Nature of Product (NOP)


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Transcript presentasi:

Nature of Product (NOP) Is anything that can be offered to consumer (market) for attention, aquisition, use or consumption that may satisfy need(s), want(s), taste(s) - P. Kotler - Nature of Product (NOP) Durability Tangibility Level of Product Product Classification Product Life Cycle Produk/MM-P.Kotler Ch. 17/RP - 1

LEVEL OF PRODUCT Potential Product Augmented Product Expected Product Generic Product CORE BENEFIT Produk/MM-P.Kotler Ch. 17/RP - 2

Product Classification Based on Who will use/consume it : Consumer Product(s) Organizational Product(s) Consumer Product(s) : Based on Buying Behavior : Convenience Goods Based on Buying Situation : Shopping Goods Staple Goods Specialty Goods Emergency Goods Unsought Goods Impulse Goods Produk/MM-P.Kotler Ch. 17/RP - 3

Organizational Product(s) Based on How it is Used : Entering Goods : Raw Materials : - Farm Products - Natural Products Mftd. Materials & Parts : - Component Materials - Component Parts Foundation Goods : Instalation : - Land & Buildings - Major Fixed Equipments Accessories : - Portable Equipments & Tools - Office Equipments Facilitating Goods : Supplies : - Operasional Supplies - Repair & Maintenance Supplies Business Services : - Repair & Maintenance Services - Business Consultation Services Produk/MM-P.Kotler Ch. 17/RP - 4

PRODUCT MIX Also called Product Assortment, is the set of all product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale to buyers PRODUCT WIDTH refers to how many different product line the company carries PRODUCT DEPTH refers to how many variants are offered of each product in the line PRODUCT LENGTH refers to the total number of items in its product mix PRODUCT CONSISTENCY refers to how closely related the various product lines are in End Use Production Requirements Distribution Channels, or some other way Produk/MM-P.Kotler Ch. 17/RP - 5

Product Line Policy Downward Stretch Reasons : Risks : SEIKO SONY Upper Market Downward Stretch Middle Market Initially many companies are serving the upper end of the market, and subsequently stretch their line downward to a lower market. Reasons : Lower Market As a counterattack in response toward lower end competitors’ attack Higher end market getting slower growth Intended to rolled downward, after establishment in higher end market To plug a market hole in lower end that would otherwise attract new competitors Risks : Cannibalize higher end items Provoke competitors to counteract by moving into higher end Company’s dealers may not willing to handle the lower end due to less profit If not managed well, may pull down company’s/product’s image SEIKO ALBA in Asia; PULSAR in the US SONY AIWA DONNA KARAN DKNY Produk/MM-P.Kotler Ch. 17/RP - 6

Product Line Policy Upward Stretch Two-Way Stretch Reasons : Risks : (cont’d) Upper Market Upward Stretch Middle Market Companies in the lower end market might contemplate entering the higher end Lower Market Reasons : As response toward downward stretch attack Attracted by higher growth rate, higher margin A chance to position themselves as full-line manufacturers Risks : Attract higher end competitors to do downward stretch Higher end market may not believe the product quality Company’s sales reps. & dealers may lack capability to serve higher end market Upper Market Lower Two-Way Stretch Companies in the middle market may decide to stretch their line both directions Middle Market Produk/MM-P.Kotler Ch. 17/RP - 7

LAYANAN Definisi : Suatu tindakan atau kegiatan. Adalah suatu tindakan atau kegiatan yang dapat ditawarkan oleh satu pihak kepada pihak lain, yang pada intinya tidak berwujud dan tidak dapat dimiliki, tetapi dapat dirasakan dan dinikmati. Definisi : - Philip Kotler - Suatu tindakan atau kegiatan. Pemasaran, Operasi dan Sumber Daya Manusia lebih terjalin erat. Pelanggan secara fisik dihadapkan pada Operasi Layanan dan berintegrasi dengan karyawan. Pembeli produk layanan, sering-kali harus datang ke “pabrik” dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses penyampaian dan konsumsinya Pemasaran Layanan/MM-P.Kotler-Ch. 18/RP - 01

LAYANAN Sentral Suplementer People Based Equipment Based Pemasaran Layanan/MM-P.Kotler-Ch. 18/RP - 02

Perbedaan Pemasaran Layanan dan Produk Nature of Product Keterlibatan pelanggan dalam proses produksi, lebih besar Orang sebagai bagian dari produk Lebih sukar dalam mempertahankan standar kendali mutu Pelanggan lebih sukar untuk mengevaluasi Tidak ada inventori Faktor waktu, memiliki kepentingan relatif Sifat dan struktur saluran distribusi Pemasaran Layanan/Services Marketing-C.Lovelock-Ch. 1/RP - 04

KONSEP PEMASARAN LAYANAN Manajemen Menciptakan prasyarat untuk memberikan janji kepada pelanggan Menciptakan harapan dengan memberikan janji kepada pelanggan Internal Marketing External (Traditional) Marketing The Moment of Truth Tanggung jawab utama pada manajer dan penyelia Tanggung jawab utama pada pemasar Karyawan Pelanggan Keinginan pribadi Pengalaman masa lalu Citra “ Word-of-mouth” Interactive Marketing Teknologi Harga Lingkungan fisik Karyawan lini depan Sistem dan prosedur Memegang janji kepada pelanggan Tanggung jawab utama kepada karyawan operasi Cust. Driven Co./R.C.Whiteley-Cust. Tool Kit/EA/RP -05

2 Distinctive Features of Services Service is a process or a performance. Customers are involved, to greater or lesser degree, in the service production process. Concept of the Service Encounter : “ a period of time during which a consumer interacts directly with a service” - Shostack - “ dyadic interactions between a customer and service provider” - Surprenant & Solomon - Many service-quality-problems revolve around unsatisfactory incidents between customers and contact employees To minimize Use of Technology Pemasaran Layanan/Services Marketing-C.Lovelock-Ch. 3/RP - 06

4 Types of Core Service Processes People Processing When customers seek some service in which the process consists of tangible actions directed at their physical person and therefore requires their physical presence throughout service delivery. Possession Processing When customers ask a service organization to provide tangible actions not to themselves but rather to their possession. Mental Stimulus Processing It embraces a group of services that consist of intangible actions directed at customer’s minds and thus require their mental (but not necessarily physical) participation throughout service delivery. Information Processing Consist of intangible actions presented to customers either face to face or transformed into physical form through letters, reports, tapes etc. (Financial services, law, education, news, weather forecast etc.) Pemasaran Layanan/Services Marketing-C.Lovelock-Ch. 3/RP - 07

The Service Business as a System Customer A Service Operation System Physical support Service A Technical core Contact personnel Service B Customer B Not visible to customer Direct interactions Secondary interactions Source : Adapted from Eric Langeard, John E. G. Bateson, Christopher H. Lovelock, and Pierre Eiglier, Services Marketing : New Insights from Consumers and Mangers (Cambrige, Mass.: Marketing Science Institute, 1981). Pemasaran Layanan/Services Marketing-C.Lovelock-Ch. 3/RP - 08