Software Engineering Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Kuliah 4
Outline of this presentation The Software Process Definition Characteristic of a Good Process When do we need process Generic Activities in all Software Process
The Software Process What
The Software Process Definition: The Software Process is a description of the process which guides software engineers as they work by identifying their roles and tasks. A set of activities whose goal is the development or evolution of software
Software Process adalah deskripsi dari proses yang menuntun insinyur perangkat lunak mereka bekerja dengan mengidentifikasi peran dan tugas. Satu set kegiatan yang tujuannya adalah pengembangan atau evolusi dari perangkat lunak Urutan langkah yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan dan memelihara perangkat lunak Menetapkan kerangka kerja teknis dan manajemen untuk menerapkan metode, alat dan orang-orang untuk tugas software 5/9/2018FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI MATAKULIAH – KODE - SKS
The Software Process Definition The sequence of steps required to develop and maintain software Sets out the technical and management framework for applying methods, tools and people to the software task
The Software Process Characteristic of a Good Process Understandability Visibility Supportability Acceptability Reliability Robustness Maintainability Rapidity
The Software Process Understandability Characteristic of a Good Process Understandability Is the process defined and easily understand for those involved in it Visibility Is the process progress externally visible
Karakteristik Software Process Understandability (proses didefinisikan dan mudah dipahami bagi mereka yang terlibat di dalamnya) Visibility (Apakah kemajuan proses eksternal terlihat) Supportability (Dapatkah proses didukung oleh teknologi) Acceptability (Apakah proses tersebut dapat diterima bagi mereka yang terlibat di dalamnya) Reability (Apakah kesalahan proses ditemukan sebelum mereka menghasilkan kesalahan produk) 5/9/2018FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI MATAKULIAH – KODE - SKS
Robustness (Dapatkah proses berlanjut meskipun masalah tak terduga) Maintainability (Dapatkah proses berevolusi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi berubah) Rapidity (Seberapa cepat dapat sistem diproduksi) 5/9/2018FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI MATAKULIAH – KODE - SKS
The Software Process Supportability Characteristic of a Good Process Supportability Can the process be supported by on the shelve technology CASE tools Acceptability Is the process acceptable to those involved in it
The Software Process Reliability Characteristic of a Good Process Reliability Are process errors discovered before they result in product errors Robustness Can the process continue in spite of unexpected problems Reliability = kehandalan Evolve = mengembangkan Rapidity = kecepatan
The Software Process Maintainability Characteristic of a Good Process Maintainability Can the process evolve to meet changing organizational needs Rapidity How fast can the system be produced Reliability = kehandalan Evolve = mengembangkan Rapidity = kecepatan
The Software Process Two questions ? Is there a right process for software engineers to adopt? Will having a good process guarantee a good product?
The Software Process When do we need process? We always have some process! The larger the project, the greater the need for a formal process Complexity of building a system when related to size is not linear.
The Software Process Specification Development Validation Evolution Generic Activities in all Software Process Specification Development Validation Evolution
The Software Process Specification Generic Activities in all Software Process Specification what the system should do and its development constraints Development production of the software system
The Software Process Validation Generic Activities in all Software Process Validation checking that the software is what the customer wants Evolution changing the software in response to changing demands