Modul 5: Pemulihan Penghidupan


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Transcript presentasi:

Modul 5: Pemulihan Penghidupan Keuangan Mikro dan Manajemen Bencana Modul 5: Pemulihan Penghidupan

Tujuan Untuk mamahami: apa kegiatan penghidupan itu bagaimana melakukan penilaian kebutuhan setempat dan merancang kegiatan memajukan penghidupan yang sesuai pemilihan pelanggan yang sesuai berbagai argumentasi ‘pro’ dan ‘kontra’ program memajukan penghidupan bagi para penyedia keuangan mikro berbagai persoalan yang terkait dengan pemantauan dan evaluasi program memajukan penghidupan SLIDE 2: Objectives Following completion of this module, participants should understand how a natural disaster might affect an MFI, and the strategies an MFI can implement to mitigate the risks.

Topik - topik Perkenalan Perlukah LKM menyelenggarakan kegiatan memajukan penghidupan setelah bencana? Penilaian konteks Pemilihan pelanggan Pemilihan dan pola program Pemantauan dan evaluasi Rangkuman SLIDE 3: Topics Note that the first three topics in the discussion are for learning and background. However, there is little point simply understanding these things if it does not result in a concrete action plan. Therefore, the Key Output of this module is that the MFI prepares a Disaster Preparedness Plan (Topic 4).

1. Perkenalan Berbagai konsep kunci: penghidupan penghidupan berkelanjutan Kegiatan memajukan penghidupan – jangka pendek dan panjang SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

Definisi penghidupan Penghidupan terdiri dari: kecakapan, aset (termasuk sumber daya bahan dan sosial), dan kegiatan yang dibutuhkan sebagai alat mencari nafkah. Penghidupan itu berkelanjutan apabila bisa menanggulangi dan sembuh dari ketegangan dan kekagetan, serta mempertahankan atau meningkatkan aset dan liabilitas tanpa mengikis landasan sumber daya alam. U. of Sussex, digunakan oleh DFID dan Bank Dunia SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

Kegiatan Memajukan penghidupan Kegiatan memajukan penghidupan bertujuan membantu para penerima menjadi percaya kepada diri sendiri selama jangka panjang. Brainstorm: menurut pemikiran anda contoh mengenai memajukan penghidupan apa saja yang anda ketahui? Apakah organisasi anda terlibat dalam memajukan penghidupan? Apakah ‘keuangan mikro’ suatu kegiatan memajukan penghidupan? SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

Kegiatan Memajukan penghidupan – Contoh-contoh Latihan kelas: Sortir contoh-contoh ini dalam kegiatan ‘jangka pendek’ dan ‘jangka panjang’ Kuangan Bukan-keuangan Kredit, tabungan Kerja-untuk-uang Hibah uang Pelatihan ketrampilan Layanan penempatan kerja Layanan pemasaran Layanan pengembangan usaha Hibah barang SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

Kegiatan Memajukan penghidupan Jangka Pendek dan Panjang Kerja-untuk-uang Hibah uang Hibah barang Jangka pendek Jangka panjang Pelatihan ketrampilan Layanan penempatan kerja Layanan pemasaran Layanan pengembangan usaha Kredit, tabungan SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

2. Perlukah LKM Menyelenggarakan Melaksanakan Kegiatan Memajukan penghidupan setelah Bencana? Pertanyaan tersebut menunjuk pada kegiatan diluar tradisi ‘kunci’ keuangan mikro. Kegiatan jangka panjang Apakah anda terbiasa menawarkan ‘keuangan mikro plus’? Jika ‘tidak’: Apakah ada permintaan untuk layanan ‘plus’? (lihat Topik 3 - Penilaian) Apakah organisasi lain sudah menyediakan layanan ini? Apakah organisasi anda mempunyai kecakapan / pengetahuan / kemampuan untuk melakukannya? Kegiatan jangka pendek Ada tantangan soal pola yang terkait dengan kerja-untuk-uang, hibah uang dan hibah barang(lihat Topik 5 – Pemilihan dan pola program) Ada beberapa cerita sukses, tetapi lebih banyak yang gagal! SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

