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Presentation transcript:


OBJECTIVES Kemampuan pemrosesan dan penyimpanan komputer seperti apa yang diperlukan oleh organisasi untuk menangani transaksi informasi dan bisnis? Pengaturan dan pemrosesan komputer seperti apa yang memberikan keuntungan terbaik untuk organisasi kita? Jenis software dan software tools seperti apa yang diperlukan untuk berjalannya bisnis kita? Kriteria apa yang seharusnya kita gunakan untuk memilih teknologi software? Nidhi-Too congested! Can we shorten it ?

OBJECTIVES Terhadap teknologi software seperti apa kita harus sadar? Bagaimana software tersebut akan memberikan keuntungan untuk kita? Bagaimana seharusnya kita memperoleh dan mengelola aset hardware dan software perusahaan?

MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES Debat mengenai centralisasi dan decentralisasi Centralized Systems: Centralization refers to the allocation of all IT resources to one particular business unit that provides IT services to the whole firm (Gordon & Gordon, 2000). The main characteristics of a centralized approach include control, efficiency and economy. Centralized approaches are effective in gaining or regaining control over an organization’s information system (Robson, 1997). A centralized IS may have always been centralized or it may be a cost saving regrouping of an organization’s IS to one particular location. Decentralized Systems: Decentralization gives individual business units autonomy over their own IT resources without any major considerations over other units unless it is essential to the overall organization policy (Gordon & Gordon, 2000). The main traits of a decentralized approach include flexibility, empowerment of individual business units and service orientation. Decentralized approaches tend to be just as efficient as centralized ones in regard to meeting individual’s needs. The Advantages of Centralized Information Systems: The main advantages of centralized systems are that they provide centralized control using established technology and vendors (Kroenke & Hatch, 1994). They thus involve less technical risks. Information Systems professionals providing highly reliable operation maintain such systems. There should be no confusion over responsibilities and the software and hardware used should interface easily (Robson, 1997). Duplication of effort, resources and expertise is also reduced, saving cost and time. The Disadvantages of Centralized Information Systems: Centralized systems entail a high initial cost disadvantage (Kroenke & Hatch, 1994). Furthermore, the information systems professionals who install and operate such systems are also expensive. The bureaucracy and inflexibility of such systems also can cause costs to escalate (Robson, 1997). Due to one central system carrying out all the requested tasks, this system is obviously going to be much slower than a decentralized arrangement where each business unit has its own autonomous system for local tasks (Robson, 1997). Similarly, local, independent processing is not allowed and the entire information system is dependent on the one CPU (Kroenke & Hatch, 1994). If the CPU fails, the entire system is inoperable. In addition, many centralized information systems are isolated from real business priorities and concerns (Robson, 1997). Personal attentions to individual groups are not possible. The Advantages of Decentralized Information Systems: In decentralized information systems, startup costs are relatively low (Kroenke & Hatch, 1994). Tailoring and scaling the system to individual needs is also possible. Thus, local processing is enabled. In other words, there is increased autonomy (Hodgkinson, 1996). Organizational flexibility and responsiveness is a major advantage brought by autonomy. Due to this autonomy, there is greater scope for motivating and involving users (Robson, 1997). Due to the fact that local individuals control their own information system, the logic is that they will have to act in a much more responsible way because they control their own destiny. Perhaps the most important advantage is that reliability is increased greatly because multiple computer systems are involved (Kroenke & Hatch, 1994). If one computer system fails, the system or at least part of it will still be able to function. Decentralization also offers benefits of increased accountability, motivation and management responsiveness (Hodgkinson, 1996). Decision-makers are brought closer to customers, too. Customers provide the information to make important decisions. This applies to all aspects of the organization and not just the IT section. The Disadvantages of Decentralized Information Systems: By their very nature, decentralized systems lack a centralized control (Kroenke & Hatch, 1994). This can be very disadvantageous as conflicting ideas arise and clashes in policy leading to delays and inefficiency arises as a result. Similarly, the one vendor may supply not all the many different components of the overall systems. This can lead to similar problems as those resulting from the conflicting ideas. There also is a high degree of duplication of resources, effort and expertise, which wastes time and causes cost increases.

