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Educational Background  Drs. (IKIP, Medan, Indonesia)  MBA (Melbourne, Australia)  M.Pd. (Univ. Pelita Harapan, Jakarta)  Doktor (DR. Univ. Satyagama,

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Presentasi berjudul: "Educational Background  Drs. (IKIP, Medan, Indonesia)  MBA (Melbourne, Australia)  M.Pd. (Univ. Pelita Harapan, Jakarta)  Doktor (DR. Univ. Satyagama,"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Educational Background  Drs. (IKIP, Medan, Indonesia)  MBA (Melbourne, Australia)  M.Pd. (Univ. Pelita Harapan, Jakarta)  Doktor (DR. Univ. Satyagama, Jakarta)  Lemhannas RI (Batch 51/2014) Professional Background  Managing Director – The EPDC  Presiden IPSA (Ind. Professional Speakers Association)  Public Speaker  Radio Presenter  Book Author Educational Background  Drs. (IKIP, Medan, Indonesia)  MBA (Melbourne, Australia)  M.Pd. (Univ. Pelita Harapan, Jakarta)  Doktor (DR. Univ. Satyagama, Jakarta)  Lemhannas RI (Batch 51/2014) Professional Background  Managing Director – The EPDC  Presiden IPSA (Ind. Professional Speakers Association)  Public Speaker  Radio Presenter  Book Author DR. PONIJAN LIAW Komunikator No. 1 Indonesia DR. PONIJAN LIAW Komunikator No. 1 Indonesia

2 KARYA DR. PONIJAN LIAW 11 Buku Penghargaan MURI 100-an Artikel di Koran 8 CD Audio

3 100-an Clients DR. PONIJAN LIAW: Dll….


5 Hasil survai 3,000 orang dewasa oleh Christine Stuart - 'Effective Speaking' Tentang ketakutan terbesar orang Amerika: Berbicara di Umum - ketakutan pertama melebihi ketakutan akan kehancuran keuangan bahkan kematian!

6 3% = kegelapan, kematian, air dalam, masalah keuangan dan kutu. 5% = lift. 8% = eskalator. 11% = anjing. 14% = kesepian. 18% = terbang. Tebak Apa Ketakutan No. 1 ? BERBICARA DI DEPAN UMUM (41%) Penelitian Terhadap 3000 Manajer Perusahaan tentang Ketakutan Terbesar Mereka

7 Source: Financial Planning Conference, Singapore All slides copyrights reserved.

8 What is Communication? zVerbal Communication zNonverbal Communication -body language -eye contact

9 Importance of Communication zClass Presentations zField Research zBusiness Communications zPublic Speaking

10 Effective Communication zPreparation zPractice zPresence

11 Effective Communication zPreparation yresearch-non-research yformat-speak on what you know -Notes- outline main points -note cards vs. full sized paper

12 Sample Speech Outline I. Introduction xThesis II. Body xsupport arguments III. Closing xreview

13 Effective Communication zPractice - practice makes perfect - revision - get time right

14 Effective Communication zPresence -nervousness- fright is common -Body language -voice tone -gestures -eye contact -positive attitude

15 Things You Shouldn ’ t Do zRead directly from notes zRead directly from screen zTurn back on audience zSlouch, hands in pockets  No um, ah, you know ’ s zNo nervous gestures zTalk too fast, zTalk too quietly

16 Things You Should Do zEye contact zCan glance at notes zAppropriate gestures zRhetorical questions to involve audience

17 Ten Successful Tips Control the “ Butterflies ” zKnow the room- become familiar with the place of presentation  Know the audience- greet or chat with the audience before hand. It ’ s easier to speak to friends than to strangers zKnow your material-increased nervousness is due to un- preparedness

18 Control the “ Butterflies ” zRelaxation- relax entire body by stretching and breathing so as to ease the tension zVisualize giving your speech- Visualize yourself giving your speech from start to finish. By visualizing yourself successful, you will be successful

19 Control the “ Butterflies ” zPeople want you to succeed-the audience is there to see you succeed not to fail  Don ’ t apologize-by mentioning your nervousness or apologizing, you ’ ll only be calling the audience ’ s attention to mistakes

20 Control the “ Butterflies ” zConcentrate on your message-not the medium. Focus on the message you are trying to convey and not on your anxieties zTurn nervousness into positive energy-nervousness increases adrenaline, transform it into vitality and enthusiasm

21 Control the “ Butterflies ” zGain experience-experience builds confidence, which is key to effective public speaking

22 Practice takes you from this..

23 To this….




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