a kind of social contract. It exists not in an individual, but in community. 4. a mental reality. 5. a system of speech sounds used by human beings for communication.

FUNCTION OF LANGUAGE Secara tradisional, bahasa berfungsi sebagai alat untuk berinteraksi atau alat untuk berkomunikasi, dalam arti, alat untuk menyampaikan pikiran, gagasan, konsep, atau juga perasaan. Fungsi bahasa adalah alat komunikasi manusia baik tertulis maupun lisan. Fungsi bahasa mencakup lima fungsi dasar; expression, information, exploration, persuasion and entertainment.

FUNCTION OF LANGUAGE Fungsi-fungsi bahasa dapat dilihat pula dari beberapa sudut pandang; penutur, pendengar, topik, kode dan amanat pembicaraan. Sudut Penutur bahasa itu berfungsi personal atau pribadi (fungsi emotif). Si penutur menyatakan sikap terhadap apa yang dituturkannya. Si penutur bukan hanya mengungkapkan emosi lewat bahasa tetapi juga memperlihatkan emosi itu ketika menyampaikan tuturannya. Segi Pendengar bahasa berfungsi direktif, yaitu mengatur tingkah laku pendengar (fungsi instrumental atau fungsi retorikal). Bahasa tidak hanya membuat si penddengar melakukan sesuatu, tetapi melakukan kegiatan sesuai yang diinginkan si penutur.

FUNCTION OF LANGUAGE Segi Kontak antara Penutur dan Pendengar bahasa berfungsi fatik (interpersonal atau interactional), yaitu berfungsi untuk menjalin hubungan, memelihara, memperlihatkan perasaan bersahabat atau solidaritas sosial. Segi Topik Ujaran bahasa berfungsi referensial (representational/kognitif/denotatif/informatif), sebagai alat untuk membicarakan objek atau peristiwa yang ada di sekeliling penutur atau yang ada dalam budaya pada umumnya. Segi Kode yang digunakan bahasa berfungsi metalingual atau metalinguistik, yaitu bahasa digunakan untuk membicarakan bahasa ituu sendiri. Segi Amanat (message) bahasa berfungsi imajinatif (poetic speech), yaitu bahasa bisa digunakan untuk menyampaikan pikiran, gagasan dan perasaan; baik yang sebenarnya maupun yang cuma imajinasi (rekaan atau khayalan).

CHARACTERS OF LANGUAGE Yule: Displacement Animal communication seems to be designed exclusively for this moment, here and now. It cannot effectively be used to relate events that are far removed in time and place. Humans can refer to past and future time. Diplacement allows language users to talk about things and events not present in the immediate environment. Indeed, it allows us to talk about things and places (e.g. angels, fairies, Santa Claus, Superman, heaven, hell) whose existence we cannot even be sure of. Arbitrariness It is generally the case that there is no ‘natural’ connection between a linguistic form and its meaning. The connection is quite arbitrary. Productivity Humans are continually creating new expressions and novel utterances by manipulating their linguistic resources to describe new objects and situations. This property is described as productivity (or ‘creativity’ or ‘open-endedness’) and it is linked to the fact that the potential number of utterances in any human language is infinite.

CHARACTERS OF LANGUAGE Cultural Transmision While we may inherit physical features such as brown eyes and dark hair from our parents, we do not inherit their language. We acquire a language in a culture with other speakers and not from parental genes. This process whereby a language is passed on from one generation to the next is described as cultural transmission. It is clear that humans are born with some kind of predisposition to acquire language in a general sense. However, we are not born with the ability to produce utterances in a specific language such as English. We acquire our first language as children in a culture. Duality Human language is organized at two levels or layers simultaneously. This property is called duality (or ‘double articulation’). At one level, we have distinct sounds, and, at another level, we have distinct meanings. This duality of levels is, in fact, one of the most economical features of human language because, with a limited set of discrete sounds, we are capable of producing a very large number of sound combinations (e.g. words) which are distinct in meaning.

CHARACTERS OF LANGUAGE Language as A System language as a system has three components; sound, grammar and meaning. These three subsystem are interrelated one another. Grammatically refers to whether or not the rules of arranging smaller units into bigger ones are broken. It deals with word order and relations of the elements constructing the bigger units. Word order and relations show that in arranging bigger units we must pay attention to meaning conveyed, which is acceptable according to the agreement of the society. 2. Language as Vocal Symbol as a vocal symbol, language is characterized by the sounds arranged into bigger units conveying the meaning agreed by the society.

CHARACTERS OF LANGUAGE Language as An Arbitrary System the arbitrariness of language can be seen from the relationship between meaning and referent or the thing referred to. Frequently people cannot show the reason why a certain object is named horse, wind, flower, house, etc. Howefer, there are some words that are not arbitrary. They are some words in language with sounds that seem to echo the sounds of objects or activities. They are called onomotopoeia. Language as Human Communication human beings use language for communicating each other. They use to express their ideas, feeling, and desires in order to fulfill their needs. Only human beings can produce language in the form of sentences which they never produce before. Human language always develops according to time and place.

ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE Language begins in our brain; in Broca and Wernick’s area. In our brain we have language organ that is called LAD (Language Acquisition Device). We can produce words by using our organs of speech; throat, larynx, pharynx, tongue, teeth, palate, mouth, lips, and nose.