Berbagai Kegiatan ‘Pro’ dan ‘Kontra’ Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Memajukan penghidupan setelah Bencana Brainstorm: beberapa argumentasi PRO dan KONTRA apa yang anda ketahui untuk LKM menyelenggarakan ‘bukan inti’ kegiatan memajukan penghidupan setelah bencana? Pertimbangkan baik kegiatan ‘jangka pendek’ maupun ‘jangka panjang’ yang sudah dibahas. SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

3. Penilaian Konteks Dibutuhkan penilaian lengkap dari konteks SEBELUM merancang kegiatan memajukan penghidupan. Tim penilai harus mempunya keahlian dalam pengembangan ekonomi. LKM perlu memahami kekuatan dan kelemahannya sendiri, yang menentukan apa saja yang bisa dan tidak bisa dilakukan. Ketika melakukan penilaian, penting untuk mempertimbangkan: para pelanggan para pemasok lingkungan SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

Contoh: Penilaian sebuah ‘Keuangan Mikro’ Siapa Persoalan Para pelanggan Rakyat miskin aktif ekonomi Pelaku usaha berpengalaman Pendapatan/pengeluaran rumahtangga Jenis usaha Kemampuan membayar kembali Para pemasok Rentenir LKM lain Bank Koperasi, kelompok swadaya Siapa saja para pelanggan mereka? Wilayah mana saja yang mereka cakup? Apa saja produk mereka? Lingkungan Pemerintah Bank sentral Kantor urusan statistik Peraturan tentang mobilisasi tabungan? Persayaratan cadangan minimum? Persyaratan pendaftaran?

Latihan Penilaian Konteks Kegiatan kelompok: Bagilah para peserta kedalam beberapa kelompok Masing-masing kelompok memilih kegiatan memajukan penghidupan yang berbeda (pelatihan ketrampilan, hibah barang, hibah uang, layanan penempatan kerja, dll.) Masing-masing kelompok membahas bagaimana melakukan penilaian atas kegiatan memajukan penghidupan. Isilah tabel pada handout.

Contoh: Penilaian ‘Pelatihan Ketrampilan’ Siapa Persoalan Para pelanggan Tunakarya, usia produktif, mampu secara fisik Kecakapan apa saja yang tersedia di masyarakat? Bidang dan kecakapan apa saja punya potensi untuk pekerjaan tambahan? Para pemasok Lembaga pelatihan Universitas Usaha swasta, perorangan Asosiasi perdagangan Pelatihan apa saja yang ditawarkan? Berapa biaya partisipasi? Persyaratan partisipasi? Surat kepercayaan (credentials) dari para instruktur? Lingkungan Peraturan perundang-undangan Standar Apakah membutuhkan lisensi dari pemerintah? Siapa yang memantau / mengatur standar?

Contoh: Penilaian ‘Hibah Barang’ Siapa Persoalan Para pelanggan Perorangan yang mampu mendistribusikan barang dengan baik Ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengerjakan produk? Kemampuan para pelanggan untuk membeli produk – misalnya untuk pinjam dan bayar kembali)? Para pemasok Para produsen lokal Para importir lokal Harga dan mutu barang hasil produksi lokal Permintaan untuk dan pasokan dari barang hasil produksi lokal Lingkungan Misalnya untuk hibah ternak – intansi pengatur (Departemen Pertanian) Misalnya tindakan kesehatan seperti vaksinasi, karantina

4. Pemilihan Pelanggan Pada dasarnya profil pemilihan pelanggan untuk kegiatan memajukan penghidupan adalah serupa dengan pemilihan pelanggan keuangan mikro. Role play Client A Client B Downtown 60km Client C SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

Profil ‘Inclusion’ Pelanggan Keuangan Mikro Pengalaman telah menunjukkan bahwa para pelanggan keuangan mikro terbaik adalah para pengusaha miskin yang, sebagai contoh: menjalankan usaha kecil di pasar aktif meminjam dari sumber tak resmi untuk maksud usaha beroperasi daerah berpenduduk padat dan luas tinggal dilingkungan sosial yang cukup stabil SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

