Six Sigma, Lean dan Lean Six Sigma
Six Sigma
Source : Juran Institute Six Sigma Source : Juran Institute a Greek letter A symbol a performance measure A Metric a best practice A Benchmark where you want to be A Vision for higher quality A Method applicable to operations A Tool what you want to achieve A Goal quantifiable A Value a way of work A Philosophy a key business plan A Strategy a structured approach A System
Six Sigma Metodologi yang menyediakan alat-alat untuk meningkatkan proses bisnis dengan tujuan menurunkan variasi proses dan meningkatkan kualitas produk.
Six Sigma Methodologies & Tools
DMAIC DMADV DMAIC & DMADV An improvement system for existing process below specification and looking for incremental improvement. DMAIC An improvement system used to develop new process or products at six sigma quality level DMADV
DMAIC Method Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Process improvement goals that are consistent with customer demands and the enterprise strategy Define Key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data Measure Data to verify cause-and-effect relationships and to determine the root cause(s) of the defects Determine what the relationships are and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered Analyze The process based upon data analysis using techniques like Design of Experiments and to eliminate defects Improve To ensure that any deviation from target are corrected before they result in defects and to control future process performance Set up pilot runs to establish process capability, move on to production, set up control mechanisms and continuously monitor the process Control
DMADV (DFSS) Method Define Measure Analyze Design Verify Design goals that are consistent with customer demands and the enterprise strategy Define Identify CTQs, product capabilities, production process capabilities, and risk Measure Develop and design alternatives Create a high-level design Evaluate design capability to select the best design Analyze Optimize the design and plan for design verification Design The design, set up pilot runs, implement the production process and hand it over to the process owner Verify
When to use DMAIC Used when a product or process is in existence and is not meeting customer specification or is not performing adequately DMADV A product or process is not in existence and one needs to be developed The existing product or process exists and has been optimized (using either DMAIC or not) and still doesn’t meet level of customer specification or six sigma level
KONSEP DASAR LEAN Lean adalah Tujuan Lean Fokus Lean Suatu upaya terus menerus untuk menghilangkan pemborosan dan meningkatkan nilai tambah produk agar memberikan nilai kepada pelanggan Lean adalah Meningkatkan terus menerus customer value melalui peningkatan terus menerus rasio antara nilai tambah terhadap waste Tujuan Lean Identifikasi dan eliminasi aktivitas-aktivitas tidak bernilai tambah dalam desain, produksi atau operasi dan supply chain management, yang berkaitan langsung dengan pelanggan Fokus Lean
5 PRINSIP DASAR LEAN 1 Mengidentifikasi nilai produk berdasarkan perspektif pelanggan 2 Mengidentifikasi value stream process mapping untuk setiap produk. 3 Menghilangkan pemborosan yang tidak bernilai tambah dari semua aktivitas sepanjang proses value stream. 4 Mengorganisasikan agar material, informasi dan produk mengalir lancar dan efisien sepanjang proses value stream menggunakan sistem tarik. 5 Terus menerus mencari berbagai teknik dan alat peningkatan (improvement tools and techniques) ntuk mencapai keunggulan dan peningkatan terus menerus
Lean Six Sigma
KONSEP DASAR LEAN SIX SIGMA Suatu filosofi bisnis, pendekatan sistemik dan sistematik untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghilangkan pemborosan atau aktivitas-aktivitas yang tidak bernilai tambah melalui peningkatan terus menerus untuk mencapai tingkat kinerja enam sigma, dengan cara mengalirkan produk dan informasi menggunakan sistem tarik
Pendekatan Lean Menghilangkan pemborosan, memperlancar aliran material, produk dan informasi serta peningkatan terus menerus Pendekatan Six Sigma Mereduksi variasi, pengendalian proses dan peningkatan terus menerus
Six Sigma do not focus on time; they are concerned with identifying and eliminating defects. improvement across the corporation as a whole remains slow without the Six Sigma cultural infrastructure Welch’s statement was prompted by a growing awareness that time is nearly as important an improvement metric as is quality—and that reducing process lead times and variation in the amount of time it takes to complete a process has just as much potential for improving a company’s performance as does reducing variation in quality
Surface level with Six sigma Below the surface with Lean Poor quality Long lead time Missed delivery Inefficiencies Excessive cost Confusion Poor customer satisfaction Below the surface with Lean Long queues Costly rework Non-value added activities Bottle neck operation Wasted motion Unnecessary inspection Etc
LEAN SIGMA ROADMAP The roadmap follows the basic tried and tested DMAIC approach from Six Sigma, but with Lean flow tools as well as Six Sigma statistical tools threaded seamlessly together throughput.
LEAN SIGMA ROAD MAP DEFINE STEPS TOOLS OUTPUTS Project charter Meeting effectiveness Initiate the project SIPOC Map Value Stream Map Define the process Brainstorming Affinity diagram Murphy’s analysis Interviews Surveys Customer requirement tree Determine customer requirement KPOVs Define key process output variables Project charter Project team formed Clear customer requirements
LEAN SIGMA ROAD MAP MEASURE STEPS TOOLS OUTPUTS SIPOC/VSM Input/output analysis C & E matrix Detailed process map Understand the process FMEA Evaluate risks on process input Data collection plans Data integrity audits Continuous MSA (Gage R & R) Attribute MSA (Kappa studies) Develop and evaluate measurement system Process capability OEE Measure current performance Current state process map Identified and measured Xs (KPIVs) Measureme nt system verified current capability of Ys (KPOVs)
Analyze data to prioritize key input variables LEAN SIGMA ROAD MAP STEPS TOOLS OUTPUTS ANALYZE Basic statistic Basic graph Statistical process control T-test ANOVA Non-parametric Chi-square Regression Multi-vari studies Analyze data to prioritize key input variables Spaghetti diagram VA/NVA analysis Takt time 5S Identify waste Root cause of defect identified and reduced to vital view Prioritize list of potential key inputs Waste identified
LEAN SIGMA ROAD MAP IMPROVE STEPS TOOLS OUTPUTS Design of experiment Verify critical input Kanban/pull Poka yoke Quick change over Workplace organization Process mapping Process documentation Design Improvement Training plans SPC FMEA Control plans Pilot new process Finalize list of KPIVs Action plan for improvement Future state process maps, FMEA, control plans New process design/docu mentation Pilot study plant
LEAN SIGMA ROAD MAP CONTROL STEPS TOOLS OUTPUTS Control plan Process documentation Training plans Communication plans SPC documentation Finalize the control system Process capability Verify long term capability Control system in place Improvements validated long term Continuous improvements opportunities identified New process handed off Team recognition