Materi Kuliah 3 SP 2005 PENJASTEL.


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Transcript presentasi:

Materi Kuliah 3 SP 2005 PENJASTEL

Pertemuan Kelima : Pengenalan Services dari Teknologi Komunikasi Data Public dan Private Studi Kasus Internet

KOMUNIKASI DATA PSTN Computer M M M M M T T M M T T M M M M M Computer Four wire line Leased line M T T M PSTN M T T M M M M M Legend : M : Modem T : Terminal Two wire line Computer

Komunikasi Data Data dan Jaringan multi Service lower Layers a. Topologi Jaringan b. Broadband dan Penggunaan Fiber optic c. Area Networks (LAN, MAN, WAN, Frame relay d. Broadband and Area Network Data dan Jaringan multi Service Upper Layers a. Potensi Trafik b. Voice service c. Video service d. Messaging Service e. Bulk Data transfer, data entry/access and video tex

Perbedaan antra Trafik Suara dan Trafic Data Voice Traffic Data Traffic Continuous Low Band for long duration Line utlization 80-90 % Half duplex Real Time Loss acceptable Error tolerable Bursty High bandwidth for short Duration Utilzation 5-15 % Half or full Duplex Non real time or near Loss unacceptable Erro unacceptable

Data dan Jaringan multi Service lower Layers a. Topologi Jaringan STAR MESH RING BUSH

LAN WAN Application Fax Cable Infrastructure Router Telephone Switched Computer Application LAN Fax WAN Coper Coax Fiber Cable Infrastructure Main Frame Router Telephone Switched Intelligent Hub File Server Bridge Communication room

Istilah Definisi LAN Sekelompok peralatan data yang dapat saling berkomunikasi, terbatas hanya pada lokasi gedung, departemen atau lantai MAN Seperti LAN hanya lebih luas bisa dalam satu kota atau kampus yang melingkupi banyak blokkota WAN Seperti LAN dan meliputi hubungan antar banyak kota. HUB Puast perkabelan yang canggih, dimanasemua peralatan seperti printer, sacnner,PC, dan lain-lain dihubungkandala satu LAN dengan Twisted pair kabel. BRIDGE Menghubungkan banyak LAN bersama dan agak terbatas. ROUTER Menghubungkan banyak LAN namun lebih kompleks dan dapat menangani sejumlah ptotokol, dapat mencari jalur yangterbaik SERVER Sebuah komputer terpusatdengan berkas-berkasumum, server duhibungkan pada HUB. Berkas al. data organisasi, daftar penjualan, data mahasiswa, rekaman data medis dll.

Tiga Jenis Public Data Network yang kita kenal berdasarkan geografis adalah: 1. LAN (Local Area Network) Biasanya terbatas luasnya, misalnya bangunan atau ‘kampus’ Kecepatannya berkisar antara  4 Mbps sampai >100 Mbps Dimiliki dan dikelola sendiri Dalam bisnis dewasa ini merupakan suatu keharusan 2. MAN (Metrpolitan Area Network) Hubungan antar lokal area network di suatu kota atau melalui suatu kampus. MAN Bisa disebut juga sebagai extention dari LANs Bersifat individual user Umumnya digunakan untuk mengirim trafic pembicaraan dan data Terdapat dua standard Yaitu FDDI II ( Fibre Distribution Data Interface) dan IEEE 802.6 ( Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, USA) Kecepatan bisa 100 MBps dan 150 MBps.

Metroplitan Area Network 3. WAN (Wide Area Networks) WAN dikenal sebagai hubungan antar Komputer /Terminal yang bersifat inertcity, intercounty dan intercontinental. Atas dasar infra struktur komunikasi dapat dibagi dalalm Terrestrial Data Networks (TDNs) dan Satellite Based Data Networks (SBDNs) Wide Area Network Metroplitan Area Network Local Area Network

b. Broadband dan Penggunaan Fiber optic Pertimbangan penggunaan Broadband Penggunaan bisa sharing akan memberikan keuntungan secara ekonomis.dan layanan yang fleksibel. Kebutuhan kanal secara individu memudahkan penyaluran informasiyang diinginkan. Dua jenis akses dan tiga area network yang dapat disajikan dalam komunikasi jenis ini : Integrated Digital Access (IDA) Optical fiber dalam LAN Local Area Networks (LAN) Metroplitan Area Networks (MAN) Wide Area Netwroks (WAN)

