1 H a r i S o e t a n t o 2010. 2 Secara teknis data adalah, fakta yang masih mentah atau suatu gambaran, seperti pembayaran dan pemesanan, yang diproses.


Presentasi serupa
Bab 6 Multimedia.

Dasar-dasar Web Design
Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Grafik Komputer & Multimedia Interaktif
Pengertian grafis Desain Grafis adalah salah satu bentuk seni lukis (gambar) terapan yang memberikan kebebasan pada sang desainer (perancang) untuk memilih,
Web Design Muhamad Akbar. Ukuran Halaman Fixed page widths – Flexible page widths –Mail.yahoo.com.
Teknik Aplikasi Multimedia Marcello Singadji, S.Kom, M.T
Data & Teknologi Multi Media KP 025 – 3 SKS
Elemen Multimedia R.M. Mahrus H. Efendi.
Praktikum PTI Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik Oleh : SIS - BPS Pengolahan Citra.
Komputer Dan Seni Rupa Format Gambar Web Page (HTML)
Praktikum PTI Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik Oleh : SIS - BPS
Pemrograman multimedia
MATA PELAJARAN TIK (TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI & KOMUNIKASI) Semester 5 Pokok Bahasan is Program Grafis and Multimedia for class twelve By. H. JEpanG.
Yan Felix Monangin ( ).  JPEG adalah sebuah format gambar, sangat berguna untuk membuat gambar jenis fotografi berkualitas tinggi dalam ukuran.
Bab 13 Session & Presentation Layer
Oleh : Eko Prianto. Read Carefully  another section at the same document  to a different document  to a different Web page  to a variety of other.
1 Pertemuan 09 Perangkat Keras dalam Komunikasi Data Matakuliah: H0174/Jaringan Komputer Tahun: 2006 Versi: 1/0.
Produksi Multimedia (KMN 504)
Pengolahan Citra Pertemuan 14.
Tugas multimedia.
Representasi dan Kompresi Data Multimedia (lanjutan)
Pertemuan 5 Perangkat Lunak Pendukung Multimedia
Asas Photoshop CS4. Understand basic term and option in Photoshop CS4.
Sistem Operasi - Multimedia
Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Grafik Komputer & Multimedia Interaktif
Pert. 16. Menyimak lingkungan IS/IT saat ini
Bab 12 Presentation Layer
M2. Produksi konten Multimedia 1
Web-Based User Interface
Pengertian grafis Desain Grafis adalah salah satu bentuk seni lukis (gambar) terapan yang memberikan kebebasan pada sang desainer (perancang) untuk memilih,
Pemrogaman Multimedia : Dasar Multimedia
Signal Processing Image Processing Audio Processing Video Processing
Sejarah Multimedia TRI SURATNO, S.KOM.,M.KOM.
Presentasi Untuk PTKI-C
Proses produksi konten multimedia:
Pengantar Design Grafis
Hardware Hardware Merupakan komponen-komponen fisik peralatan yang membentuk suatu sistem komputer, serta peralatan-peralatan lain yang mendukung komputer.
Signal Processing Image Processing Audio Processing Video Processing
Website WEB World Wide Web www W3 A set of interconnected webpages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared.
KOMPUTER DAN SENI by : Irzon, S.Kom, M.Kom by : Irzon, S.Kom, M.Kom.
MULTIMEDIA Loading … masuk keluar.
Multimedia System Hypermedia Hypertext.
Grafika komputer 1.
Komputer dan Masyarakat
Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Introduction to Computers and Networks
Bab 11 Presentation Layer
ABSTRACT Animation is an image or object processing which can be moved. Firstly, animation is made using paper sheet by sheet which is flipped until get.
Pengantar Multimedia Tujuan Khusus Pelatihan :
Teknik Aplikasi Multimedia Marcello Singadji, S.Kom, M.T
Jaringan Komputer.
CALL PC EXPERT How to Remove Adware, Pop- up Ads from Web Browser.
Hardware Merupakan komponen-komponen fisik peralatan yang membentuk suatu sistem komputer, serta peralatan- peralatan lain yang mendukung komputer dalam.
Perangkat Lunak Komputer
KELOMPOK 6 Arranged by Group 3 Adam Pangestu ( ) Muhammad Arif( ) Mohammad Lutfi( ) Mala Sari( ) Noor Fajri( )
Transcript presentasi:

1 H a r i S o e t a n t o 2010


Secara teknis data adalah, fakta yang masih mentah atau suatu gambaran, seperti pembayaran dan pemesanan, yang diproses menjadi informasi, seperti saldo dan kwantitas dalam persediaan. Pada penggunaan secara umum pemakaian istilah informasi dan data digunakan secara bersinonim. Any form of information whether in paper or electronic form. In electronic form, data refers to files and databases, text documents, images and digitally-encoded voice and video. 3

Penyebaran informasi kedalam lebih dari satu format. Meliputi penggunaan teks, audio, grafik, grafik yang bergerak dan full- motion video. Program Multimedia seperti game, encyclopedia dan training courses pada CD-ROM. Setiap aplikasi dibuat dengan Video dan/atau suara dapat disebut suatu program multimedia. –(Computer Desktop Encyclopedia 1999) Suatu Presentasi komputer yang Interaktif yang meliputi sedikitnya dua elemen berikut: teks, suara, grafik, grafik yang bergerak, dan animasi. »(Robert S.Tannembaum, 1999) 4

Interaktif Integrasi 2 atau lebih media – Text, audio, video, image, …… Komputer sebagai media –Media media lain ( HP ) Komunikasi dengan Manusia (human communication) 5

Digunakan untuk membuat presentasi multimedia interaktif Pages are linked by buttons, story boards show logic, flow and structure. Authoring programs adalah program yang digunakan untuk membuat presentasi interaktif (multi media software) 6

Pembuatan Presentasi Multimedia Tahap-tahap Rencana dan Analisa Merancang Pembuatan Dukungan Bantuan (support) 7

Rencana dan analisa Tentukan Sasaran proyek secara Menyeluruh Sumberdaya yang diperlukan Orang atau team yang nantinya bekerja pada proyek tersebut 8

Merancang Pembuatan alur cerita adalah penting untuk membangun suatu proyek Alur cerita adalah alat bantu dalam merancang yang digunakan untuk merekam secara keseluruhan logika, alur dan struktur dari multimedia Individual Storyboard menentukan isi, gaya dan rancangan masing-masing tampilan, dihubungkan ke video, audio, grafik, teks ataupun media lain --- cth—company profile 9

Pembuatan A multi media authoring program adalah; digunakan untuk membuat presentasi multimedia yang interaktif, penggunaan element yang berbeda diterapkan pada alur cerita seperti graphics, sound, dan video Program pembuatan Multimedia; macromedia director, authorware and toolboox 10

Dukungan Bantuan (support) Setelah multimedia presentasi sudah jadi lengkap. Harus sudah dapat digunakan Setiap kesalahan yang diketemukan perlu untuk dibetulkan. Presentasi dievaluasi ke-efektivitasan-nya agar seperti yang diinginkan (tujuan) Rencana kedepan untuk perbaikan dan revisi yang diperlukan, dimana terdapat saat proses pengembangan dimulai lagi (rekayasa perangkat lunak) 11

Graphics & Multimedia Software Application softwarePopular program Computer_Aided Design (CAD) Autodesk ( autocad2000 ) Microsoft (Visio ) Desktop Publishing Adobe (Indesign) Adobe (Pagemaker) Corel (Ventura) Paint/ Image Editing Adobe illustrator Adobe Photoshop Corel coreldraw Macromedia freeHand Multimedia Authoring Suntotalsystem (Toolbook Instructor) Macromedia (Director, Authorware) WebPage Authoring Adobe (Golive) Macromedia (Dreamweaver, Flash, fireworks) Microsoft FrontPage 12


Web Authoring Membuat Web sites disebut juga dengan web authoring. Pemetaan secara grafik -- memperlihatkan rancangan site secara keseluruhan program Web authoring mendukung rancangan dan HTML coding Authoring tool adalah aplikasi software yang digunakan untuk membuat isi dari multimedia, umumnya untuk WWW (world wide web) 14

