1 Pertemuan 1 Introduction Matakuliah: sistem Operasi Tahun: 2010
Rules Attending must be at lest 4 x before mid semester to get mid test and 4x after final semester to get final test Score Teori atau Prak : Mid Test 30 % Final Test40 % Task 30 % : Quis 60 % and Task 40 % 2
Rules (Cont..) Task : –Buat Paper tentang sistem operasi apa saja dengan menjelaskan tentang cara kerja, kegunaan, keunggulan, kelemahan dll! –Paper minimal 15 halaman. –Font : Times new roman size 12 –Dikumpulkan sebelum Final Test. –Dikerjakan Kelompok max 5 orang –Setiap kelompok beda sistem operasi –Dipresentasikan pada pertemuan 6. 3
4 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : menyebutkan fungsi dan struktur sistem operasi (C1)
5 Outline Materi Sistem komputer Fungsi Sistem Operasi Sejarah sistem Operasi –First generation –Second generation –Third generation –Fourth generation
6 FUNDAMENTALS OF OPERATING SYSTEMS Why Operating Systems? DEFINITION AND COMPONENTS Modern computer system is very complex OS manages all devices and provide user programs with simpler interface to the hardware
7 Main components of computer system Hardware Software Application programs
8 1.It is an extended machine Hides the messy details which must be performed Presents user with a virtual machine, easier to use 2.It is a resource manager Each program gets time with the resource Each program gets space on the resource WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM Program that acts as an intermediary between a user and the computer hardware
9 Process Management Memory Management I/O Management File Management System components: Others: Protection System, Networking, Command Interpreter
10 HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS First Generation ( ): Vacuum Tubes and Plugboards No programming language nor OS Machine language The use of plugboards, punched cards Second Generation ( ): Transistor and Batch System Introduction of transistor Fortran, Assembler Batch system
11 Operating System usually used: FMS (Fortran Monitor System) IBSYS (OS for IBM 7094) Offline system: Second Generation (cont’d)
12 Example of FMS job structure Second Generation (cont’d)
13 Third Generation ( ): ICs and Multiprogramming IBM 360 for scientific calculation (i.e numerical) and commercial (i.e character-oriented) IC (Integrated Circuit) Introduction of multiprogramming
14 Introduction of SPOOLING (Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line) Introduction of time-sharing Development of “computer utility” machine that supports hundreds of timesharing users Eg: MULTICS (Multiplex Information and Computing Service) Development of UNIX (Uniplexed Information and Computing Service) Third Generation (cont’d)
15 Fourth Generation (1980-now): LSI and PC LSI (Large Scale Integration) circuit and chips consisting of thousands of transistor birth of PC (Personal Computer) User-friendly software Dominant Operating System: MS-DOS, Win ME, Win NT Unix, X Window Network Operating System Distributed Operating System
16 OS manages all devices and provide user programs with simpler interface to the hardware
17 Quis 1.Sebutkan alasan dan tujuan sistem operasi dibuat ! 2.Jelaskan dan gambarkan komponen sistem komputer ! 3.Jelaskan perbedaan off-line processing dengan spooling!