Evolusi, Adaptasi ekologi dan ancaman terhadap populasi kecil.


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Transcript presentasi:

Evolusi, Adaptasi ekologi dan ancaman terhadap populasi kecil

Descended from the apes? My dear, we will hope it is not true. But if it is, let us pray that it may not become generally known Descended from the apes? My dear, we will hope it is not true. But if it is, let us pray that it may not become generally known

How did life originate? Never ending debate Religion-base and empiric-base Genesis, Creation, Erschoepung

Forming organic materials in this way is only one possibility for the origin of the first building blocks of life. Other scientists have shown how organic compounds could have come to Earth from space in cosmic dust particles, asteroids, comets, and meteorites. The chemistry of deep sea hydrothermal vents is another possible source of life. Many potential sources of organic material exist on Earth and possibly on other planets  we are not alone !!!! Forming organic materials in this way is only one possibility for the origin of the first building blocks of life. Other scientists have shown how organic compounds could have come to Earth from space in cosmic dust particles, asteroids, comets, and meteorites. The chemistry of deep sea hydrothermal vents is another possible source of life. Many potential sources of organic material exist on Earth and possibly on other planets  we are not alone !!!!

IF WE ARE NOT ALONE … WITH WHOM? “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

Spermonde Spermonde Evolusi Evolusi Adapatasi Adapatasi Akar faye Akar faye

To all of us, earth appears immutable. Water of oceans wash the shores of continent that seemingly never change. Gunung Salak peaks have looked the same through centuries. Even, Ciliwung, Ciapus and other topographics features have an air of permanence about them. But earth was not always as its today, nor will it be the same tomorrow, because changes are continually taking place, however slowly Maldives, Maluku dan Babel

Faktor lingkungan selalu berubah As environmental condition slowly changed, organism responded, adjusting new set of conditions ……………. Adaptation As environmental condition slowly changed, organism responded, adjusting new set of conditions ……………. Adaptation

Contoh adaptasi Perakaran (1:kering; 2: normal; 3: basah; 4:gambut) Perakaran (1:kering; 2: normal; 3: basah; 4:gambut)

Contoh adaptasi Kakao dan Gamal di Sulawesi Kakao dan Gamal di Sulawesi Hasil Penelitian (Prihastani, Soepandi, Tjitrosemito, I. Qayim, Luschner, 2008) Hasil Penelitian (Prihastani, Soepandi, Tjitrosemito, I. Qayim, Luschner, 2008)

Contoh adaptasi Sisik ikan Sisik ikan Kista Kista Ketebalan daun Ketebalan daun Kulit Kulit Rambut Rambut Lemak Lemak


To survive as a species, organisms must adapt to the changing environment To survive as a species, organisms must adapt to the changing environment The problem is that many conditions are changing faster than organisms can adapt to them The problem is that many conditions are changing faster than organisms can adapt to them Changing more rapidly because of massive human intervention, expl: pollutant Changing more rapidly because of massive human intervention, expl: pollutant

Adaptasi ditentukan oleh interaksi organisme dgn lingkungan Adaptasi ditentukan oleh interaksi organisme dgn lingkungan Kempampuan adaptasi tergantung pada keragaman genetik yang adaptif Kempampuan adaptasi tergantung pada keragaman genetik yang adaptif Keragaman genetik ada dalam gene pool Keragaman genetik ada dalam gene pool

Adaptation Ability of organism to live in harmony or conformity with its environment Ability of organism to live in harmony or conformity with its environment But species is not a slave of environment factor But species is not a slave of environment factor Survival of the fittest A phrase often misattributed to Charles Darwin. Survival of the fittest A phrase often misattributed to Charles Darwin.

Contoh Adaptasi Polutan Feminine Complex

Jika gagal beradaptasi? Jika gagal beradaptasi? Bertahan atau punah? Bertahan atau punah? Seakan ada seleksi Seakan ada seleksi Natural selection Natural selection

How natural selection works? Deme (local population) Deme (local population)

Deme mempunyai anggota yang kawin sesamanya Deme mempunyai anggota yang kawin sesamanya Anggota deme dapat terdiri dari banyak karakter, misal panjang ekor, tebal daun, diameter batang, intensitas miselia dst tergantung pada genotif dan fenotif ………………. variasi Anggota deme dapat terdiri dari banyak karakter, misal panjang ekor, tebal daun, diameter batang, intensitas miselia dst tergantung pada genotif dan fenotif ………………. variasi

