Politik internasional Runtuhnya Khilafah Bangkitnya Barat Revolusi industri Eropa Tantangan terhadap khilafah Militer Intelektual Politik
SERANGAN MILITER TEGAKNYA NEGARA BONEKA DI ATAS BEKAS KHILAFAH Perancis membangkitkan kembali ambisi perang salib Inggris mendominasi wilayah Mediterania hingga India While the British establish hegemony from the Eastern Mediterranean to India, and tap into the wealthiest oil regions in the world..
KOLONIALISASI PERANCIS DI LEBANON Perancis membungkam oposisi dengan suap dan tekanan militer Paris mengendalikan seluruh urat nadi ekonomi Lebanon termasuk kebijakan fiskal Throughout their mandate period, they were quick to utilize martial law, bribery, and other means of control to quiet any vocal opposition to French hegemony. Rather than the citizens of Lebanon dictating the course of their new nation, French investors owned the state's interests: the new railways, public utilities, and banks. As is common in establishing colonial control, the financial policies of Lebanon were in control of elites in far off Paris.
KOLONIALISASI INGGRIS DI IRAQ Inggris menerapkan strategi penjajahan India di Iraq dengan: Memisahkan masyarakat berdasarkan faksi Kurdi, Bedouin, dan Arab Meminggirkan faksi masyarakat dari kancah politik Using the model set up in India, the Iraqi population was segmented into different sections, between the clustered Kurds and Bedouin, the Arab peasants living in the countryside, and finally those who lived in urban settings, dubbed "town Arabs." All three of these groups were seen as unfit to be involved in the body politic of their "nation," and were marginalized by the British, who judged themselves to be the only ones truly "able" to rule in Iraq.
KOLONIALISME INGGRIS DI ARABIA Perjanjian Sykes-Picot 1916 membagi-bagi bekas wilayah khilafah ottoman berdasarkan wilayah kesukuan yang saling bersaing Setiap suku diberikan status sebagai negara mini, lengkap dengan konstitusi ala Inggris, dan upacara kenegaraan ala kerajaan Eropa Jonathan Raban Guardian December 11, 2002 “Bell was one of the many British and French nation-builders who carved up Arabia in the years following the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916. The lines they drew in the sand rarely corresponded to any pre-existent historical, tribal, cultural or geographical reality. The nations they invented were arbitrary agglomerations, their borders thrown up around dozens of warring local sheikdoms. These fictional states were given kings (the British loved to create monarchies in their own image) and elegant written constitutions, as if the right sort of ceremonial language and regular 21-gun salutes could somehow transform the chaos of post-Ottoman Arabia into a neat patchwork of Denmarks, Hollands and Swedens with date palms and minarets. “ By Jonathan Raban Guardian December 11, 2002
KOLONIALISASI GAYA YANKEE AMERIKA “Mereka benci kebebasan Amerika? Tentu tidak, Arab pasti menyukai kebebasan. Tapi mereka membenci kita karena kondisi buruk yang kita ciptakan untuk mereka. Mereka benci kita akibat perilaku Sir Sykes, George Picot, Gertrude Bell, dan James Balfour” (President Bush) "They hate us for our freedoms", but that is not true: freedom is a rare commodity that Arabs would dearly like a lot more of. They hate us, rather, for the condition of humiliating subjection in which they find themselves, and for which, rightly or wrongly, they hold us responsible. They hate us for Sir Mark Sykes, for Georges Picot, for Gertrude Bell, for Arthur James Balfour” (President Bush) We muslim intellectuals have obligations to use our skills and knowledge to rebuild our islamic civilization, to synergize our islamic passions and aspirations to be the best ummah once more. and finally lets put our hands and heads together to re-establish khilafah
Kemenangan mujahedeen di Afghanistan JIHAD MELAWAN SOVIETS Kemenangan mujahedeen di Afghanistan Kudeta Militer terhadap kemenangan pemilu Aljazair Front Islamic Salvation ..sempat membuat generasi muda percaya bahwa perubahan masyarakat dan kemenangan hanya bisa diraih dengan Jihad The triumph of the mujahedeen in Afghanistan, coupled with the brutal crackdown in Algeria against the electoral victory by Islamic Salvation Front(ISF), in 1991, led many Muslim youth to believe that Jihad, and not democratic elections, was the way to cause the Islamic change in state and society.
