Fungsional Dosen (Lektor) Achmad Prasetyo, S.Si. M.M. Fungsional Dosen (Lektor) 085692909817 praze06
Sistem Pembelajaran: dua arah (dialogis) Sistem Pembelajaran: dua arah (dialogis) Sistem Penilaian: Tugas/quiz: 20% UTS: 30% UAS: 50% Ketertiban kelas: Alat komunikasi: dimatikan atau dibuat silent Bila terlambat harus ada surat izin masuk (15 mnt = 0,25; 30 mnt = 0,5) praze06
Materi Ajar: Regression Estimator Cluster Sampling Materi Ajar: Regression Estimator Cluster Sampling Multi Stage Sampling Double Sampling praze06
Cochran, W. G., Sampling Methods, John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1977 Buku Yang Digunakan: Cochran, W. G., Sampling Methods, John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1977 Murthy, M. N., Sampling Teory Methods, Statistical Publishing Society 1977 Singh, D. , et all, Theory and Analysis of Sampel Survey Design, Wiley Eastern Limited 1986 praze06