©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 1 Introduction l Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak – Software Engineering.


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Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dan Proses Software

Software Engineering Chapter 4
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1. What and Why Sofware Engineering ?
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Transcript presentasi:

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 1 Introduction l Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak – Software Engineering

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 2 Objectives l Memperkenalkan software engineering dan arti pentingnya l Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan kunci terkait dengan software engineering l Memperkenalkan kode etik dan sikap-sikap profesional serta menjelaskan arti pentingnya bagi perekayasa software

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 3 Topics covered l FAQs tentang software engineering l Tanggung jawab etika dan professional

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 4 l Perekenomian di semua negara berkembang sangat bergantung dengan software l Semakin banyak sistem yang dikendalikan oleh software l Software engineering terkait dengan teori, metode dan perangkat untuk pengembangan software secara professional l Software engineering memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar pada salah satu bagian GNP di negara-negara maju Software engineering

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 5 l Software costs seringkali mendominasi biaya sistem. Biaya software pada sebuah PC seringkali lebih besar dari biaya hardwarenya l Software costs pada aktifitas maintenance umumnya lebih besar dari pada saat pengembangannya. Biaya maintenance pada sistem yang berumur panjang terkadang bisa berkali-kali lebih besar dibanding biaya pengembangannya l Software engineering terkait pula dengan pengembangan software dengan cost yang efektif Software costs

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 6 FAQs terkait dengan software engineering l What is software? l What is software engineering? l What is the difference between software engineering and computer science? l What is the difference between software engineering and system engineering? l What is a software process? l What is a software process model?

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 7 FAQs terkait dengan software engineering l What are the costs of software engineering? l What are software engineering methods? l What is CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) l What are the attributes of good software? l What are the key challenges facing software engineering?

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 8 What is software? l Program komputer dan dokumentasi yang terkait dengannya l Produk software yang dikembangkan untuk customer tertentu atau untuk kebutuhan general market l Produk software terdiri dari Generic – dikembangkan untuk dijual ke berbagai customer Bespoke (custom) – dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan customer yang tertentu

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 9 What is software engineering? l Software engineering adalah bidang disiplin ilmu rekayasa yang terkait dengan aktifitas produksi software l Perekayasa software semestinya mengadopsi pendekatan yang sistematik dan terorganisir dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dengan memanfaatkan tools dan teknik yang tepat bergantung pada permasalahan yang akan dipecahkan, batasan pengembangan dan sumberdaya yang tersedia

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 10 What is the difference between software engineering and computer science? l Ilmu komputer fokus pada teori dan konsep dasar; Software engineering fokus pada sisi praktis dari pengembangan dan penyampaian software yang bermanfaat. l Teori ilmu pengetahuan komputer sekarang ini tidak cukup untuk bertindak sebagai suatu tiang penyokong lengkap untuk software engineering

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 11 What is the difference between software engineering and system engineering? l System engineering terkait dengan semua aspek pada sistem berbasis komputer yang meliputi hardware, software dan proses rekayasa. Software engineering adalah bagian dari proses tersebut l Perekayasa sistem terlibat dalam penentuan spesifikasi sistem, desain arsitektur, integrasi dan penyebarannya

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 12 What is a software process? l Sekumpulan aktifitas dimana tujuannya adalah pengembangan atau evolusi software l Aktifitas umum dalam software processes diantaranya : Specification – Apa yang harus dikerjakan sistem dan batasan pengembangannya Development – Produksi dari sistem software Validation – Pemeriksaan apakah software memenuhi kebutuhan customer Evolution – Perubahan software terhadap perubahan kebutuhan

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 13 What is a software process model? l Representasi sederhana dari software process, yang dipresentasikan dari sudut pandang tertentu l Contoh dari sudut pandang proses diantaranya : Workflow perspective - sequence of activities Data-flow perspective - information flow Role/action perspective - who does what l Model proses secara umum Waterfall Evolutionary development Formal transformation Integration from reusable components

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 14 What are the costs of software engineering? l Secara kasar 60% biaya meliputi development costs, 40% biaya merupakan testing costs. Untuk custom software, cost evolusi sering kali melebihi development costs. l Macam-macam biaya sangatlah bervariasi bergantung pada jenis sistem yang dikembangkan dan atribut kebutuhan sistem seperti performa dan keandalan dari sistem. l Distribusi biaya bergantung pada model pengembangan yang digunakan

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 15 What are software engineering methods? l Pendekatan tersturktur dalam pengembangan software yang meliputi model,notasi, rules, desain, dan petunjuk proses l Deskripsi model Descriptions of graphical models which should be produced l Rules Constraints applied to system models l Recommendations Advice on good design practice l Process guidance What activities to follow

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 16 What is CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) l System software yang khusus menyediakan dukungan otomatisasi pada aktivitas software process. CASE systems sering digunakan untuk dukungan metode pengembangan software l Upper-CASE Tools yang digunakan untuk membantu aktivitas proses awal pada tahapan analisa kebutuhan dan perancangan l Lower-CASE Tools yang digunakan untuk membantu aktivitas proses lanjutan seperti pemrograman, debugging dan testing

