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Penutup MS.ExcelProfilKesimpulan KELOMPOK 8 KA 11.2A.04 BINA SARANA INFORMATIKA JL.Cut Mutia No.88 Bekasi STATISTIKA DESKRIPTIF.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Penutup MS.ExcelProfilKesimpulan KELOMPOK 8 KA 11.2A.04 BINA SARANA INFORMATIKA JL.Cut Mutia No.88 Bekasi STATISTIKA DESKRIPTIF."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Penutup MS.ExcelProfilKesimpulan KELOMPOK 8 KA 11.2A.04 BINA SARANA INFORMATIKA JL.Cut Mutia No.88 Bekasi STATISTIKA DESKRIPTIF

3 Penutup MS.ExcelProfilKesimpulan KELOMPOK 8 KA 11.2A.04 BINA SARANA INFORMATIKA JL.Cut Mutia No.88 Bekasi STATISTIKA DESKRIPTIF

4 Penutup MS.ExcelProfilKesimpulan KELOMPOK 8 KA 11.2A.04 BINA SARANA INFORMATIKA JL.Cut Mutia No.88 Bekasi STATISTIKA DESKRIPTIF

5 Tetha Novia11140051 Desy Atikasari11140111 Linda Azka D11140135 Sefty Layla A F11140724 11.2A.04


7 What is the meaning of Email ?

8 Internet addresses have two essential parts, namely : 1.Separated by signs axon / @ (sign in) 2.The part before the @ sign (pronounced at) is the mailbox (ID) or User Name or our personal name and thereafter is the domain, which is usually the name of the Internet service providers, such as,, and so on other. Internet addresses have two essential parts, namely : 1.Separated by signs axon / @ (sign in) 2.The part before the @ sign (pronounced at) is the mailbox (ID) or User Name or our personal name and thereafter is the domain, which is usually the name of the Internet service providers, such as,, and so on other.


10 B. Types Email

11 Information WebmailE-mail Client The device in the computer Web Browser Evolution, Thunderbird E-mails are stored in the.. Web Server on the Internet Computer hard disk on us E-mail is taken from Server? NoYes Number of e-mails are stored limited Depending on the hard drive To read requires Access to the Internet Do not need Internet access Without the Internet? can notcould speed access slowvery fast Access from another computer? Can, via the Internet can not




15 1. New Mail 2. Reply 3. Forward 4. Send 5. Inbox 6. Outbox 7. Send Items 8. Delete Items 9. Spam 10. Trash 11. Bulk



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