HUMAN LANGUAGE VS NON-HUMAN LANGUAGE Bahasa manusia menggunakan jalur vokal auditif. Bahasa dapat tersiar ke segala arah, tapi penerimaannya terarah. Lambang bahasa yang berupa bunyi bahasa cepat hilang setelah diucapkan. Partisipan dalam komunikasi bahasa dapat saling berkomunikasi (interchangeability). Lambang bahasa dapat menjadi umpan balik lengkap. Komunikasi bahasa mempunyai spesialisasi, manusia dapat berbicara tanpa harus mengeluarkan gerakan-gerakan fisik yang mendukung proses komunikasi. Lambang-lambang bunyi dalam komunikasi bahasa manusia adalah bermakna atau merujuk pada hal-hal tertentu. Hubungan antara lambang bahasa dengan maknanya bukan ditentukan oleh adanya suatu ikatan antara keduanya, tetapi ditentukan oleh suatu persetujuan atau konvensi di antara para penutur bahasa.

HUMAN LANGUAGE VS NON-HUMAN LANGUAGE 9. Bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi manusia dapat dipisahkan menjadi satuan-satuan; kalimat, frasa, kata, morfem, dan fonem. 10. Rujukan atau yang sedang dibicarakan dalam bahasa tidak harus selalu ada pada tempat dan waktu kini. 11. Bahasa bersifat terbuka; lambang-lambang ujaran baru dapat dibuat sesuai keperluan manusia. 12. Kepandaian dan kemahiran untuk menguasai aturan-aturan dan kebiasaan-kebiasaan berbahasa manusia diperoleh dari belajar bukan melalui gen-gen yang dibawa sejak lahir. 13. Bahasa dapat dipelajari; seseorang bisa mempelajari bahasa lain yang bukan bahasa dalam lingkungannya (bahasa asing). 14. Bahasa dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan yang benar dan yang tidak benar atau yang tidak bermakna secara logika. 15. Bahasa memiliki dua subsistem; bunyi dan makna, yang memungkinkan bahasa memiliki keekonomisan fungsi. 16. Bahasa dapat digunakan untuk membicarakan bahasa itu sendiri.

THE BRANCHES OF LINGUISTICS Synchronic and Diachronic Synchronic linguistics refers to the study at a specific time. It studies, for example, the sentences structure of definite time, for example in Modern English or Old English. Diachronic linguistics is the study of language changes from one period to another. It shows the development of language in term of the pattern and sentence structure. Descriptive and Prescriptive Linguistics Descriptive linguistics tries to study language objectively. It means that the investigators try hard to find out what they want to find out without any efforts to judge whether the findings have followed the rules of grammar or not. In other words, they try to describe the object of the study as what it is. Prescriptive linguistics tries to judge the findings which do not suit with the rules. It tries to correct the forms that are incorrect.

THE BRANCHES OF LINGUISTICS Theoritical and Applied Linguistics Theoretical linguistics is linguistics which concerns its findings for developing linguistics. It does not have any purpose for practical use. Applied linguistics concern how to use the linguistic finding for practical use. It means that it concerns how linguistic finding can contribute to language teaching, translation, or computer programming. Microlinguistics and Macrolinguistics Microlinguistics deals with the internal structure of language; phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Macrolinguistics deals with the study of language in relation with the external factors, such as social, psychological, or cultural factors.

LANGUAGE THEORIES SAUSSURE the theory of signifier-signified and the theory of langage, lange and parole BLOOMFIELD The theory of stimulus-respond CHOMSKY Nativism Theory

SAUSSURE A word has two aspects; signifier and signified. the signifier refers to the referent, in its case, the object that can be touched ar felt. The signified is referred to the meaning conveyed. Example; house signifier the symbol /h/,/o/,/u/,/s/,/e/ or signified is a place to live and stay with a family

SAUSSURE Saussure membedakan bahasa menjadi 3; langage, langue, dan parole. Langage menyebut bahasa sebagai sistem lambang bunyi yang dipakai oleh manusia. Langue adalah sebuah sistem lambang bunyi yang dipakai oleh sekelompok anggota masayrakat tertentu untuk berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan sesamanya. Parole merupakan pelaksanaan dari lange dalam bentuk ujaran atau tuturan yang dilakukan oleh para anggota masyarakat dalam berinterksi atau berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya.

Saussure’s Concept PAROLE (wujud/realisai dari lange) LANGAGE (sistem lambang bunyi yang hanya dimilki manusia) LANGE (sistem lambang bunyi yang dipakai kelompok tertentu, sitem lambang bunyi Indonesia, Inggris, Jawa, dll) PAROLE (wujud/realisai dari lange)

BLOOMFIELD Bloomfield establishes the existence of utterance, language, and form (Bloomfield 1926:154-55): 1. Definition. An act of speech is an utterance ... Assumption 1. Within certain communities successive utterances are alike or partly alike 3. Def. Any such community is a speech-community ... 4. Def. The totality of utterances that can be made in a speech community is the language of that speech-community 5. Def. That which is alike will be called same. That which is not same is different ... 6. Def. The vocal features common to same or partly same utterances are forms; the corresponding stimulus-reaction features are meanings ... Assumption 2. Every utterance is made up wholly of forms.

CHOMSKY When we study language, we are approaching what some might call the “human essence,” the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man. (Noam Chimsky, Language and Mind)

CHOMSKY Chomsky; Biolinguistics ilmu ini mencoba untuk menjawab 5 pertanyaan; 1. apa yang dimaksud dengan pengetahuan bahasa (language knowledge)? 2. bagaimana pengetahuan itu diperoleh? 3. bagaimana pengetahuan itu diterapkan? 4. mekanisme otak mana yang relevan? 5. bagaimana pengetahuan ini berperan pada spesies manusia?

CHOMSKY “Language is an innate faculty” “We are born with a set of rules about language in our heads” “The universal grammar is the basis upon which all human languages build Grammar offers a certain limited number of possibilities E.g. word order The teacher gave a lecture S V O 75% of the world‘s languages use this order

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