Hardware Components of a Computer System COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Hardware Components of a Computer System Figure 6-1

Merepresentasikan unit terkecil dari data dalam bentuk 0 atau 1 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE The Computer System Bit Binary digit Merepresentasikan unit terkecil dari data dalam bentuk 0 atau 1 Byte Sekumpulan bit, usually eight Menyimpan satu nomer atau karakter

Representasikan oleh satu byte untuk tiap huruf 1 or satu bit COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Bits and Bytes Karakter biasanya di Representasikan oleh satu byte untuk tiap huruf 1 or satu bit 1 byte untuk character A Figure 6-2

Central Processing Unit (CPU) Memanipulasi simbol, angka, dan huruf COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE The CPU and Primary Storage Central Processing Unit (CPU) Memanipulasi simbol, angka, dan huruf Mengontrol bagian lain dari sistem komputer

Menyimpan sementara perintah program Data digunakan oleh instruksi COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE The CPU and Primary Storage Penyimpanan Utama Menyimpan sementara perintah program Data digunakan oleh instruksi

The CPU and Primary Storage COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE The CPU and Primary Storage Figure 6-3 A control bus is (part of) a computer bus, used by CPUs for communicating with other devices within the computer. While the address bus carries the information on which device the CPU is communicating with and the data bus carries the actual data being processed, the control bus carries commands from the CPU and returns status signals from the devices, for example if the data is being read or written to the device the appropriate line (read or write) will be active (logic zero).

Software program yang dieksekusi Program Sistem operasi COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Primary Storage Stores Software program yang dieksekusi Program Sistem operasi Data yang digunakan oleh program

COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE CPU Arithmetic-logic unit (ALU): melakukan operasi logika yang prisipil dan operasi aritmatika Control Unit: Koordinasi dan mengontrol bagian lain dari sistem komputer

RAM: mengakses secara langsung semua lokasi yang dipilih dalam COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Primary Storage RAM: Directly accesses any randomly chosen location in the same amount of time RAM: mengakses secara langsung semua lokasi yang dipilih dalam ROM: Semiconductor memory chips with program instructions, cannot be written to

Microprocessors and Processing Power COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Computer Processing Microprocessors and Processing Power Integrated circuit technology Integrates the computer’s memory, logic, and control on a single chip

Parallel Processing Problem broken down into smaller parts COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Computer Processing Parallel Processing Problem broken down into smaller parts Multiple instructions processed simultaneously with multiple processors

Sequential and Parallel Processing COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Sequential and Parallel Processing Figure 6-4

Magnetic disk: Floppy disk, Hard disk Optical disks: CD-ROM, DVDs COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Secondary Storage Technology Magnetic disk: Floppy disk, Hard disk Optical disks: CD-ROM, DVDs Magnetic tape: Inexpensive, older secondary-storage medium New storage alternatives: Storage Area Networks (SANs)




Batch processing On-line processing COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Batch and On-Line Input and Processing Batch processing Akumulasi transaksi dan disimpan sampai dengan pemrosesan On-line processing Transaksi masuk secara langsung ke komputer dan segera diproses

A Comparison of Batch and On-line Processing COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE A Comparison of Batch and On-line Processing Figure 6-6

COMPUTER HARDWARE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Interactive Multimedia Integrasi dua atau lebih media kedalam sebuah komputer berbasis aplikasi Digunakan dalam halaman web interaktif dengan graphic, suara, animasi dan video

Mainframes: Largest computer, massive memory, rapid processing power CATEGORIES OF COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS Classifying Computers Mainframes: Largest computer, massive memory, rapid processing power Midrange computers: Less powerful, less expensive, and smaller than a mainframe Server: Provides software and other resources to computers over a network

