Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Hidup MK Ekonomi Regional Dept. Geografi FMIPA UI
Apa itu PEMBANGUNAN ? Penyediaan materi kesejahteraan Kualitas Hidup Terminologi Penjelasan dan elemen Spatial Ukuran PEMBANGUNAN Ekonomi – GDP, GNP, dll – Teknologi – Input Sumberdaya utk produksi – Distribusi sektoral Non-ekonomi – Sistem politik/ gejolak politik – Edukasi – Infrastruktur – Kesehatan dan gizi Model-Model Pembangunan Core-periphery Growth poles – spread and backwash effects – circular and cumulative causation Stages of Growth (Rostow) – preconditions for growth – takeoff – drive to maturity – age of mass consumption ‡ post-industrial ‡ Enterpreneur dan Schumpeter ‡ Teori Pembangunan Baru Policy Issues Domestic versus international development trade-offs Growth versus equity Growth versus equity versus environment
MODEL INTERAKSI MANUSIA DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP ECONOMY PEOPLE Human Activity environment EcosystemEncroachment resources Impact on people Waste, pollution, and dissipative use Ecosystem services Encroachment: to take more than is right, usual, or acceptable
Tekanan terhadap Ekosistem Economic subsystem Population subsystem Goods & services labor Human subsystem Environmental compartment Ecosystem impacts Environmental subsystem STATEPRESSURE Resource Depletion Pollution Natural Feedbacks Societal Response Human System Feedback RESPONSE
What is Economic Development? Economic Development: Improving the economic productivity (as measured in money) of a nation. Questions: (absolute or per capita?) (How is wealth distributed?)
An Oil Spill in Mexico Good for the Economy? You betcha. Where best: U.S., Mexico, or Ecuador?
A wildfire in Laguna Beach Do you think these people are hoping their homes will burn down To help boost the local economy?
A New Dichotomy: Economic vs Ecological Sustainable Where are we? Is growth sustainable? Where to? Paranoia to Partnership Environmental degradation and resource depletion Increasing Income disparity Poverty and Marginalization Population size and growth Economic volume and pattern Technological choice Governance Environmental quality Values, desires and aspirations Structure of PowerKnowledge and Understanding Human Needs Long Term Ecological Processes Critical trend Proximate trend Ultimate trend
This area is devoted to the study of whole systems. Nature is a whole system. But also an economy, a family, a company, a community, or many other things, can be looked at as whole systems. A whole system view would include all the factors involved and examine how they relate to each other and how they work as a whole. To deal with a whole system we can't leave anything out as irrelevant. Intuition is as important as rationality, we must address both scientific and artistic approaches, both material and spiritual needs, the small as well as the big, what we feel as well as what we think, what we perceive as well as what we imagine. Whole systems are dynamic, they change they move, they develop. Frozen pictures of how things are supposed to be might do us no good, we need to deal with the live systems, whichever surprising directions that might take us in. There is no one authority in the field of whole systems. Luckily nobody has monopolized it by putting it into a standard curriculum defining what it IS. So, we all have the opportunity to discover together what whole systems are about.
Krisis Ekologi Berbasis Regional Berbasis Regional Aktifitas PembangunanAktifitas Pembangunan Aktifitas MasyarakatAktifitas Masyarakat Tingkat Pembangunan Jabodetabekjur Layak untuk melanjutkan kegiatan pembangunan Tidak Layak untuk melanjutkan kegiatan pembangunan Kondisi Pembangunan mengarah kritis perlu perlakuan khusus Kondisi Pembangunan sudah kritis Kegiatan Pembangu Utama perlu dibekukan/ dihentikan Kondisi pembangunan yg aman perlu/ dapat dipertahankan kelangusngan nya Ambang batas Kondisi Krisis Ekologi dan Pembangunan Waktu Tingkat Pembangunan Jabodetabekjur
Perumahan Commercial Area Pelab uhan gud ang Hutan Housing allocation Commercial Area Pelab uhan gud ang Hutan Perumahan T0T0 TnTn t0t0 tn Kondisi Krisis Ekologi dan Pembangunan Sawah/ tegalan gud ang
CA/SEA Dev. Aspect Infrastructure Dev. Aspect Livelihood forestryfisheryagriculture Rice field (extension) irrigation seed fertilizer store storage End users / consumers HousingRoad Water Supply Houseswood iron cement Water installation Street Main Dev. Aspect Class. 1 Class. 2 Housing allocation CA Dev 1 Index CA Dev 2 Index Sum of CA Index Rice field Commercial Area Pelab uhan gud ang Jalan lingkungan Jalan kabupaten Jalan propinsi sungai irigasi Hutan Sand mining sand