Profil ‘Exclusion’ Pelanggan Keuangan Mikro Keuangan mikro bukan program ‘jaring pengaman’, jadi adalah normal untuk tidak melibatkan orang setelah mengetahui profil mereka. Sebagian orang miskin tidak dilibatkan karena, misalnya: mereka bukan pengusaha miskin, yaitu, mereka tidak menjalankan usaha mikro mereka tinggal didaerah terpencil dengan jumlah penduduk sedikit dan kepadatan penduduk yang rendah ada kas ekonomi minimum mereka tinggal dilingkungan sosial yang kurang stabil Sasaran biasanya tidak melibatkan mereka yang tidak miskin, karena mereka sudah punya akses atas jasa keuangan umum (misalnya yang disediakan oleh bank-bank resmi). SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

Profil ‘Inclusion’ Pelanggan penghidupan Pada dasarnya profil pemilihan pelanggan untuk banyak kegiatan memajukan penghidupan adalah serupa dengan pemilihan pelanggan keuangan mikro. Sasaran utama untuk kegiatan memajukan penghidupan dengan orientasi perusahaan adalah para pengusaha miskin. Pengecualian yang ada termasuk ‘pelatihan ketrampilan’ dan ‘layanan kerja’ yang ditujukan kepada mereka yang bukan golongan pengusaha Oleh karena keuangan mikro dan banyak kegiatan memajukan penghidupan lain punya profil pelanggan serupa sebagai sasaran, maka berbagai layanan ini berjalan seiring dan bisa saling mendukung. SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

5. Pemilihan dan Pola Program Bacalah skenario studi kasus pada handout, dan buat beberapa catatan perihal praktek yang bagus versus yang buruk. Brainstorm: Pertimbangkan masing-masing kegiatan memajukan penghidupan yang tercantum pada slide berikut, dan bahaslah apakah menurut pemikiran anda intervensi tersebut akan membawa dampak yang positif, negatif atau tanpa dampak terhadap kegiatan keuangan mikro anda, dan mengapa.

Dampak Intervensi penghidupan terhadap Program KM (1) Dampak terhadap Program KM Kerja-untuk-uang Hibah uang Hibah barang Pelatihan ketrampilan Layanan pemasaran Layanan konsultasi usaha Layanan penempatan kerja

Dampak Intervensi penghidupan terhadap Program KM (2) Dampak terhadap Program KM Kerja-untuk-uang Sering negatif … tergantung pola Hibah uang Hibah barang Pelatihan ketrampilan Positif …bisa menunda keberlanjutan Layanan pemasaran Layanan konsultasi usaha Layanan penempatan kerja Netral …bukan pelanggan sama

Hibah dan Kredit dalam Perbaikan penghidupan Pada dasarnya profil pemilihan pelanggan untuk banyak kegiatan memajukan penghidupan adalah serupa dengan untuk pemilihan pelanggan keuangan mikro. Walaupun ada keprihatinan dari masyarakat keuangan mikro, hibah seringkali diberikan kepada para pengusaha mikro setelah suatu bencana alam. Tantangan bagi para instansi penolong dan penyedia keuangan mikro adalah merancang berbagai intervensi ini agar supaya: Mereka menyumbang secara positif kepada perbaikan penghidupan, tanpa menciptakan ketergantungan, dan tanpa mengikis berbagai upaya untuk menyediakan jasa keuangan berdasarkan pasar secara berkelanjutan untuk jangka panjang.

Pedoman untuk Hibah dan Kredit Hibah tidak cocok untuk segala situasi bencana. Jangan mencampuradukkan kredit dengan hibah dalam satu perjanjian/kontrak. Dimana mungkin, berikan hibah melalui mitra penolong dan kredit melalui LKM. Bersikaplah terbuka dengan kritera pemilihan penerima hibah. Berikan hibah hanya untuk waktu sangat pendek. Hibah seharusnya satu kali saja, dan harus ada proses ‘peningkatan’ ke mekanisme berdasarkan pasar seperti kredit mikro. Persyaratkan partisipasi penerima untuk penggantian aset. Lihat FDC Brief 3, ‘Hibah dan pinjaman untuk pemulihan penghidupan setelah bencana alam’