Aplikasi teknologi Switching Circuit Switching Packet Switching Public Telephone Network Memberikan fasilitas hubungan telepon dua arah. Lokal, interlokal, internasional. Private Branch Exhanges (PBX) Memberikan layanan komunikasi data dan suara, Hubungan dengan jaringan lain/interkoneksi danbisa digunakan unruk Private dan Public Private Wide Area Network Memberikan layanan antar kota bagi pelanggan dalam satu group yang sama dengan menggunakan PBX Data Switch Memberikan layan interkoneksi antar kompute dalam satu area lokal. Public Data Network (PDN)/ Value Added Network (VAN) Memberikan layanan komunikasi data dalam area yang luas (komputer dan terminalnya). Bisa digunakan secara sharing, layanan utility bagi bagi pengguna ydengan jumlah yang besar dalam satu komuniti. Private Packet-switched Network Memberikan layanan bagi komunikasi terminal dan komputer dalam orgamisasi, dengan mengingat jumlah trafik dan data yang harus didistribusikan dalam organisasi.

Keuntungan fiber optic : Meningkatkan reliability Kappasitas Transmisi lebih besar. Redaman sangat rendah dan bebas dari Crosstalk Saingan media transmisi bagi fiber optik antara lain yang paling dekat adalah coaxial cable dan yang paling serius dalam arti dapat dengan mudah dalam implementasi dan fleksibilitasnya adalah Wireless (Radio).

Application Application Presentation Presentation Session Session Application Protocol Presentation Presentation Presentation Protocol Session Session Session Protocol Transport Transport Transport Protocol Network Network Network Link Data Link Data Link Data Link Physical Physical Physical Link Model Referensi OSI

Data dan Jaringan multi Service Upper Layers Katagori komunikasi upper layer : Real time interactive communication Postal service for the conveyance written doc. Electronic means of conveying texk andgraphicalinformation, icludng : teletext, telex, e-mail,fax, EDI, information retrieval. Data entry. Non addressed broadcast service, paging , radio mobile etc.

Trafik dan Layanan Upper layer Potensi Trafik Telephone akan mendominasi Disusul dengan video phone Distribusi berbentuk printed material (cetak) seperti koran dll. Voice service High quality speech Reduced bit rate Telephony feature Cordless Telephone and telepoint Mobile radio Billing Service. Voice Messaging and audiotext.

Video service Messaging Service Video conference and video telphony Telesurveillance Subcriber teleconferencing Messaging Service E-mail Fax or faxcimile Telex Teletext Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Trbasaction Processing Paging

Bulk Data transfer, data entry/access and videotext Bulk Data transfer : trasnfer file antar komputer Remote data entry and remote data base access : Pengambilan data remote untuk melakukan aktivitas khusus Manufacturing design and design protocol : komunikasi antara pabrik (plant) dan perencana (design) dimungkinkan akan lebih efective menggunakan cara ini. Network ini didesign dengan protocal tersendiri yaitu MAP (Manufacturing Automatic Protocal) Videotext : Yang memberikan layanan Videotext contohnya British Telecom walaupun ada juga provider lain yang menylenggarakan layanan ini. Data diretriev melalui jaringan PSTN dan didisplay pada terminal.pertumbuhan viedotext kurang bergairah dalam bisnis.

Komunikasi Data Publik Komunikasi Data Private Internet VSAT EDI,etc LAN PBX Etc.

Internet Business Strategies Information about Internet Business Strategies

Two Different Internet Business Strategies Strategies of Existing Carriers Transition to Internet Service Providers based on the existing infrastructure Install Internet POP at Central Office Maximize the network management, traffic control, and billing capabilities Seamless Integration of the existing infrastructure Keep the existing Users, Reduce the risks for new services Service differentiation using Guarantee GoS/QoS, Reliability Provide VPN services based on access control, traffic control, and security Strategies of New Carriers Based on cost competitiveness strategies Minimize the network construction cost Deployment by Best Effort Network No Service quality, no traffic control, minimum network management, flat billing

Impact of Internet on Traditional Public Network - Market Perspectives Internet is highly accepted as Information Platform by Users and Content Providers regardless of Reliability and Guaranteed QoS problems Telco is interest in leveraging tremendous Investments for Internet to enable a Seamless Migration to Network of Tomorrow Convergence by integrating Existing Network, IMT-2000, and Internet Build Seamless Converged Multimedia Services to network of tomorrow

Impact of Internet on Traditional Public Network - Network Perspectives Access Structure to the Internet Internet Gateways – IPOP (Internet Point of Presence) Traffic Problems for packet transport using Existing Circuit - Switched Network Congestion due to high volume POP traffic High penetration ( > 15 %) of Internet users Performance degradation for long holding time of 20 min. Strategies to overcome Traffic Problems Using external xDSL devices to divert the Internet traffic Controlling Internet traffic  reuse installed infrastructure to online services

