Kelainan Telinga Dalam
4. Labirinitis-2 Difinisi : infeksi di telinga dalam yang disebabkan bakteri , virus dan jamur. “Sumber infeksi “ - Intra kranial : Meatus akustikus Internus (MAI) - Telinga Tengah : Foramen rotundum - Perinatal : Trans plasenta - Infeksi saluran nafas atas (ISNA)
Labirinitis : Bakteri : -Sifilis/Lues Virus : - CMV - Rubella - HIV - Varisella, -Measles Jamur : - Aspergilus, candida Albicans
Diagnosis Labirinitis: Anamnesis : - Kurang dengar- vertigo mendadak - Riwayat ISNA - Riwayat infeksi kehamilan (TORCH) - Riwayat immunocompromise - Riwayat cacar - Riwayat infeksi telinga tengah
Diagnosis Labirinitis: Px Fisik : - Px THT : sebagian besar dbn, kecuali otitis media - Rubela : Katarak kongenital Kurang dengar kongenital Speech delay Px Penunjang : - Audiometri : SNHL - OAE-BERA : kelainan koklear/retrokoklear
5. Bell Palsy (3A) Facial weakness of the peripheral type idiopathic outside the central nervous system without any other cranial nerve palsies
[Etiology and pathology] the cause is unclear exposure to chill a viral infection edema degeneration.
[Clinical features] Occurs at any age and any time. unilateral The onset is acute. attain maximum paralysis in 48h --5 days. pain behind the ear.
[Diagnosis] based on the acute onset and the peripheral facial palsy. distinguished from facial paralysis due to other causes distinguished from the supranuclear one (such as in a stroke)
Treatment surgical decompression may be harmful. take some corticosteroids, such as prednisone (40 to 60mg/day). Vitamin B antiviral agents may be useful. physiatrics and motoric therapy a shield to protect the eye.
Prognosis usually good. recover within a few weeks or in a month or two. But if there is evidence of denervation after 10 days, one may expect a long delay in the onset of recovery.