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 17 What are the attributes of good software? l Software semestinya menyediakan fungsionalitas dan performa yang diinginkan kepada user dan semestinya memiliki sifat berikut :maintainable, dependable and usable l Maintainability  Software harus berevolusi agar sesuai dengan perubahan kebutuhan l Dependability  Software harus dapat dipercaya l Efficiency  Software tidak boleh memboroskan resource system l Usability  Software harus bermanfaat terutama bagi pengguna sesuai dengan yang dirancang

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 18 What are the key challenges facing software engineering? l Kemampuan mengatasi system-system lama, kemampuan menghadapi keanekaragaman yang meningkat, serta mampu mengurangi waktu pengembangan l Legacy systems Old, valuable systems must be maintained and updated l Heterogeneity Systems are distributed and include a mix of hardware and software l Delivery There is increasing pressure for faster delivery of software

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 19 Professional and ethical responsibility l Software engineering melibatkan tanggung jawab yang luas bukan hanya sekedar aplikasi kemampuan teknis yang sederhana l Perekayasa software harus berperilaku jujur dan bertanggung jawab agar dapat dihargai sebagai seorang profesional l Perilaku etis lebih dari sekedar mematuhi peraturan.

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 20 Issues of professional responsibility l Confidentiality Engineers should normally respect the confidentiality of their employers or clients irrespective of whether or not a formal confidentiality agreement has been signed. l Competence Engineers should not misrepresent their level of competence. They should not knowingly accept work which is outwith their competence.

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 21 Issues of professional responsibility l Intellectual property rights Engineers should be aware of local laws governing the use of intellectual property such as patents, copyright, etc. They should be careful to ensure that the intellectual property of employers and clients is protected. l Computer misuse Software engineers should not use their technical skills to misuse other people’s computers. Computer misuse ranges from relatively trivial (game playing on an employer’s machine, say) to extremely serious (dissemination of viruses).

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 22 ACM/IEEE Code of Ethics l The professional societies in the US have cooperated to produce a code of ethical practice. l Members of these organisations sign up to the code of practice when they join. l The Code contains eight Principles related to the behaviour of and decisions made by professional software engineers, including practitioners, educators, managers, supervisors and policy makers, as well as trainees and students of the profession.

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 23 Code of ethics - preamble l Preamble The short version of the code summarizes aspirations at a high level of the abstraction; the clauses that are included in the full version give examples and details of how these aspirations change the way we act as software engineering professionals. Without the aspirations, the details can become legalistic and tedious; without the details, the aspirations can become high sounding but empty; together, the aspirations and the details form a cohesive code. Software engineers shall commit themselves to making the analysis, specification, design, development, testing and maintenance of software a beneficial and respected profession. In accordance with their commitment to the health, safety and welfare of the public, software engineers shall adhere to the following Eight Principles:

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 24 Code of ethics - principles l 1. PUBLIC Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest. l 2. CLIENT AND EMPLOYER Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer consistent with the public interest. l 3. PRODUCT Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible.

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 25 Code of ethics - principles l 4. JUDGMENT Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment. l 5. MANAGEMENT Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance. l 6. PROFESSION Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest.

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 26 Code of ethics - principles l 7. COLLEAGUES Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues. l 8. SELF Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession.

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 27 Ethical dilemmas l Disagreement in principle with the policies of senior management l Your employer acts in an unethical way and releases a safety-critical system without finishing the testing of the system l Participation in the development of military weapons systems or nuclear systems

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 28 Key points Software engineering adalah disiplin ilmu rekayasa yang fokus dengan semua aspek produksi software. Software products terdiri dari program yang telah dikembangkan dan dokumentasi terkait. Atribut penting produk software adalah maintainability, dependability, efficiency and usability. Software process terdiri dari segala aktifitas yang terkait dengan pengembangan software products. Aktifitas dasarnya melputi : software specification, development, validation and evolution. Methods adalah cara-cara terorganisir dalam menghasilkan software. Termasuk didalamnya petunjuk yang harus diikuti, notasi yang digunakan, aturan dalam pengembangan deskripsi sistem yang akan diproduksi dan petunjuk perancangan

©Ian Sommerville 2000Software Engineering, 6th edition. Chapter 1 Slide 29 Key points CASE tools adalah sistem software yang dirancang untuk mendukung akitivitas rutin dalam software process seperti: editing design diagrams, checking diagram consistency dan keeping track of program tests yang telah dijalankan. Software engineers memiliki tanggung jawab terhadap profesi dan masyarakat engineering, yang tidak hanya melulu fokus pada hal2 yang bersifat teknis. Masyarakat professional telah mempublikasi kode etik untuk mengatur standar perilaku yang diharapkan bagi tiap-tiap anggotanya.