AND ‘HISTORY’ ENDS? AMERICA TRIUMPHS Rangkaian peristiwa membuktikan kekeliruan tesis Fukuyuma Sejarah tidak berakhir dengan runtuhnya Sosialisme Justru lembaran sejarah baru terbuka dengan umat Islam di pusat pusaran politik internasional AMERICA TRIUMPHS AND ‘HISTORY’ ENDS? Events proved that Fukuyama’s announcement of victory was premature…the death of socialism did not mean the end of history, rather it meant a new chapter in international politics and conflict with the Muslim Ummah in the central stage Historically, khilafah has led world civiilization for 13 centuries As per Islamic Sharia, khilafah is an obligation from Allah ta’ala, our Creator In reality, we do need khilafah as a solution Therefore, we the ulul albabs, carriers of knowledge, have no other choices but to work together in re-establishment of Khilafah
‘AKHIR SEJARAH’ ? KEMENANGAN AMERIKA: “Guantanamo adalah kegagalan kolosal secara hukum, etika, dan keamanan. Ada 171 tahanan, 89 diantaranya berstatus bebas tapi masih terjebak dalam penjara” (Hina Shamsi, ACLU) “Benar, Guantanamo adalah skandal memalukan Amerika, pelanggaran hukum internasional, UUD Amerika.” (Kristian Petersen) The ACLU's Hina Shamsi said: "Guantánamo has been a catastrophic failure on every front: legally, ethically, and in terms of our security. There are 171 captives left in the camp, and of those, 89 have been cleared for release but are still stuck there in a Kafkaesque limbo. Yes it is. Guanatanamo Bay is a disgrace for the US, a violation of US law, International Law, the US constitution, and the very concept of the Rule of Law. It is a weasely by-the-twisted-word get-out-of-jail-free-card for politicians with the courage and moral vision of a dead cockroach. Kristian Pettersen
‘AKHIR SEJARAH’ ? KEMENANGAN AMERIKA: “Sekutu kini menjadikan Islam sebagai target baru setelah jatuhnya Uni Soviet. Muslim telah berhasil melawan serbuan kultural dan mempertahankan tradisi agamanya. Pertarungan ini membuat kehancuran peradaban Barat di dalam benak umat Islam” (Willie Claes, bekas sekjen NATO) With the fall of Communism in 1990, there was a renewed focus on Islam due to its potential to thwart Capitalism's hitherto unchecked advancement. The former secretary general of NATO Willie Claes stated; "The Alliance has placed Islam as a target for its hostility in place of the Soviet Union. " The Muslims managed to resist the cultural onslaught and retained their Deen. This clash resulted in the destruction of Western civilization in the minds of the Muslims.
‘AKHIR SEJARAH’ ? KEMENANGAN AMERIKA: “Amerika berada di ujung berakhirnya kepemimpinan dunia yang sempat kita nikmati selama 50 tahun. Negeri ini telah bangkrut secara ekonomi. Kita tidak lagi unggul dalam aspek politik, ekonomi, dan sosial Kita tidak lagi dikagumi dan dianut. Tidak lagi menjadi model ekonomi dan politik” (David Mason) "The United States is at the end of the period of global leadership and domination that we've enjoyed for the last 50 years or so. The country is bankrupt economically. We've lost our edge in terms of politics, economics, socially. We no longer compare well with other countries around the world, and we're not admired as we once were by countries around the world. And we're not viewed as a model for economic and political development, as we once were. So this really marks a global shift in world history, both for the United States and the rest of the world”. (David Mason)
Arab Spring telah membuka kedok kebijakan politik kolonialisme barat, terutama Amerika Kekuatan Barat meredam dan mengendalikan gejolak rakyat di Tunisia, Mesir, Yaman, dan Libya Efek revolusi Syria menunjukkan menurunnya pamor Amerika dan berhasil membongkar hubungan rahasia antara Iran dengan “Setan Besar’ Amerika Arab Spring telah membuka kedok kebijakan politik kolonialisme barat, terutama Amerika Kekuatan Barat meredam dan mengendalikan gejolak rakyat di Tunisia, Mesir, Yaman, dan Libya The Arab spring have further exposed the reality of the western colonial policy, and especially the American one. The western colonial powers rushed to undermine the uprising in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya, by riding the wave of popular anger against the corrupt regimes. Efek revolusi Syria menunjukkan menurunnya pamor Amerika dan berhasil membongkar hubungan rahasia antara Iran dengan “Setan Besar’ Amerika One of the great achievements of the Syrian revolution till now is that it has exposed the decline of the American grip, as well as it has bared the long-hidden relationship between the Iranian regime and the “Great Satan”,
GEORGE W. BUSH PIDATO KENEGARAAN OKTOBER 2005 “Kaum militan percaya dengan menguasai opini umat Islam di satu Negeri, menjatuhkan rezim penguasa, menegakkan kekuatan Islam radikal yang membentang dari Spanyol hingga Indonesia” "The militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region, and establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia."
KENISCAYAAN KHILAFAH Dunia telah mendengar secara jelas gaung dan gema Khilafah dari jantung Jakarta dari kota-kota besar di Bangladesh, Pakistan, dari makam Kemal At Turki, dari balik bilik penjara tirani Asia Tengah, dari kuburan Bourghuiba Tunisia, dari pusat sekulerisme arab Beirut, dan juga Syria.. The world has heard the loud and clear call for Khilafah rising from the heart of Jakarta to major cities in Bangladesh, Pakistan, in Ankara right next to the grave of Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, from the jails of tyrants in Central Asia, in Tunisia next to the grave of the secular Bourguiba, to Beirut for long the stronghold of secularism in the Arab world, and in Syria despite the world conspirators.
