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Community Pharmacy Farmasi Komunitas
Wiryanto Sumadio Hadisahputra Yuanita Tanuwijaya Poppy Anjelisa Z Hsb Aminah Dalimunthe
DESKRIPSI: Perkuliahan ini membahas tentang pengertian farmasi komunitas; ruang lingkup pekerjaan kefarmasian; Cara Pelayanan Farmasi yang Baik (CPFB); Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Apotik; Perbekalan Kesehatan; Spesialite Obat; Manajemen obat; resep dokter dan pelayanannya, pelayanan swa-medikasi. TUJUAN INSTRUKSIONAL UMUM: Setelah mengikuti perkuliahan ini, mahasiswa S1 Konsentrasi Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas semester V Fakultas Farmasi USU, akan dapat memberikan pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek sesuai standar.
Scope of Pharmacy Pharmacy is the art and science of preparing and dispensing medications and the provision of drug-related information to the public. It involves the interpretation of prescription orders; the compounding, labeling, and dispensing of drugs and devices; drug product selection and drug utilization reviews; patient monitoring and intervention; and the provision of cognitive services related to use of medications and devices. The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) describes the mission of pharmacy as serving society as "the profession responsible for the appropriate use of medications, devices, and services to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes."
CAREERS Job opportunities for pharmacists are expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations, mainly due to the increased pharmaceutical needs of a larger and older population. Other factors likely to increase demand for pharmacists include the likelihood of scientific advances that will provide more drug products for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease; new developments in administering medication; and increasingly well-informed consumers who are sophisticated about health care and eager for more detailed information about drugs and their effects.
CAREERS Community pharmacy is a hybrid requiring well-developed professional skills and, in many cases, management abilities. In addition to dispensing pharmaceuticals, pharmacists in community pharmacies answer questions about prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and give advice about home health care supplies and durable medical equipment. Of an estimated 200,000 pharmacists now in practice, the majority are in community pharmacy practice
CAREERS Health-systems pharmacy is the practice of pharmacy in private and government-owned hospitals, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), clinics, walk-in health centers, and nursing homes. This has become a significant setting for pharmacy practice over the past 50 years or so. In these settings, pharmacists dispense medication, prepare sterile solutions, advise other professionals and patients on the use of drugs, monitor drug regimens, and evaluate drug use. They advise other professionals on the selection and effects of drugs and, in some cases, make patient rounds with them or provide direct patient care
CAREERS Industrial pharmacy offers opportunities to pharmacists of all educational levels. The largest number of pharmacists are involved in marketing and administration. Some pharmaceutical manufacturers employ pharmacists as their professional service representatives, to educate physicians and pharmacists about the manufacturer's products. This can be a rewarding career for persons with the right personality and motivation, and it is often a stepping-stone to supervisory positions in sales and a path toward integration into the administrative and sales structure of a pharmaceutical firm. Pharmacists with master's degrees in business or additional degrees in law find additional opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry in the marketing, sales, and legal departments. Pharmacists can also serve the industry as professional communications managers and clinical research scientists; research and development personnel often have advanced degrees, although this is not always the case. Production and quality-control (or quality-assurance) supervisory positions often are held by pharmacists
CAREERS Government service offers opportunities to pharmacists in various capacities. They may serve as noncommissioned or commissioned officers in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. They also serve as commissioned officers in the United States Public Health Service, which furnishes pharmacists for the Food and Drug Administration, Bureau of Prisons, and the Indian Health Service. Appointments are available for pharmacists in the Drug Enforcement Administration of the Department of Justice, and in the National Institutes of Health, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Health Resources and Services Administration, and various other agencies
CAREERS Pharmaceutical education offers opportunities to pharmacists with advanced degrees in any of the professional specialties. Expanding enrollments and changes in the curricula at colleges to meet the employment needs of the future result in an increased need for college-level instructors. Potentially higher salaries, more freedom for research and writing, independence of action, and the cultural surroundings in pharmaceutical education make teaching attractive.
Community pharmacy - an optimistic future Steven Kayne, PhD, FRPharmS
CAREERS Community pharmacy - an optimistic future Steven Kayne, PhD, FRPharmS Dr Kayne outlines many aspects of community pharmacy practice that can make it a satisfying career It is estimated that over 70 per cent of our young graduates find their way into community pharmacy. Some make it their lifetime career, starting out as employees and then becoming proprietors in due course. Others combine community pharmacy with teaching or become locums. One thing is sure: community pharmacy represents the "sharp end" of our profession and is the last link in a chain that seeks to bring relief in sickness and to promote good health. In recent years, our activities have become far wider than the traditional compounding and dispensing and now demand a range of skills that would have mesmerised our predecessors.