Impact of Internet on Traditional Public Network - Operator Perspectives Loss of Revenue due to Internet Lost telephone calls for busy Internet users Flat rate for Long holding time and long distance tariff Reduced tariffs for access rate Migration of PSTN/ISDN services into the Internet e.g., Fax  Email, Voice Telephony  VoIP, Supplementary services  CTI Operator Strategies Telco become Internet Service Providers  acts as ISPs, install their own IP-based Intranet Seamless Integration of Internet Infrastructure and services into the existing business including OAM Guarantee GoS/QoS, Reliability to differentiate for competition Integration of Internet POP in a Central Office (Local Exchange)

Toward Converged Networks Voice/Data Convergence to facilitate the development of new types of applications Integrated Email/Voicemail, screen pops, CTI, etc. New converged VoIP system will replace traditional PBX Problems of the PBX-based Convergence PBX is a Part of Telecom for corporate administrative service, separated from user organization Hard to innovative from business standpoint, keep the bill down Not responsive to user requests for new services Not open, additional features only by PBX vendor, all intelligence inside PBX For CTI interface, the environment is complex and vendor-specific

Backgrounds of Converged Networks Demand for long distance calls at low cost/low quality Local Exchange Carriers provide long distance service without expensive backbone infrastructure investment Reduce transmission network costs with voice compression Usage of low-cost Internet resources PC become a Multimedia Network Terminal Current Issues VOIP subscribers is not restricted to Internet users, possible to reach Telephone Users everywhere Interoperability of VoIP Incomplete standards  solved by ITU, IETF, ETSI (TIPHON)

Advantages of Converged Networks Advantage for Telco ISP to provide VoIP With existing switching facilities, Advanced VoIP service can be provided (e.g., simplified access authentication, charging methods) Benefits concerning subscription, authentication, call set up (few digits, more speed), and charging (e.g. advice of charge) Keep the users in their own network New low-cost services for new customers

Convergence Challenges of Voice and IP - 1 High reliability/Availability Five nine, 99.999 % Voice Quality Manage delay and echo depending on G.711, G.729 Network QoS Minimize dropped packets, reduce latency and jitter Desktop Telephone Power AC adaptor, Battery backup Feature/Functionality IP phone 100 features, PBX 400 ~ 500 features 911 Compliance Difficulty for temporary address via DHCP Solved by Directory System Integration

Convergence Challenges of Voice and IP - 2 Distance limitation More than 100-meter using twisted pair Legacy voice investment Existing phone set work with new IP-based phone system Management Move, add, change, trouble shooting Security of voice over the LAN Someone decode and listen in packet Channel (in)experience and credibility Without education and experience, sell, install, and troubleshoot Compelling value proposition Difficult to demonstrate value of new technology Claims of lower maintenance, staffing, and equipment costs

Next of Internet Internet Business Demands Mission-critical Business (or Business-class Internet) Security, privacy, authentication, reliability Predictable, uniform performance with guarantee Best Effort Business Entertainment, Shopping, Education, Informal, etc. Business-grade Internet Requirements Virtual Private Networks 50 ~ 80 % for all the Internet subscriber within few years Flows Unique method for connection-oriented real-time service Classes of Service Between best-effort and hard guarantee

Next Study : Wireless Internet Mobile IP Mobile Internet over GSM Aplikasi

Selamat Istirahat

NISDN (Narrow Band ISDN) ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network Sentral Digital, Transmisi Digital, akses masih analog NISDN: Digitalisasi akses menjadi 64 kbps

PENGENALAN TEKNOLOGI DAN JASA TELEKOMUNIKASI 7 April 2017 Bandwidth Bandwidth didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan kanal yang dapat melalukan data dengan kecepatan tertentu.Dalam sirkit dijital besarannya diukur dalam Bit Per Second (Bp/s) yang biasa disebut denga kecepatan transmisi. Untuk sistem analog diukur dengan Hertz (Cycle per second) Broadband services Broadband services didefinisikan sebagai “layanan telekomunikasi yang membutuhkan kanal transmisi lebih besar dari 2 Mbps (E1)” Atau: Jaringan digital yang dapat melayani apa saja: jasa data kecepatan tinggi, videophone, videoconference, transmisi grafis resolusi tinggi, CATV, termasuk juga jasa sebelumnya seperti telepon, data, telemetri dan faksimile Narrowband Services Narrowband services didefinisikan sebagai layanan telekomunikasi yang membutuhkan kanal transmisi yang relatif senpit bandwidthnya atau lebih kecil dar 2 MB/s. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bandung