Source of variation Recombination (heterozygous dan homozygous) Recombination (heterozygous dan homozygous) Mutation (Change of ploidy level (entire set of chromosomes) Mutation (Change of ploidy level (entire set of chromosomes) GMO etc GMO etc

Kromosom pria

Tidak seluruh individu dalam populasi ikut serta dalam mewariskan bahan genetikanya Tidak seluruh individu dalam populasi ikut serta dalam mewariskan bahan genetikanya Beberapa gagal kawin Beberapa gagal kawin Yang lain gagal menghasilkan keturunan dst. Yang lain gagal menghasilkan keturunan dst. Akibatnya komposisi gen pool, berubah dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya Akibatnya komposisi gen pool, berubah dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya Perubahan tsb  evolusi Perubahan tsb  evolusi

Today Quotation In the Deep Ecology Movement we are biocentric or ecocentric. For us it is the ecosphere, the whole planet, Gaia, that is the basic unit, and every living being has an intrinsic value. In the Deep Ecology Movement we are biocentric or ecocentric. For us it is the ecosphere, the whole planet, Gaia, that is the basic unit, and every living being has an intrinsic value. Arne Naess, Norwegian philosopher and author. Arne Naess, Norwegian philosopher and author.

Adaptasi Jughuhn Gunung Patuha Gunung Patuha Junghuhn Junghuhn Tugas Tugas Kawah Putioh Ranca Upas Kawah Putioh Ranca Upas

Evolusi menghasilkan keragaman  dari keragaman memunculkan evolusi lanjutan Evolusi menghasilkan keragaman  dari keragaman memunculkan evolusi lanjutan

Contoh seleksi alam pada kerang Keragaman tinggi pada warna, mulai dari putih, abu-abu hingga gelap Keragaman tinggi pada warna, mulai dari putih, abu-abu hingga gelap Hidup di pasir abu-abu Hidup di pasir abu-abu Putih dan hitam mudah dimangsa, abu-abu dominan Putih dan hitam mudah dimangsa, abu-abu dominan  tipe seleksi stabilizing  tipe seleksi stabilizing

Contoh seleksi alam pada kerang Pembentukan kuarsa intensif, pasir putih Pembentukan kuarsa intensif, pasir putih Kerang hitam dan abu-abu, kontras Kerang hitam dan abu-abu, kontras Kerang putih dominan Kerang putih dominan  tipe seleksi mengarah (directional)  tipe seleksi mengarah (directional)

Contoh seleksi alam pada kerang Terjadi letusan gunung berapi, lahar dingin berwarna hitam menutupi sebagian pantai Terjadi letusan gunung berapi, lahar dingin berwarna hitam menutupi sebagian pantai Kerang hitam migrasi ke pasir hitam, kerang putih ke pasir putih Kerang hitam migrasi ke pasir hitam, kerang putih ke pasir putih Kerang abu-abu? Kerang abu-abu?  tipe seleksi memecah (disruptive)  tipe seleksi memecah (disruptive)

Small population

Inbreeding depression Perkawninan dalam deme terutama pada populasi kecil Perkawninan dalam deme terutama pada populasi kecil Penurunan keragaman genetik Penurunan keragaman genetik Kemunculan genresesif yang lethal Kemunculan genresesif yang lethal Penurunan kemampuan adaptasi Penurunan kemampuan adaptasi Populasi kecil terisolir Populasi kecil terisolir

Genetic drift Kegagalan individu heterozygot mewariskan materi genetiknya Kegagalan individu heterozygot mewariskan materi genetiknya Ketidakhadiran “broker” misal polinator, habitat yang sesuai dll Ketidakhadiran “broker” misal polinator, habitat yang sesuai dll Jika populasi kecil dan terisolir maka Jika populasi kecil dan terisolir maka

Populasi kecil yang bertahan Ada aliran gen Ada aliran gen Terjadi mutasi Terjadi mutasi Populasi efektif Populasi efektif N e = (4N m N f )/(N m +N f ) N e : Populasi efektif N m : jumlah jantan subur N f : jumlah betina subur

Whale  MVPS

Resume Adpatasi Adpatasi Seleksi alam Seleksi alam Evolusi Evolusi Variasi Variasi Tipe seleksi Tipe seleksi Ancaman populasi kecil Ancaman populasi kecil