CAREERS "I love customer service! The best bit about my job is that I spend my time with patients, and helping them gives me great satisfaction. I believe that pharmacy is a "calling" rather than a job, so I think that you have to be drawn to it in the first place. Once you're in, the rewards are to be found in the faces of patients delighted by your help and support." Stephen Foster, Pharmacy Superintendent "I will follow my mother into a career in pharmacy which is an interesting job with many opportunities and good levels of pay. With the development of sciences and the discovery of new drugs the pharmacy profession will play a key role in the future of world health." Moutoudi Evangelia Pharmacy student
CAREERS As a community pharmacist your job would be all about helping the public, assessing their conditions and making decisions about which medicines they should take. You'll be involved in dispensing medicines and offering your patients advice and practical help on keeping healthy. It is a very responsible job and community pharmacists tend to be highly respected members of their communities. Community pharmacists are also taking on more of the clinical roles that have traditionally been undertaken by doctors, such as the management of asthma and diabetes as well as blood pressure testing. They also help people give up smoking, alter their diets to make them healthier and advise on sexual health matters. Some community pharmacists own their own businesses and enjoy the challenges of financial management and responsibility for staff, stock and premises that this brings. Others work for large high street pharmacy chains and have the opportunity to move around within an established company structure.
Definisi Community Pharmacy: The area of pharmacy practice in which medicines and other related products are sold or provided directly to the public from a retail (or other commercial) outlet designed primarily for the purpose of providing medicines. The sale or provision of the medicine may be either on the order or prescription of a doctor (or other health care worker), or “over the counter” (OTC). (FIP, 1998)
Pasien membawa resep Pasien swamedikasi Datang dengan keluhan Tahu obat yang dibutuhkan
Community pharmacies usually consist of a retail storefront with a dispensary where medications are stored and dispensed. The dispensary is subject to pharmacy legislation; with requirements for storage conditions, compulsory texts, equipment, etc., specified in legislation. Where it was once the case that pharmacists stayed within the dispensary compounding/dispensing medications; there has been an increasing trend towards the use of trained pharmacy technicians while the pharmacist spends more time communicating with patients. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Sangat menarik . . . 198 Pharmaceutical Manufacturer: 34 Foreign Investment, 4 owned by the Government , 6000 Pharmacies, Pharmacist, medical doctors, 34 School of Pharmacy. Drugs consumption $ 1.5 billion (2002). 2008: 63 PT
Trend Indonesian Pharmaceutical Market
Source : IMS Health
Apotik Masa Depan? Apotik Rakyat Tradisional Praktek Bersama
Dokter Spesialis Apotik Waralaba (franchise Pharmacy) Apotik Jaringan (chain Pharmacy)
Wiryanto, Bahan Diskusi Kuliah Manajemen Farmasi Komunitas/Apotik
28 April 2017 Wiryanto, Bahan Diskusi Kuliah Manajemen Farmasi Komunitas/Apotik
UU No.23 Tahun 1992 tentang Kesehatan
Pasal 1 Pekerjaan kefarmasian adalah pembuatan termasuk pengendalian mutu sediaan farmasi, pengamanan pengadaan, penyimpanan dan distribusi obat, pengelolaan obat, pelayanan obat atas resep dokter, pelayanan informasi obat, serta pengembangan obat, bahan obat dan obat tradisional 4/28/2017
UU No.36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan
Pasal 108 Praktik kefarmasiaan yang meliputi pembuatan termasuk pengendalian mutu sediaan farmasi, pengamanan, pengadaan, penyimpanan dan pendistribusian obat, pelayanan obat atas resep dokter, pelayanan informasi obat serta pengembangan obat, bahan obat dan obat tradisional harus dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan yang mempunyai keahlian dan kewenangan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.
PP No.51 Tahun 2009 tentang Pekerjaan kefarmasian
Pasal 1 Pekerjaan kefarmasian adalah pembuatan termasuk pengendalian mutu sediaan farmasi, pengamanan, pengadaan, penyimpanan dan distribusi obat, pengelolaan obat, pelayanan obat atas resep dokter, pelayanan informasi obat, serta pengembangan obat, bahan obat dan obat tradisional
Daftar Pustaka Clinical Pharmacy Departemen Staff, 2009, Community Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University Fink, JL., 2005, Scope of Pharmacy, in Troy, D. (ed.), Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 21st Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkin, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), 1998, Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) in Developing Countries, Hague, September 1998 Kayne, S., 2000, Community pharmacy - an optimistic future, The Pharmaceutical Journal Vol 264 No 7080 p January 22, 2000 Knowlton, C., at al., 2005, The Practice of Community Pharmacy, in Troy, D. (ed.), Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 21st Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkin, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Menkes RI. (2004), Kepmenkes RI No.1027MENKES/ SK/IX/2004 tentang Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Apotik, Departemen Kesehatan RI., Jakarta Presiden RI. (2009) Peraturan Pemerintah RI No.51 tahun 2009 tentang Pekerjaan Kefarmasian, Lembaran Negara RI tahun 2009 No.124 Pemerintah RI. (2009) Undang-undang RI No.36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan, Lembaran Negara RI tahun 2009 No.144 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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