CHAPTER 5 (bab 5) Part 2 (bagian kedua) By Mr_viedy Classification Of Organisms (Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup)
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA - kingdom protista is devided into 3 groups : (kingdom protista dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok : ) a. Plant-like protists (protista mirip tumbuhan) b. Animal-like protists (protista mirip hewan) c. Fungus-like protists (protista mirip Jamur)
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA a. Plant-like protists (protista mirip tumbuhan) are known as algae (dikenal sebagai ganggang) - monocelluler or multicelluler organisms (makhluk hidup bersel satu atau bersel banyak) - have no root, stem, and leaves (tidak memiliki akar, batang, dan daun)
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA a. Plant-like protists (protista mirip tumbuhan) - live in water (sea n fresh water) (hidup di air (baik air laut ataupun air tawar) - some algae have Heterotrophic property and commonly are autotrophic (beberapa ganggang bersifat heterotrof dan umumnya bersifat autotrof)
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA - Algae are distungished into five phyla as follows : (Alga dibedakan menjadi 5 filum, antara lain) a. Chrysophyta Phylum (golden algae) (Filum Chrysophyta (ganggang emas)) - Chrysophyceae (kuning-hijau)
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA b. Chlorophyta Phylum (Green algae) (Filum Chlorophyta (ganggang hijau)) - Chlamydomonas sp - Ulothrix sp (colony filament) - Spirogyra sp (bisex)
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA c. Phaeophyta Phylum (Brown algae) (Filum Phaeophyta (ganggang coklat)) - Laminaria - Sargassum - Macrocystis - Fucus
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA d. Rhodophyta Phylum (Brown algae) (Filum Rhodophyta (ganggang merah)) - Gracilaria - Gelidium - Euchema spinosum - Rhodimenia
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA b. Animal-like protists (protista mirip hewan) - known as PROTOZOA (dikenal sebagai Protozoa) - The body consists of one cell, no cell wall (tubuhnya terdiri atas satu sel, tidak memiliki dinding sel) - Reproduce asexually by dividing it self or forming spores and sexually by conjugation (reproduksi aseksual dengan membelah diri atau membentuk spora dan seksual dengan konjugasi)
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA - Protozoa are grouped into four phyla as follows : (Protozoa dikelompokan ke dalam 4 filum, antara lain : ) a. Rhizopoda Phylum (Filum Rhizopoda) - Have no fixed save (bentuk tak tetap) - Move using false legs (Bergerak menggunakan kaki semu) - Ex : Amoeba sp, Foraminifera
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA - Protozoa are grouped into four phyla as follows : (Protozoa dikelompokan ke dalam 4 filum, antara lain : ) b. Flagellata Phylum (Filum Flagelata) - Have Flagella (memiliki bulu cambuk) - causes sleeping disease (menyebabkan penyakit tidur) - Ex : Trypanosoma
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA - Protozoa are grouped into four phyla as follows : (Protozoa dikelompokan ke dalam 4 filum, antara lain : ) c. Ciliata Phylum (Filum Ciliata) - Have Cilia (memiliki bulu getar) - Ex : Parameacium
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA - Protozoa are grouped into four phyla as follows : (Protozoa dikelompokan ke dalam 4 filum, antara lain : ) d. Sporozoa Phylum (Filum Sporozoa) - can form spore, no movement organs (mampu membentuk spora, tidak memiliki alat gerak) - Ex : Plasmodium sp.
C. COMPARISON OF SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH KINGDOM 2. KINGDOM PROTISTA c. Fungus like protists (protista mirip jamur) - moving phase like amoeba (fase bergerak seperti amoeba) - the reproduction method which is almost like fungus, absence of chlorophyl (cara reproduksi mirip jamur, tidak berklorofil) - Ex: Myxomycete (mucus fungus), Oomycete (water fungus) (Myxomycota (jamur lendir0, Oomycota (jamur air)))