SI00014 – Perancangan Basisdata M01 – Perkenalan dan kontrak By: Muhammad Davi, S.Kom Blog : HP:
Application DBMSs -> Contoh-contoh App. DBMSs Kegunaannya
DBMS Macam-macam DBMS Perbandingan DBMS Kelompok 2 ( )
Hanya dibolehkan memakai pakaian sopan dan rapi sesuai dengan Manner UIB. Jika tidak, silahkan pulang. Berbicara yang sopan dan baik. Jika tidak, sebaiknya diam. Waktu keterlambatan hanya 15 menit. Jika lebih, tidak boleh presensi. Kalau yang telat (+15 menit) itu yang ngajar??? Kita pulang aja semua, okey…!!! Tata Tertib dan Kontrak
Boleh membawa makanan dan minuman ke kelas dengan syarat harus cukup untuk dibagikan ke semua peserta kelas. Jika tidak, makan aja sendiri di kamar mandi. Boleh bermain game saat jam belajar karna saya tahu Anda sangat menginginkan nilai C di mata kuliah ini. Tugas yang dikumpulkan harus selalu sesuai format dan jujur. Jika tidak, berarti Anda tidak mengumpulkan tugas. Tata Tertib dan Kontrak
Kehadiran : 10% Tugas : 15% Kuis : 15% UTS : 30% UAS : 30% + Nilai Akhir: 100% Penilaian
Connolly, Thomas & Carolyn Begg Database Solutions A step-by-step guide to building databases, Second. England: Pearson Education Limited Referensi
Objectives: Mengerti dan memahami basisdata. Memahami Database Management System. Memahami perancangan database. Mengerti keuntungan dan kerugian Sistem Manajemen Database. Introduction
What is a Database? A shared collection of logically related data (and a description of this data), designed to meet the information needs of an organization. Introduction
DBMS A software system that enables users to define, create, and maintain the database and also provides controlled access to this database. Database Management System
Application program A computer program that interacts with the database by issuing an appropriate request (typically an SQL statement) to the DBMS. Application programs (database)
Hardware Software Data Procedures Poeple Components of the DBMS
A client program that handles the main business and data rocessing logic and interfaces with the user; A server program (DBMS engine) that manages and controls acess to the database. DBMS architectures
Data storage, retrieval, and update A user-accessible catalog Transaction support Concurrency control services Recovery services Autorization services Support for data communication Integrity services Services to promote data independence Utility services Functions of a DBMS
Control of data redundancy Data consistency Sharing of data Improved data integrity Improved maintenance through data independence Advantages of DBMSs
Complexity Cost of DBMS Cost of Conversion Performance Higher impact of a failure Disadvantages of DBMSs
Task DBMS Application DBMS Any question?