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Advanced Optical Communication TUGAS BESAR. Tujuan: Dapat memanfaatkan perangkat lunak Optisys untuk berbagai aplikasi sistem komunikasi optik.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Advanced Optical Communication TUGAS BESAR. Tujuan: Dapat memanfaatkan perangkat lunak Optisys untuk berbagai aplikasi sistem komunikasi optik."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Advanced Optical Communication TUGAS BESAR

2 Tujuan: Dapat memanfaatkan perangkat lunak Optisys untuk berbagai aplikasi sistem komunikasi optik

3 Topic choices and groups: Topics 1.Optical access network 2.Optical coherent communication system 3.Free space optical communication 4.Radio over Fiber 5.DWDM optical fiber network 6.Optical switching system using optical modulator 7.Optical analog system 8.Optical transceiver system with multi digital modulation 9.Optical filter system 10. Submarine optical comm system Groups 1.Zuchra 2.Amelia 3.Zafer 4.Novialdi 5.- 6.Haeri 7.Ivan 8.Rizal 9.Ilham 10.Anggara

4 Report format Title Explain: – Introduction – The systems/the networks built – The related parameters – The scenarios of simulation – The measurement methods and results – The discussion – The conclussion

5 Submission date and presentation At the time and the day of Exam in order to make a signature on the presence list and submission report. The report must be presented, but when? (offered)

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