Web authoring programs Umumnya digunakan untuk membuat site comersial yang bagus (sophisticated commercial site). Dikenal sebagai Web page editors dan HTML (hyper text Markup Language) editors, program ini menyediakan fasilitas untuk merancang web site dan HTML coding Contoh program web authoring adalah macromedia Dream weaver, Netobjects Fusion dan microsoft front page 15

Suggestion Creating Web site Buat Rancangan dan motif yang umum Penggunaan grafik dan animasi untuk menambah ketertarikan Buat navigasi yang mudah pada web site Rancang web-site dengan tampilan yang standard 16

Rancangan dan motif yang umum Rancangan dan motif yang umum Konsisten dalam penggunaan warna, font (huruf), rancangan background dan fitur-fitur navigasi membuat web-site serasa menyatu dan buatlah mudah digunakan 17

Penggunaan grafik dan animasi Menambah ketertarikan Grafik dan animasi menambah minat dan memfokuskan perhatian user Dibutuhkan waktu untuk men- download, dan waktu menunggu itu membuat frustasi user Selektif dan batasi ukuran dari grafik Gunakan ‘reuse graphics’ dari satu page ke page yang lain 18

Ciptakan suatu metoda navigasi yang sederhana yang memudahkan para pemakai sampai kepada informasi diinginkan mereka secepat mungkin Jangan membuat isi informasi yang diinginkan lebih dari tiga ‘click’ dari home page Contoh: 19

Rancang tampilan yang standard Untuk memperkecil dampak dari site kita yang diakses oleh banyak user, rancangan sebaiknya sesuaikan dengan resolusi standard tampilan dari monitor 800 x 600 (tergantung dari perkembangan teknologi yang ada) 20


Teknologi yang support multi media Processing Power ( DSP, CPU)DSP Compression technology Graphical User Interface High Capacity Storage System Networking Technology 22


Multimedia Perpectives 24 Multimedia Manager Artist/ Content Specialist Artist/ Content Specialist NetworkEngineerNetworkEngineer Computer Science/ Programmer

How to utilize multimedia technology for the benefit of the organization ? How multi media technology can enhance the knowledge and skill of employee? How can multi media technology provide a knowledge-base for the enterprise 25

New Algorithm for data compression Programming the interactivity for multi media software Programming logic for multi media simulation Designing algorithm for processing scientific data and visualize it with multimedia 26 Computer Scientist/Programmer

Creating “Killer Contents” Accuracy & Information Value of message Transferring message efficient and effectively through different media Art & Human Communication (social) Perspectives 27

More speed, more …. Designing Faster, Cheaper, Smaller, Better DSP Chip and CPU Larger Bandwidth for the fiber optic Faster switching Reliable infrastructure Bigger and Faster Storage Hardwiring the latest compression algorithm to make it faster 28

Education / Training / Instruction Information Retrieval / Digital encyclopedia Human communication Scientific data / Visualitation / Simulation Business / Capital market / Money Market Entertainment / Games Fine Arts and Humanities … 29

Desktop Publishing / Pre-press Imaging Lay-out Audio Production Desktop Video Video Production / Post production 3D animation Multimedia integration / Programming Portable 30


Elemen Text Audio, Graphics, Animated graphics Full-motion video 32

Bentuk paling dasar penyampaian informasi Paling sederhana Disimpan tidak membutuhkan ‘space’ yang besar Di representasikan dalam bentuk FONT 33


Audio diproses didalam komputer dengan mengubah signal analog ke dalam suatu kode digital dengan menggunakan berbagai teknik Dihasilkan dari pergetaran Kategori –Speech –Music –Efek suara 35

Sound cards play digital audio files and usually support MIDI. File audio digital berisikan –‘soundwaves’ yang telah diubah jadi format digital. –Tanpa kompresi, file ini memakai penyimpanan yang pantas dipertimbangkan. (besar ukurannya) Format audio dari Windows adalah wave file (.WAV extension). 36

Contain the data to reconstruct the wave E.g. WAV, MP3, AIFF (apple), Real.. Wave Sound files Contain notation representation Require a synthesizer to build the sound that will play the note Non Wave (e.g. Midi) Sound files 37

