Systems Analysis and Design Sixth Edition


Presentasi serupa
Pertemuan 6: Manajemen Waktu.

Perth Chart & Critical Path Method
Tahapan information engineering
Applied Information System Project Management
Managing Software Requirements (manajemen kebutuhan perangkat lunak)
Manajemen Risiko Strategi Risiko Reaktif & Proaktif
Introduction to Information Technology Project Management
Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem
1 Pertemuan > >. 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat membuat diagram / skema desain proyek.
Control Objectives for Information and related Technology
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat membuat diagram / skema untuk assessment setiap tahap pengembangan.
Manajemen Proyek: Overview
WaterfallPrototyping RAD Incremental Prototyping Pendekatan SDLC.
1 Pertemuan 09 Kebutuhan Sistem Matakuliah: T0234 / Sistem Informasi Geografis Tahun: 2005 Versi: 01/revisi 1.
1 Pertemuan 12 Pengkodean & Implementasi Matakuliah: T0234 / Sistem Informasi Geografis Tahun: 2005 Versi: 01/revisi 1.
Phase III Rapid Prototyping and Demonstration Prototype
1 Pertemuan 22 Analisis Studi Kasus 2 Matakuliah: H0204/ Rekayasa Sistem Komputer Tahun: 2005 Versi: v0 / Revisi 1.
Result in Competitive Advantage from: Low costs Differentiation Result in Competitive Advantage from: Low costs Differentiation Improving Responsiveness.
INDONESIA INFRASTRUCTURE INITIATIVE IURSP – Monitoring dan Evaluasi IURSP – Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop 3 Steve Brown VicRoads International Projects.
The Balanced Scorecard © 1998 Renaissance Worldwide, Inc. and Robert S. Kaplan, All rights reserved. STRATEGY HUMAN RESOURCES BUSINESS UNITSEXECUTIVE.
1 INTRODUCTION Pertemuan 1 s.d 2 Matakuliah: A0554/Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Tahun: 2006.
BINUS Core Competencies. I. Business Acumen The ability to make good judgment and quick decision to improve results based on understanding ones role in.
Pertemuan 4: Manajemen Waktu.
Manajemen Mutu Proyek (Manajemen Kualitas)
EIS (Executive Information Systems)
Chapter 6 Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management.
Perencanaan Proyek.
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Pert. 16. Menyimak lingkungan IS/IT saat ini
Week 2: Siklus hidup Manajemen dan Proyek
Tahun : <<2005>> Versi : <<1/1i>>
5 change.
Global E-Business: Bagaimana Bisnis Menggunakan Sistem Informasi
Evaluasi Pelatihan.
Perancangan Basis Data
Software Engineering Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
Time Management Pertemuan 6 PPSI.
Manajemen Mutu Proyek Muhammad Rachmadi.
Analisa & Perancangan sistem
Pengantar Bisnis 7 Sessi.
SQA Team.
EIS (Executive Information Systems)
Systems Analysis and Design Kendall and Kendall Fifth Edition
Manajemen Proyek Perangkat Lunak (MPPL)
Dasar-Dasar Sistem Informasi
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Part-5
The communication challenge
Menentukan kelayakan dan mengelola kegiatan proyek
Manajemen Mutu Proyek Muhammad Rachmadi.
Manajemen Resiko Proyek
4 plan.
How You Can Make Your Fleet Insurance London Claims Letter.
Don’t Forget to Avail the Timely Offers with Uber
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Roni Andarsyah, ST., M.Kom Lecture Series.
Analisis Perencangan Sistem Informasi
Evaluasi Pelatihan.
Rank Your Ideas The next step is to rank and compare your three high- potential ideas. Rank each one on the three qualities of feasibility, persuasion,
Transcript presentasi:

Systems Analysis and Design Sixth Edition Chapter 3 Determining Feasibility and Managing Analysis and Design Activities Systems Analysis and Design Sixth Edition

Major Topics Project initiation Determining project feasibility Project scheduling Managing project activities Manage systems analysis team members