CATEGORIES OF COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS Classifying Computers Minicomputers: Middle-range computer, used in universities, factories, or research laboratories Server Farm: Large group of servers maintained by a commercial vendor, available for electronic commerce and other activities

Personal Computer (PC): Small desktop or portable computer CATEGORIES OF COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS Classifying Computers Personal Computer (PC): Small desktop or portable computer Workstation: Desktop computer with powerful graphics and mathematical capabilities Supercomputer: Highly sophisticated and powerful, performs complex computations

CATEGORIES OF COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS Computer Networks and Client/Server Computing Distributed processing: Distribusi pekerjaan pemrosesan antar banyak komputer Centralized processing: Diselesaikan oleh satu komputer pusat yang besar Client/server computing: Memisah pemrosesan antara client dan server dalam jaringan

Client/Server Computing CATEGORIES OF COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS Client/Server Computing Figure 6-7

Types of Client/Server Computing CATEGORIES OF COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS Types of Client/Server Computing Figure 6-8

CATEGORIES OF COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS Network Computers and Peer-to-Peer Computing Network computer (NC): Komputer desktop yang sederhana dan tidak menyimpan data secara permanen Peer-to-peer computing: pemrosesan yang terdistribusi dimana beberapa komputer terhubung melalui internet atau jaringan pribadi(private network) Grid computing: Penerapan sumberdaya komputasi dari banyak jaringan komputer untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang besar dan komplek

CATEGORIES OF COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS Network Computers and Peer-to-Peer Computing Cloud computing: komputasi berbasis internet, dimana saling berbagi sumber daya, perangkat lunak dan informasi disediakan untuk komputer dan perangkat lain berdasarkan permintaan, seperti layaknya utilitas publik

Grid Computing

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

The Major Types of Software Software program: Rangkaian statement atau instruksi untuk komputer System software: Program umum, mengelola sumber daya komputer Application software: Program yang ditulis untuk melakukan fungsi khusus oleh end user.

The Major Types of Software Figure 6-9

Operating system System software Mengelola dan mengontrol computer TYPES OF SOFTWARE System Software and PC Operating Systems Operating system System software Mengelola dan mengontrol computer

Fungsi dari operating system TYPES OF SOFTWARE System Software and PC Operating Systems Fungsi dari operating system Mengalokasikan dan menugaskan sumberdaya sistem Menggunakan penjadwalan untuk sumber daya komputer Memonitor kegiatan sistem komputer Menyediakan lokasi dalam memory utama untuk data dan program Mengendalikan peralatan input dan output

TYPES OF SOFTWARE System Software and PC Operating Systems Multiprogramming Mengeksekusi dua atau lebih program secara bersamaan menggunakan komputer yang sama CPU mengeksekusi hanya satu program tapi melayani input/output dibutuhkan oleh yang lain

Multitasking Virtual Storage TYPES OF SOFTWARE System Software and PC Operating Systems Multitasking Kemampuan multiprogramming dari sistem operasi berpengguna tunggal Virtual Storage Menangani program lebih efisien dengan membagi program kedalam small fixed atau variable length

Time Sharing Multiprocessing TYPES OF SOFTWARE System Software and PC Operating Systems Time Sharing Berbagi sumber daya komputer dengan banyak pengguna secara bersamaan Multiprocessing Mengeksekusi dua atau lebih instruksi bersamaan dalam satu komputer menggunakan banyak central processing unit

Language translation and utility software TYPES OF SOFTWARE System Software and PC Operating Systems Language translation and utility software Menerjemahkan bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi kedalam bahasa mesin

GUIs dalam sistem operasi PC saat ini Windows XP TYPES OF SOFTWARE PC Operating Systems and Graphical User Interfaces GUIs dalam sistem operasi PC saat ini Windows XP Microsoft’s Windows 98 and Me Windows 2000