Pembangunan rumah Pembangunan jalan T0 Tn Penduduk LahanEkonomi ASPEK PEMBANGUNAN ASPEK LINGKUNGAN EKOLOGINON EKOLOGI Tanah/LahanUdaraAirEkonomiSosialPolitik INFRASTRUKTUR SARANA Perumahan Jalan/ transportasi Fasilitas Umum a. Pembuangan Limbah b. Konstruksi pertahanan pantai PRASARANA Air Bersih Energi (Listrik) Telekomunikasi MATA PENCAHARIAN PRIMER Pertanian Kehutanan Perikanan Pertambangan SEKUNDER Manufaktur TERSIER Perdagangan Jasa Logical Framework Mental Model
Pendekatan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dan peran Kelembagaan sebagai “Driver” Sustainable Development: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (“Our Common Future”, the World Commission on Environment and Development, 1997)
SOCIAL Perspectives ECONOMIC Perspectives ENVIRONMENTAL Perspectives Human Rights Peace and human security Gender equality Cultural diversity & intercultural understanding Health HIV/AIDS Governance Natural resources (water, energy, agriculture, biodiversity) Climate Change Rural Development Sustainable urbanization Disaster prevention and mitigation Poverty reduction Corporate responsibility and accountability Market economy Economic: the production of goods and services Social : the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of life Environmental: the conservation and prudent management of natural resources Sustainable Development: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (“Our Common Future”, the World Commission on Environment and Development, 1997)
KLHS adalah generasi ke dua; generasi terakhir adalah SA (Sustainability Appraisal)
Policy Planning Program
Critical Pressure Points of Natural Resources aspect (physical Environment) Critical Pressure Points on Social-Economic aspects Kegiatan pembangunan dan masyarakat Masa Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi Sebelum Bencana Gempa dan Tsunami Terjadinya Bencana Gempa dan Tsunami serta Masa Gawat Darurat Masa setelah Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi Tertiary Primary Secondary ? ? Perlu adanya Intervensi Kebijakan untuk mengurangi Dampak Negatif Pembangunan Kegiatan pembangunan dan masyarakat
Kegiatan Ekonomi, Lingkungan Hidup dan Penataan Ruang (Kasus Perubahan Iklim)
Spatial Imagination Values Cognitive Space Affective Space Conative Psychologi cal transforma tion Cognitive Affective Conative Spatial Behavior Practices Spatial arrangement / Tata Ruang perencanaan wilayah SPACE VALUE ?
Cognitive Space Affective Space Sense of Place Spatial Attributes Physical Landscape Cultural Landscape Spatial Behavior Spatial Arrangement Regional Planning Process Positive Approach Relative Approach
Sistem Lingkungan Hidup Perubahan Iklim dan Variasinya Kejadian ekstrim (bencana) Ketersediaan SD Air, udara dan tanah berkualitas Naiknya permukaan air laut Dampak pd LH Perubahan pada emisi dan tutupan lahan Perubahan pada SD Air, Tanah, Permodalan, Ketenagkerjaan, dan produktifitas Perubahan pada pola produksi dan konsumsi Dampak pd Ekonomi Kerentanan KEBIJAKAN Mitigasi Adaptasi Sistem Ekonomi Tekanan LH Tekanan Ekonomi Contoh Simplifikasi Model Kajian Integrasi Pembangunan dan LH (KLHS – Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis)
Advantages dan Disadvantages; Global Warming – Climate Change AdvantagesDisadvantages Menguntungan jenis pertanian yang butuh hari hujan sedikit atau intensitas panas lebih tinggi (contoh anggur, jagung, garam alam) demikian pula dengan sektor industri dan jasa Peluang inovasi dan pengembangan bagi energi alternatif (contoh solar-energy, hidro-energy), sumberdaya air (melting iceberg) ataupun metode aplikasi jenis kegiatan produksi lainnya (rekayasa nanoteknologi, genom, ICT) Terbukanya peluang lahan kehidupan baru di daerah yang sebelumnya tertutup es Akan muncul varietas tumbuhan baru hasil adaptasi ekosistem baru Menimbulkan inspirasi kreasi produk konsumtif baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan gaya hidup masyarakat yang baru hasil adaptasi dengan kondisi alam yang baru (sandang, pangan, papan dan penunjang lainnya) Kesepakatan baru diantara masyarakat global akan standard kehidupan (creates new economics and business, politics platform) Merugikan jenis pertanian yang butuh banyak hari hujan dan temperatur yang tidak panas Mematikan atau memperpendek siklus hidup (life cycle) sejumlah usaha konvensional yang bergantung terhadap pola cuaca (seperti hydro- energy di daratan seperti danau/air terjun, pertanian tadah hujan, dll) Menghilangnya/tenggelamnya sejumlah pulau- pulau kecil (dan gosongan) dan berkurangnya luas wilayah pesisir Format struktur ekosistem berubah terutama di bagian pesisir; sejumlah komponen Bio-diversitas punah atau semakin kerdil karena kandungan air dan unsur hara berkurang/berubah (lahan tandus meluas), temperatur meningkat sehingga kenyamanan hidup sehari-hari berkurang Beban kebutuhan domestik bertambah karena struktur konsumsi berubah; masyarakat marginal paling sensitif terhadap perubahan ini Timbul endemik/wabah penyakit baru Bagaimana dengan Indonesia? perlu kajian yang komprehensif dan holistik KLHS diperlukan