SPEECH RECOGNITION USING Microsoft Speech SDK, version 5.1
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Microsoft Speech SDK, version 5.1 Apa itu Microsoft Speech SDK, version 5.1 ? –The Microsoft® Speech SDK 5.1 is the developer kit for the Microsoft® Windows environment. – Tools, information, and sample engines and applications are provided to help you integrate and optimize your speech recognition and speech synthesis engines with the new Microsoft Speech API 5 (SAPI 5). –The Speech SDK also includes updated releases of the Microsoft advanced speech recognition engine and Microsoft concatenated speech synthesis engine
SPEECH RECOGNITION Terdapat 2 macam mode pada sistem pengenalan pembicaraan yaitu –Mode Diktasi User mengucapkan kata / kalimat yang selanjutnya akan dikenali oleh komputer dan diterjemahkan kedalam teks. –Mode Command dan Control User mengucapkan kata yang sudah terdefenisi yang selanjutnya digunakan untuk menjalankan perintah tertentu
IMPLEMENTATION APPLICATION FLOW Speech Reconition Engine Mengucapkan kata Validasi RUN COMMAND