Kapan Memulai Kegiatan Memajukan penghidupan Berbagai kegiatan memajukan penghidupan yang berbeda punya berbagai kerangka waktu yang berlainan. Beberapa adalah jangka panjang; beberapa adalah jangka pendek dan sementara. Kegiatan jangka pendek biasanya dapat dilaksanakan lebih cepat. Namun demikian, pengalaman telah menunjukkan bahwa organisasi yang merencanakan strategi mereka secara menyeluruh, baik untuk jangka pendek maupun untuk jangka panjang, dapat mengembangkan tanggapan yang lebih masuk akal terhadap bencana dan menghasilkan dampak yang lebih positif.

6. Pemantauan dan Evaluasi ‘Kepuasan pelanggan = dampak’ adalah perkiraan umum diantara para praktisi penghidupan. Namun demikian, untuk kegiatan bebas biaya atau bersubsdi, kepuasan pelanggan saja tidak mencukupi. Pada fase pola, anda perlu memasukkan berbagai indikator pemantauan yang spesifik, bisa diukur, bisa dicapai, relevan dan tepat waktu. Brainstorm: organisasi anda menggunakan indikator apa saja untuk mengukur efisiensi, keberlanjutan dan dampak dari kegiatan LKM anda? Beberapa indikator apa saja yang mungkin bisa digunakan untuk mengukur dampak kegiatan memajukan penghidupan yang lain? SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management

7. Rangkuman Kegiatan memajukan penghidupan bertujuan untuk memajukan kepercayaan pada diri sendiri dalam bidang ekonomi. Terdapat intervensi baik keuangan/bukan keuangan maupun jangka pendek/jangka panjang. Mencampuradukkan hibah dengan kredit adalah berbahaya. Dengan adanya begitu banyak organisasi pemberi pertolongan, para pelanggan menjadi bingung dan sering menghasilkan pengaruh negatif pada disiplin pembayaran kembali. Adalah penting dalam konteks bencana jika berbagai organisasi yang menjalankan keuangan mikro membedakan diri mereka dari berbagai kegiatan pertolongan lainnya. Berbagai organisasi harus merancang program penghidupan mereka dengan serempak untuk memastikan bahwa program-program yang ada saling melengkapi. Jangan lupa untuk memantau dan mengukur dampak serta kemajuan – jumlah peserta saja tidak cukup! SLIDE 4: PART 1. Overview of Risks Faced by MFIs Estimated Duration: 10 minutes Technique: Lecture Facilitator Note: Be careful that participants do not become side-tracked by over-discussing the detail of the three risk categories mentioned on this slide, as it is the fourth risk category - “EXTERNAL RISKS” (slide 5) - that is the main point of interest in this module. Institutional Risks: Governance: e.g. lack of focus, failing to protect the MFIs assets, allowing sub-standard financial reporting. Dependence on donors: The question of sustainability. What happens to the MFI if donors withdraw their support? Mission drift: Who is the MFI supposed to serve? What is the MFI meant to do? E.g. Is the MFI a financial intermediary or a generalist development NGO? Reputation: Does the community-at-large respect the MFI as a provider of financial services? Do lenders and investors respect the MFI as a trustworthy partner. Operational Risks: Credit risk: Quality of the loan portfolio. Does the MFI expect and demand that loans are repaid. Do the operational systems ensure this? Liquidity risk: Is the MFI able to pay its creditors in a timely manner? Transaction risk (negligence, mismanagement, errors): Is transaction data managed effectively? Are reports readily available? Is the data readily consolidated? Fraud: Are there systems in place to minimize opportunity for fraud and theft? Financial Risks: Assets and liabilities: How “strong” is the Balance Sheet? To what extent do assets exceed liabilities? Interest rate, exchange rate: Does the MFI use different currencies for different purposes? (e.g. funds sourced in US$ but lent out in local currency). If so, what will be the effect of a significant change in exchange rate? To date, capacity-building and technical assistance for MFIs has focused on improving their ability to manage these types of risks. Less work has been done on managing EXTERNAL RISKS (see slide 5). Glossary items: Governance Risk Management