PENGENALAN TEKNOLOGI DAN JASA TELEKOMUNIKASI 7 April 2017 Bandwidth for different services Telephony Voice Braodcast Videoconference TV and HDTV Video Video Inter-LAN / PBX communication Data FAX CAD Graphic 10 KB/s 100 KB/s 1 MB/s 10 MB/s 100 MB/s Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bandung

PENGENALAN TEKNOLOGI DAN JASA TELEKOMUNIKASI 7 April 2017 Practical Limit on 24-Gauge TW Pair Designation Bandwidth Limit (one way) Distance Limitation DS 1/TI E1 DS 2 E2 ¼ STS-1 ½ STS-1 STS-1 1.544 MBps 2.048 MBps 6.312 MBps 8.448 MBps 12.960 MBps 25.920 MBps 51.840 MBps 18.000 feet 16.000 feet 12.000 feet 9.000 feet 4.500 feet 3.000 feet 1.000 feet Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bandung

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) C P E Digital Switch 64 Kb/s NT 144 Kbit/s 2B + D ISDN IU Twisted Copper Pair Access Network ISDN TLP 2 Mb/s 64 Kb/s C P E Digital Switch 64 Kb/s NT 144 Kbit/s 2B + D ISDN IU Twisted Copper Pair Access Network ISDN TLP

ISDN digunakan karena pada switching digital umumnya terjadi pergerakan signal 64 Kb/s dari satu lintasan signal 2Mb/s ke lintasan lain, selain dari pada itu content yang terdapat pada 64 Kb/s dapat berupa speech, data atau video. Dengan sistem ISDN memungkinkan Customer melalui kabel tembaga mengirim berbagai signal pada jaringan switching telephone pada rate 64 Kb/s. Jadi dengan cara itu ISDN dapat memberikan pertukaran informasi dari Customer Premises yang satu kepada Customer Premises lainnya dengan sistem switching 64 Kb/s.

Terdapat 2 jenis access layanan ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) atau Basic Rate Access (BRA) dikenal dengan 2B+D Sistem ini terdiri dari 2 bearer 64 Kb/s untuk transmisi informasi dan 1 kanal signaling 16 Kb/s, digunakan unutk hubungan yang sederhana. 2. Primary Rate Interface (PRI) atau Primary Rate Access (PRA) dikenal dengan 30B+D yaitu terdiri dari 30 bearer channels pada rate 64 Kb/s dan 1 signalling cahnnel 16 Kb/s, umumnya digunakan untuk sistem yang lebih kompleks misalnya beberapa PABX dan hubungan komputer dengan kapasitas besar.

NT LE NT PABX Basic Rate Access ( 2B + D ) ( 30B + D ) ISDN TLP ( 30B + D ) Primary Rate Access 30B + D PABX ISDN TLP

Telecommunication Service Barrier Service TeleService Basic Barrier Service + Supplementary Services Basic TeleService Basic TeleService + Supplementary Services Basic Barrier Service


IN Reference model and Interface ISDN TERMINAL S T U V NT2 NT1 LT ET R TA Basic Rate 192 KBps Primary Rate 2048 Kbps TE 2 NON-ISDN TERMINAL Non ISDN Standard

Terminology ET TE 1 TE 2 NT 1 NT 2 TA R S T U V Exchange Terminal Terminal type 1, digital or ISDN terminal TE 2 Terminal type 2, non ISDN terminal NT 1 Network Terminal type 1, connect ISDN Subscriber with netwrok NT 2 Network Terminal type , connect non-ISDN Subscriber with netwrok via TA TA Terminal Adaptor, connect ISDN with non-ISDN subcriber R Interface non ISDN termina with network S Interface between NT 2 and ISDN terminal T Interface between NT 2 and NT 1 U InterfaceInterface between NT 1 and LT V Interface between LT and ET

Three types ISDN standard bearer services : 3.1 KHz audio, used in modemtrafficand in intercommunication with non-ISDN services. 64 Kbpsunrestricted, providing a transparant 64 Kbps connection (no echo suppresor & bit manipulation). Speech, 64 Kbps voice connection, tranparancy is not guarranted. The examples of teleservice : Telephony 3.1 KHz and Telephony 7 KHz Telefax group2/3 and telefax group 4 Video Text Video telephony

