Tingkatan Hukum dalam al- Quran Classification of Law in the Quran
Nilai-nilai Dasar/basic value/ القيم الأساسية (contoh nilai “Kemaslahatan”) Asas-asas umum/general principle/ الأصول الكلية (contoh Asas “Semua kemudaratan dihilangkan”) Peraturan konkret/concrete law/ الأحكام الفرعية (contoh larangan minum khamar) Made by Syamsul Anwar, Hukum Perjanjian Islam.
CATEGORIES OF QURAN’S ETHICO LEGAL TEACHING Kategori Ayat Quran di Bidang Hukum Classified by: Abdullah Saed, Interpreting the Quran.
Muslim must follow Universally applicable Most important and markers of being muslim Categories: System of belief ( أركان الإيمان ) Devotional practices (ibadah mahdlah) Halal and haram which are clearly stated in the Quran, eg. Eating carrion, blood, pork, riba, marrying relatives, etc. OBLIGATORY
Basic human values key objectives of Islam ( مقاصد الشريعة /tujuan-tujuan pokok agama Islam) Protection of live, intellect, property, honour, descendant and religion FUNDAMENTAL
Legislative support for fundamental teaching, for instance: Protection of property. Its protectional teaching: prohibition of theft. Protection of intellect. Its protectional teaching: prohibition of wine. Protection of descendant: prohibition of adultery etc. PROTECTIONAL
Specific measures to implement the protectional teaching Cutting hand of thieves as a punishment for theft Payment of blood money for murder 100 lashes for unmarried people who commit zina Is not universally applicable because it is not the fundamental objective of the Quran IMPLEMENTATIONAL
Majority of ethico-legal teaching in the quran Refer to certain problems that were specific to circumstances at the time of revelation Slavery War with non muslim Do these teachings transcend cultural specificity and apply to all Muslims regardless of time, place and circumstances? INSTRUCTIONAL
1.Carilah satu hadis Nabi yang mengandung satu anjuran/perintah/larangan. 2.Jelaskan hikmah di balik pernyataan Nabi tersebut. Contoh : Larangan Nabi mengkonsumsi daging babi. Hikmahnya: menghindari penyakit cacing pita yang terkandung dalam daging babi, dst. 3. Tugas disusun ke dalam sebuah slide yang menarik maksimal 5 halaman. 4. Pertemuan selanjutnya slide dipresentasikan oleh masing-masing kelompok. Assignment for the next meeting