Linux: open-source software MAC OS TYPES OF SOFTWARE PC Operating Systems and Graphical User Interfaces Windows .NET server UNIX Linux: open-source software MAC OS

TYPES OF SOFTWARE Application Software and Programming Languages Programming languages: Meningkatnya dari bahasa mesin ke bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi untuk keperluan bisnis dan keilmuan. Bahasa pemrograman untuk bisnis saat ini: COBOL, C, C++,Delphi, and Visual Basic

Natural languages: Mendekati bahasa manusia(MML-Man Machine Language) TYPES OF SOFTWARE Fourth-Generation Languages Fourth-generation language: Dapat membantu end user mengembangkan software dengan sedikit bantuan atau tanpa bantuan dari IS Specialist Natural languages: Mendekati bahasa manusia(MML-Man Machine Language) Query languages: memberikan jawaban online secara cepat berdasarkan permintaan

Object-Oriented Programming CONTEMPORARY TOOLS FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Object-Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming Pendekatan pengembangan software yang mengkombinasikan data dan prosedur kedalam sebuah objek Visual programming Pembuatan program dengan memilih dan menyusun object program

Class and inheritance Figure 6-10

Memberikan fungsi software yang diperlukan untuk tugas tertentu CONTEMPORARY TOOLS FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Java Bahasa pemrograman Memberikan fungsi software yang diperlukan untuk tugas tertentu Berjalan di semua komputer dan operating system

CONTEMPORARY TOOLS FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and XML Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): Bahasa untuk mendeskripsikan halaman, membuat halaman web dan document hypermedia lainnya XML (eXtensible Markup Language): Mendeskripsikan struktur dari sebuah dokumen, mendukung link ke banyak document, memungkinkan data untuk dimanipulasi oleh komputer

TYPES OF SOFTWARE Application Software Packages and Productivity Software PC software tools: Word Processing Software, Spreadsheets, Data Management Software, Presentation Graphics Other productivity software: e-mail, groupware, Web browsers

Word Processing Software TYPES OF SOFTWARE Word Processing Software Figure 6-11

TYPES OF SOFTWARE Spreadsheet Software Figure 6-12

Data Management Software TYPES OF SOFTWARE Data Management Software Figure 6-13

TYPES OF SOFTWARE Software for Enterprise Integration Enterprise software Serangkaian modul yang terintegrasi dengan fungsi utama untuk keperluan bisnis Mengizinkan data untuk digunakan oleh banyak fungsi dan proses bisnis

TYPES OF SOFTWARE Software for Enterprise Integration Middleware Memungkinkan dua aplikasi berbeda untuk berkomunikasi untuk saling bertukar data Web server Mengelola permintaan untuk halaman web di komputer dimana halaman web disimpan

Enterprise application integration software TYPES OF SOFTWARE Software for Enterprise Integration Enterprise application integration software Mengikat bersama banyak aplikasi untuk mendukung integrasi perusahaan

TYPES OF SOFTWARE Middleware Figure 6-14

Rent or Build Decisions: Using Technology Service Providers MANAGING HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ASSETS Rent or Build Decisions: Using Technology Service Providers On-line storage service providers Pihak ketiga menyediakan penyewaan penyimpanan melalui web Memungkinkan pelanggan untuk menyimpan dan mengakses data Application service providers (ASPs) Menyediakan software yang dapat disewakan kepada perusahaan lain.

Figure 6-15 MANAGING HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ASSETS CUSTOMER PREMISES Vendor-supplied portal software gives a customer the same view as the vendor operations center. Storage infrastructure (may be direct-attached storage, SANs SECURE NETWORK CONNECTION The customer's actual data never passes through the firewall; rather, metadata needed to manage storage flows across a Using proprietary software, vendor employees monitor and manage a customer's storage. VENDOR OPS. CENTER Firewall Vendor's on-site hardware device or NAS) Figure 6-15 secure network connection.