WAV = WAVe (gelombang) Tidak ter-Compress Ukuran Relatif besar Kualitas Suara setara audio CD Standard file pada PC Diciptakan oleh microsoft OS selain windows juga dapat menggunakan file jenis ini 38

WAV files use the.WAV extension and allow different sound qualities to be recorded. Either 8-bit or 16-bit samples can be taken at rates of Hz, Hz and Hz. The highest quality (16-bit samples at Hz) uses 88KB of storage per second. 39

(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standard protocol for the interchange of musical information between musical instruments, synthesizers and computers. It defines the codes for a musical event, which includes the start of a note, its pitch, length, volume and musical attributes Set of cables, data structures & protocol for inter device communication for playing digital sound & music Midi Enable different musical instrument from different manufacturer & computer to communicate each other 40

MIDI (lanj) Begin in late 70’s – early 80’s, many synthesizer keyboard product appear in the market Compatibility problem, unable to co-orperate each other 1983 group founded by Roland, Yamaha, KORG, Sequential, Oberheim & Kawai to define standard called MIDI Today, Supported by major music manufacturer and music company 41


MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3) An audio compression technology that is part of the MPEG-1 and MPEG- 2 specifications. Developed in Germany in 1991 by the Fraunhofer Institute, MP3 compresses CD-quality sound by a factor of 12, while providing almost the same high fidelity. Greater compression ratios are also obtainable that provide reasonable sound quality. MP3 music files are played via software or a handheld device. MP3 has made it feasible to download quality audio from the Web very quickly, causing it to become a worldwide auditioning system for new musicians and labels. 43

MP3 44 Dikenalkan tahun 1992 File sudah terkompresi (bisa sekitar 12 : 1) dg cara menghilangkan bagian-bagian suara yang tidak dapat didengar oleh telinga manusia Ukuran relatif kecil Kualitas suara cukup bagus

MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3) Copyrighted material is also offered for a fee, or sometimes for free, creating a major legal issue. Enthusiasts feel MP3 will revolutionize music distribution via the Web, since an entire audio CD (an hour of music) can be downloaded in five minutes. Major music publishers are trying to cope with this new phenomenon by introducing a system for copyright protection (see SDMI and Windows Media Rights Manager). There are numerous MP3 "rippers" and encoders on the market that pull out raw audio data from a music CD and encode it into the MP3 format. 45

AA = Audible Audio (e-books) AAC= Advanced Audio Coding AIFF = Audio Interchange File Format ASF = Advanced Streaming Format MP3 = Moving Pictures Expert Group Audio Layer 3 WAV = Windows Waveform WMA = Windows Media Audio RA= RealAudio sound file QT = QuickTime audio 46

Streaming Some applications on the Web using streaming audio Streaming is the process of transferring data in a continous and even flow Streaming allows users to access and use a file while it is transmitting For example, Streaming audio enables to listen the music as it downloads to computer Accepted standards supported by most web browsers for transmitting streaming audio data on the internet are MP3, QuickTime, Windows Media Format and RealAudio 47

How Streaming Media Works Step 1 When you first click on a link to a media clip, your web browser requests the clip from a media server on the Internet. Step 2 The server returns the data to your computer in a continuous stream. 48

How Streaming Media Works Step 3 Your computer launches a media player. Step 4 The streaming data is stored in a buffer. Step 5 Once enough data has been received, the clip begins to play. 49

Real-time Streaming Vs Progressive Download Progressive download allows users to watch or listen to media as it is being downloaded from a standard web server (such as Apache,) to their hard drive. This method works best for short-form media where file size is limited. Progressive download ensures high-quality playback regardless of users' Internet connection speed, although users with slower connections will wait longer before media starts to play. 50

Real-time Streaming Vs Progressive Download Real-time streaming using Streaming Server delivers media in real time over the Internet, from modem to broadband rates. With the open standard Real-Time Transport Protocol/Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTP/RTSP), no file is ever downloaded to a viewer's hard drive. Media is played, but not stored, by the client software as it is delivered. Real-time streaming is often preferable to progressive download for webcasts of live events, delivery of long-form video, and 24/7 Internet radio and TV channels. 51

