Definisi Medical science applied to interactions between marketed medications and the population Comes from Greek: pharmacon (poison) epi (concerning) demos (people) logos (study)
DEFINISI FARMAKOEPIDEMIOLOGI “Farmako” dan “Epidemiologi” Farmakologi: studi mengenai efek tentang obat Farmakologi klinik: studi tentang efek obat pada manusia farmakokinetik dan farmakodinamik Epidemiologi: studi mengenai distribusi dan penyebab penyakit pada populasi tertentu
DEFINISI FARMAKOEPIDEMIOLOGI Jadi, farmakoepidemiologi merupakan: Ilmu terapan yang menjembatani antara farmakologi klinik dan epidemiologi Penerapan metode epidemiologi pada ilmu farmakologi klinik
Pharmacoepidemiology In epidemiology, primary focus is the relationship between exposure to a risk factor and disease outcome. In pharmacoepidemiology, the exposure is the drug and the outcome is an adverse drug reaction. Hence in many ways, pharmacoepidemiology is a subset of epidemiology and uses epidemiological methods
“The study of the use and effects of medications in large numbers of people” Strom
“The application of epidemiologic knowledge, methods, and reasoning to the study of the effects (beneficial and adverse) and use of drugs in human populations.” Porta and Hartzema
“The study of drugs as determinants of health and disease in the general unselected population.” Spitzer
Clinical pharmacology Pharmacoepidemiology Strom
Pharmacoepidemiology Pharmacology Therapeutics Pharmacoepidemiology Epidemiology Statistics Spitzer
Conceptualization by Harry Guess Health services research Economics Epidemiology Health economics Outcomes research Clinical epidemiology Pharmaco- Epidemiology Conceptualization by Harry Guess
AREAS Pharmacoepidemiology has four major areas: • Benefit: obtained from efficacy and effectiveness • Safety: obtained by pharmacovigilance • Use: obtained by drug utilization review • Value: obtained by pharmacoeconomics