Project Initiation Projects are initiated for two broad reasons: Problems that lend themselves to systems solutions. Opportunities for improvement through Upgrading systems. Altering systems. Installing new systems. Suatu proyek dapat terjadi: Adanya masalah, dan butuh solusi Perbaikan sistem Sistem upgrade Mengubah sistem Instalasi sistem baru

Organizational Problems Identify problems by looking for the following signs: Check output against performance criteria Too many errors. Work completed slowly. Work done incorrectly. Work done incompletely. Work not done at all. Identifikasi masalah pada organisasi: Memeriksa output terhadap kriteria kinerja Kesalahan yang terjadi Pekerjaan memakan waktu lama Pekerjaan dilakukan dengan tidak benar Pekerjaan dilakukan dengan tidak sempurna Pekerjaan tidak dilakukan

Organizational Problems (Continued) Observe behavior of employees High absenteeism. High job dissatisfaction. High job turnover. Identifikasi masalah pada organisasi: Perilaku karyawan Tingkat ketidakhadiran tinggi Tingginya tingkat ketidakpuasan dalam bekerja Tingkat keluar-masuk pekerja yang tinggi.

Organizational Problems (Continued) Listen to feedback from vendors, customers, and suppliers Complaints. Suggestions for improvement. Lower sales. Loss of sales. Identifikasi masalah pada organisasi: Dengarkan umpan balik dari vendor, pelanggan, dan pemasok Keluhan. Saran perbaikan Tingkat penjualan rendah Rugi

Project Selection Five specific criteria for project selection: Backed by management. Timed appropriately for commitment of resources. It moves the business toward attainment of its goals. Practicable. Important enough to be considered over other projects. Penentuan Proyek 5 kriteria memilih proyek Didukung oleh manajemen Jangka waktu tepat Sesuai dengan tujuan bisnis Praktis Menjadi pilihan utama ketimbang proyek-proyek lain

Possibilities for Improvement Many possible objectives exist including: Speeding up a process. Streamlining a process. Combining processes. Reducing errors in input. Reducing redundant storage. Reducing redundant output. Improving system and subsystem integration. Kemungkinan perbaikan: Mempercepat proses. Memperlancar proses. Menggabungkan proses. Mengurangi kesalahan dalam input. Mengurangi penyimpanan berlebihan. Mengurangi produksi berlebihan. Meningkatkan sistem dan integrasi subsistem.

Feasibility Impact Grid (FIG) A feasibility impact grid (FIG) is used to assess the impact of any improvements to the existing system. It can increase awareness of the impacts made on the achievement of corporate objectives Tabel kelayakan Digunakan untuk menilai dampak perbaikan terhadap sistem yang ada. Mengingatkan apakah berdampak terhadap pencapaian tujuan perusahaan.

Feasibility A feasibility study assesses the operational, technical, and economic merits of the proposed project. There are three types of feasibility: Technical feasibility. Economic feasibility. Operational feasibility. Studi Kelayakan: Sebuah studi kelayakan menilai manfaat operasional, teknis, dan ekonomi dari proyek yang diusulkan. Ada tiga jenis kelayakan: Kelayakan teknis. Kelayakan ekonomi. Kelayakan operasional

Technical Feasibility Technical feasibility assesses whether the current technical resources are sufficient for the new system. If they are not available, can they be upgraded to provide the level of technology necessary for the new system. Sumber daya yang ditentukan harus memenuhi syarat teknis. Kelayakan teknis menilai apakah sumber daya teknis saat ini cukup untuk sistem yang baru. Jika tidak tersedia, dapat ditingkatkan untuk keperluan sistem yang baru.

Economic Feasibility Economic feasibility determines whether the time and money are available to develop the system. Includes the purchase of: New equipment. Hardware. Software. Menentukan ketersediaan uang dan waktu untuk pengembangan sistem Termasuk pembelian: Barang baru h/w s/w

Operational Feasibility Operational feasibility determines if the human resources are available to operate the system once it has been installed. Users that do not want a new system may prevent it from becoming operationally feasible. Kelayakan operasional Kelayakan operasional menentukan apakah sumber daya manusia yang tersedia untuk mengoperasikan sistem. Pengguna yang tidang menginginkan kehadiran sistem baru sebaiknya tidak dilibatkan.