ISDN Basic Service Circuit Switch Modes 64 Kbps, unrestricted 64Kbps, for speech 64 Kbps, for audio3,1 Khz Alternative speech / 64 Kbps, unrestricted 2 X 64 Kbps, unrestricted 384 Kbps, unrestricted 1536 Kbps, unrestricted 1920 Kbps, unrestricted For circuit switched data For conversi to analog For transfer of data during a speech call Packet Switched Mode Virtual and permanent - virtual circuit Connectionless User signalling

ISDN Teleservice Telephony Teletext Telefax 4 (Fax Group 4) Mixed mode doc transfer Videotext Telex

ISDN Supplementary Services Number Identification : Direct Dialling Multiple subcriber number Calling Line Identificatin Presentation (CLIP) Calling Line Identificatin Retriction Connected line Identification Presentation Connected line Identification Restriction Malicious call Idebtification Sub Adressing Call Offering Call transfer Call forwarding Busy Call forwarding No Reply Call forwarding unconditional Call Deflectyion Line Hunting

ISDN Supplementary Services (Cntonued) Call Completion Call waiting Call Hold (allow call tobe interrupted and re-established) Call completion to busy subcribers Multi Party : Conference Calling Three party Service Community Interest : Closed User Group (terbatas hanya untuk anggota grup, dengan fasilitas tambahan) Private Numbering Plan Charging : Credit Card Calling Advice of Charge Reverse Cahrging Additional information transfer : User to user Signalling

processors, group switches,etc Switcging and switch Control PSTN and ISDN are ussualy combinedto form dual in which theu usethe same resources. Since both digitised are 64 Kbps circuit switching, the two netwqork can share subscriber switches as well as group switch equipment. ISDN PSTN SS-7 Application local local STP Transit Transit Common Functions : processors, group switches,etc Platform Figure of Outline PSTN and ISDN exchange

Local Exchange in PSTN/ISDN (8) Switching Part Group Switch ETC To other network or exchange (9) Subscriber stage (10) Access server To local Internet router (2) Signalling Equipment (1) Control systems Signalling (3) O & M Switch Control (4) (6) Charging Supllementary Services (5) (7) Subscribers Data

Legend : (1). The access circuit (2). Digital line board for connection of digital access (3). The analysis of signalling (4). The switch control will be much more complex, (5). Others supplementary services (6). Charging function is more complicated. (7). Subscribers data for different types of terminal. (8). Capable for interworking witch other ISDN Exchange (9). Some are equiped with X.25 traffic or B or D channels. (10). Access for internet

INTELLIGENT NETWORK An Intelligent Network consist of a number of basic elements, the switching and transmission facility to carry the call traffic. The additional part of IN are : Additional processing associated with the basic switch. Information resourcesthat are necessary for the provision of special features. Service contreol facility that control the provision ofspecial features and services- the basic network and the information resources are used to provide these services.

Simple diagram of Intelligent Network SWITCH SWITCH Data Base TERMINAL Interface A Manage services: billing, authorization, and monitoring Interface B Service Management System Data Base Handle data base interrogation and contol routing Service Control Point Recorded announcement facility Intelligent Perpheral Interface C SWITCH SWITCH

INTELLIGENT NETWORK SERVICES The main focus of standardisation is definition of SIB ( Service Independent Building Blocks) as a functionality provided by Data Base, for examples : Announcement Notification announcement complete Collect user information Charging information Traffic measurement Insert data, modify data Time dependent/independent decision Screening

Example of Intelligent Network Services : Free call (advance free phone call) Credit call (Credit card calling) Universal acess number (Unicall) Televoting (Vote call) VPN (Virtual Private Network) Premium rate UPT (universal Personal Telecommunication) Three way services Emergency Services Intelligent Access and Routing.

Free call Caller special number eg. 0800 Credit call (Credit card calling) The customer automaticall;y charge on bank or credit card account Universal acess number (Unicall) Aloows the subscriber with several terminating in any number of location to be reach with unique number. Televoting (Vote call) Voting via telephone call to deliver an opinion. VPN (Virtual Private Network) Assign circuit when calls are in progress, Sharing transmission, 2Mbps switch, numberingplan for private network Premium rate Wide vrietyof informationcan get from numerous information provider UPT (universal Personal Telecommunication) To give user ability to make and receive calls at any point on any number of fixed networks. Three way services Three party communication Emergency Services Incidental service call, may direct to hospital. Intelligent Access and Routing. Can choose routingaver available networks that make best to use as option.

ISDN Standard : IN Standard : Prepare by : ITU-T (CCITT) and ETSI ( European Telecommunication Standardization Institute) IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force ) IN Standard : Prepare by : ITU-T (CCITT) and ETSI( European Telecommunication Standardization Institute)

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