Hanya satu hal di benak mereka, ..KHILAFAH” (Qureshi) KENISCAYAAN KHILAFAH “Seruan Khilafah sungguh mengagumkan, membangun motivasi dan ambisi. Dari seluruh penjuru negeri, dari mantan bintang rocker Hari Mukti, dan dari seluruh lapisan masyarakat, Hanya satu hal di benak mereka, ..KHILAFAH” (Qureshi) Mr Qureshi said: “The unified call for the Khilafah was awe-inspiring, humbling and mesmerizing. From all around the world, from the rich to the poor, from the famous former Indonesian rock star Hari Mukti, to your everyday Muslim, there was only one thing on the minds of the people at the conference, and that was the Khilafah.
KENISCAYAAN KHILAFAH 10.000 berkumpul di Kota Khalil (8 Juni 2013) Palestina menyerukan kembalinya Khilafah In the city Khalil (June 8th, 2013) Palestine, tens of thousands with key leaders announced the covenant for the reestablishment of Khilafah
KHILAFAH ADALAH JANJI ALLAH ALLAH telah berjanji kepada orang-orang yang beriman di antara kamu dan mengerjakan amal-amal yang saleh bahwa Dia sungguh-sungguh akan menjadikan mereka berkuasa di bumi, sebagaimana Dia telah menjadikan orang-orang yang sebelum mereka berkuasa, dan sungguh Dia akan meneguhkan bagi mereka agama yang telah diridhai-Nya untuk mereka, dan Dia benar-benar akan menukar (keadaan) mereka, sesudah mereka berada dalam ketakutan menjadi aman sentausa. Mereka tetap menyembahKu dengan tiada mempersekutukan sesuatu apapun dengan Aku. Dan barang siapa yang (tetap) kafir sesudah itu, maka mereka inilah orang-orang fasik (QS An Nuur 55) وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ لَيَسْتَخْلِفَنَّهُمْ فِي الأرْضِ كَمَا اسْتَخْلَفَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ وَلَيُمَكِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ دِينَهُمُ الَّذِي ارْتَضَى لَهُمْ وَلَيُبَدِّلَنَّهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ خَوْفِهِمْ أَمْنًا يَعْبُدُونَنِي لا يُشْرِكُونَ بِي شَيْئًا وَمَنْ كَفَرَ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ فَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ (النور 55) Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do righteous deeds, that He will make them successors in the land just as He made those who passed away before them, and that He will establish their religion, which He has approved for them, on strong foundations and will change their (present) state of fear into peace and security. Let them worship Me and associate none with Me (24:55) Dan ALLAH telah berjanji kepada orang-orang yang beriman di antara kamu dan mengerjakan amal-amal yang saleh bahwa Dia sungguh-sungguh akan menjadikan mereka berkuasa di bumi, sebagaimana Dia telah menjadikan orang-orang yang sebelum mereka berkuasa, dan sungguh Dia akan meneguhkan bagi mereka agama yang telah diridhai-Nya untuk mereka, dan Dia benar-benar akan menukar (keadaan) mereka, sesudah mereka berada dalam ketakutan menjadi aman sentausa. Mereka tetap menyembahKu dengan tiada mempersekutukan sesuatu apapun dengan Aku. Dan barang siapa yang (tetap) kafir sesudah itu, maka mereka inilah orang-orang fasik (QS An Nuur 55)
KHILAFAH ADALAH JANJI “Masa kenabian itu ada di tengah-tengah kalian, adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Selanjutnya adalah masa Khilafah yang mengikuti jejak kenabian (Khilafah ’ala minhaj an-nubuwwah), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Selanjutnya adalah masa Khilafah yang mengikuti jejak kenabian (Khilafah ’ala minhaj an-nubuwwah). Kemudian beliau (Nabi) diam.” [HR Ahmad dan Baihaqi dari Nuâman bin Basyir dari Hudzaifah] Afterwards, there will be biting oppression, and it will last for as long as Allah wishes, then He will lift it if He wishes. Then there will be a Khilafah Rashida according to the ways of the Prophethood.’ Then he kept silent.” [Musnad Imam Ahmad] Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda: Masa kenabian itu ada di tengah-tengah kalian, adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Selanjutnya adalah masa Khilafah yang mengikuti jejak kenabian (Khilafah ’ala minhaj an-nubuwwah), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Selanjutnya masa kerajaan yang menggigit (Mulkan ’Adhan), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Setelah itu, masa kerajaan yang menyombong (Mulkan Jabariyyan), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Selanjutnya adalah masa Khilafah yang mengikuti jejak kenabian (Khilafah ’ala minhaj an-nubuwwah). Kemudian beliau (Nabi) diam.” [HR Ahmad dan Baihaqi dari Nuâman bin Basyir dari Hudzaifah]