Popular Plug-in application QuickTime –View animation, music, audio, video, and VR panoramas an objects directly in the Web page – RealOne Player –Listen to live and on-demand near CD-quality audio and newscast-quality video; stream audio and video content for faster viewing; play MP3 files; Create music CDs – Windows Media Player –Listen to live and on-demand audio; play or edit WMA and MP3 Files; Burn CDs; Watch DVD movies – 52


Vector Graphics and Bitmapped GraphicsVector Graphics and Bitmapped Graphics Two methods are used for storing and maintaining pictures in a computer. The first method, called vector graphics, maintains the image as a series of points, lines, arcs and other geometric shapes. The second method, called bitmapped graphics and also known as raster graphics, resembles television, where the picture image is made up of dots. Understanding these two methods and how they intertwine is essential. 54

Graphics ( vector) Representasi spatial dari obyek Disusun dari bangun-bangun grafis seperti garis, persegi panjang, bulat, dsb yang ditempatkan secara matematis dengan koordinat, ukuran, ketebalan sisi dan pola pengisian pada bidang Dibuat dengan menggunakan ‘draw’ (misal: Coreldraw, Adobe Illustrator) Gambar-gambar yang bukan foto-realistik Ukuran relatif kecil Resolution independent 55

Graphics ( raster) Representasi dari obyek Disusun secara matriks nilai numerik yang merepresentasikan setiap titik /pixel Dibuat dengan menggunakan paint/image editing (Misal :Photoshop, Corel Photopaint) Foto Gambar-gambar yang rumit yang membutuhkan rincian halus Ukuran relatif lebih besar (dibandingkan dengan vektor) 56

2 D graphics –Bitmap (raster) based graph –Vector based graphics –Metafile (contain both) Metafile –A file that contains other files. –It generally refers to graphics files that can hold vector drawings and bitmaps. –For example, a Windows Metafile (WMF) can store pictures in vector graphics and bitmap formats as well as text. –A Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) also stores both types of graphics. 57

What is 3D computer graphics ? –Computer based system to construct image from object based on vector –The object, also called wire frame, “wrapped” with digital texture and rendered to create photo realistic images –This images usually called CGI – computer Generated Images 58

Application of 3D computer Graphics –Illustration & graphic art –Broadcast & film –Games –Simulation & Visualization –CAD/CAM – Engineering –Architecture & Virtual Reality –Presentation Graphics 59

Summary of graphics program TypePurpose Analytical graphicsAnalyze and graph data Presentation GraphicsCreated professional-looking presentation Desktop publishingMix text and graphics to create professional-looking publications Image editorCreated and modify bitmap image Illustration ProgramsCreate and edit vector images Graphics SuitesCombine separate graphics programs 60

Moving diagrams or cartoons that are made up of a sequence of images displayed one after the other. Animation files take up much less disk space than a true video sequence. Kumpulan dari gambar-gambar Gabungan dari frame-frame gambar secara cepat untuk menghasilkan suatu gerakan 61

BMP file (BitMaP file) Also known as a "bump" file, it is a Windows and OS/2 bitmapped graphics file format. It is the Windows native bitmap format, and every Windows application has access to the BMP software routines in Windows that support it. BMP files provide formats for 2, 16, 256 or 16 million colors (1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit and 24-bit color). BMP files use the.BMP or.DIB extensions (DIB stands for Device-Independent Bitmap). 62

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group ) Pronounced "jay-peg." An ISO/ITU standard for compressing still images that is becoming very popular due to its high compression capability. Using discrete cosine transform, it provides lossy compression (you lose some data from the original image) with ratios up to 100:1 and higher. It depends on the image, but ratios of 10:1 to 20:1 may provide little noticeable loss. The more the loss can be tolerated, the more the image can be compressed. Compression is achieved by dividing the picture into tiny pixel blocks, which are halved over and over until the ratio is achieved. JPEG uses the JPEG File Interchange Format, or JFIF. File extensions are.JPG or.JFF. M-JPEG and MPEG are variations of JPEG used for full-motion digital video. 63

Graphics Format Used on the Web BMP = Bit Map GIF = Graphics Interchange Format JPEG= Joint Photographic Experts Group PNG = Portable Network Graphics TIFF = Tagged Image File Format 64