Activity Planning Activity planning includes: Selecting a systems analysis team. Estimating time required to complete each task. Scheduling the project. Two tools for project planning and control are Gantt charts and PERT diagrams. Perencanaan Aktivitas Perencanaan aktivitas mencakup: Menentukan tim sistem analis Membuat perkiraan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan setiap tugas Penjadwalan proyek Gantt charts dan diagram PERT adalah tools yang digunakan untuk perencanaan dan pengendalian proyek

Estimating Time Project is broken down into phases. Further project is broken down into tasks or activities. Finally project is broken down into steps or even smaller units. Time is estimated for each task or activity. Most likely, pessimistic, and optimistic estimates for time may be used. Estimasi waktu Untuk memudahkan proyek dipecah menjadi beberapa tahap Proyek dipecah menjadi tugas atau kegiatan Proyek dipecah menjadi langkah-langkah atau unit yang lebih kecil Membuat perkiraan waktu untuk setiap tugas atau kegiatan Kemungkinan besar, pesimis, dan perkiraan optimis untuk waktu dapat digunakan.

Gantt Charts Easy to construct and use. Shows activities over a period of time.

PERT Diagram PERT-Program Evaluation and Review Technique PERT diagrams show precedence, activities that must be completed before the next activities may be started. Once a diagram is drawn it is possible to identify the critical path, the longest path through the activities. Monitoring critical path will identify shortest time to complete the project. PERT-Program Evaluasi dan Teknik Ulasan Diagram PERT menunjukkan didahulukan, kegiatan yang harus diselesaikan sebelum kegiatan berikutnya dapat dimulai. Setelah diagram ditarik adalah mungkin untuk mengidentifikasi jalur kritis, jalan terpanjang melalui kegiatan. Pemantauan jalur kritis akan mengidentifikasi waktu singkat untuk menyelesaikan proyek.

PERT Diagram Example

PERT Diagram Advantages Easy identification of the order of precedence Easy identification of the critical path and thus critical activities Easy determination of slack time, the leeway to fall behind on noncritical paths Memudahkan identifikasi dari urutan prioritas Memudahkan identifikasi jalur kritis dan kegiatan dengan demikian kritis Penentuan mudah waktu kendur, kelonggaran yang tertinggal di jalur noncritical

Timeboxing Timeboxing sets an absolute due date for project delivery. The most critical features are developed first and implemented by the due date. Other features are added later.

Personal Information Manager Software Personal information manager (PIN) software is useful for scheduling activities and includes features such as: Telephone and fax number lists. To-do lists. Online calendars.

Team Management Teams often have two leaders: One who leads members to accomplish tasks. One concerned with social relationships. The systems analyst must manage: Team members. Their activities. Their time and resources.

Goal Setting Successful projects require that reasonable productivity goals for tangible outputs and process activities be set. Goal setting helps to motivate team members.

Ecommerce Project Management Ecommerce and traditional software project management differences: The data used by ecommerce systems is scattered across the organization. Ecommerce systems need a staff with a wide variety of skills. Partnerships must be built externally and internally well ahead of implementation. Security is of utmost importance.

Project Failures Project failures may be prevented by: Training. Experience. Learning why other projects have failed.

Extreme Programming Extreme programming (XP) takes good systems development practices to the extreme.

Extreme Programming Variables Extreme programming has four variables that the developer can control: Time. Cost. Quality. These are balanced for a project.

Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming Activities The activities of extreme programming are: Coding. Testing. Listening. Designing.

Extreme Programming Core Practices There are four core practices in extreme programming: A short release time. Working a 40-hour week. Having an onsite customer. Pair programming.

Roles in Extreme Programming

Roles in Extreme Programming There are a 7roles played in XP: Programmer. Customer. Tester. Tracker. Coach. Consultant. Big Boss.

The Planning Game The planning game defines rules to help formulate the development team and customer relationship. Limits uncertainty. Two players: the development team and the business customer. Customers decide what to tackle first.

XP Development Process XP projects are interactive and incremental. The five Stages of XP development are: Exploration. Planning. Iterations to the first release. Productionizing. Maintenance.

XP Development Process