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Diterbitkan olehSusanti Gunardi Telah diubah "8 tahun yang lalu
LOGO Microsoft-Mouse Mischief suyanto@ep.its.ac.id; Pembelajaran Kolaboratif
Learning Style of Teacher
The Microsoft ® Mouse Mischief ™ add-in works with Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® 2010 or Microsoft ® Office PowerPoint ® 2007. Download and install the Mouse Mischief add-in. Copy and paste www.microsoft.com/mousemischief into your browser window to visit the site. www.microsoft.com/mousemischief This presentation requires Microsoft Mouse Mischief. Mouse Mischief lets students use computer mice to answer questions and participate in activities teachers create in PowerPoint presentations. To learn more, visit www.microsoft.com/mousemischiefwww.microsoft.com/mousemischief Get Microsoft Mouse Mischief Download and Install Restart PowerPoint Create Play Slide Show To play a multiple-mouse slide show (such as this file), click the Play Slide Show button. After installation is complete, restart PowerPoint. Use the Mouse Mischief features on the Multiple-Mouse tab. 1 2 3 4
Getting Stated with Microsoft Mouse Mischief Mouse Mischief is PowerPoint add-In that you use to create and play interactive, multi-mouse presentation. 1 Students participate in the presentations at the same time by using their own mice. 2
Locate the Multiple-Mouse Tab The buttons for creating and playing multiple-mouse presentations are on this tab. We recommend that you view this tour in Normal view. Although most of the slides are static, some are actual multiple-mouse slides. At the end of the tour, connect a few mice to your computer and click Play Slide Show to explore Mouse Mischief and create your own slides.
Most of the slides in this tour, like this one, are static PowerPoint slides. Later, when you connect a few mice to your computer, you will see student mouse pointers like these on the multiple-mouse slides. Is this a cube? Yes No Teacher mouse pointer One of the student mouse pointers
What You Can Do ? Create slides for interactive lessons and activities using buttons on the Multiple- Mouse tab. Play lessons and activities that students can participate in at the same time using their own mice. NOTE Always use the Play Slide Show button on the Multiple-Mouse tab. You can assign an answer when you create the slide. Students won’t see answers in the slides. A results pane displays when everyone has submitted an answer.
How Question/Answer Slides Work ? Create questions and assign answers! Click New Slide. Click Multiple Choice, and then select the number of choices you want. Assign an answer.
Playing Multiple-Mouse Presentations Add Your Text
Play Slide Show Mode: Step 1 You will need to identify which mouse is yours, at which point, your mouse pointer becomes the orange arrow.* Each time you play a presentation, you will need to complete a few steps before students can participate. *If you only have one mouse and want to test your presentation before class, use the keyboard to perform the teacher’s role. Press F7 when you see this page in Play Slide Show mode.
Play Slide Show Mode: Step 2 Determine if the students participate in teams or as individuals. Students play individually Students play in teams Each student has a different mouse pointer with its own picture. Each student on a team has a mouse pointer with the same picture. On each slide, all students respond to the same questions with their own answers. Teams encourage collaboration. Everyone on the team must select the same answer to each question. Mouse Mischief is designed for student interaction, not for scoring or assessment.
Play Slide Show Mode: Step 3a If you select Team mode, students click a picture to join a team. The pictures on this page represent teams. When students click a picture, their mouse pointers change into the team picture. The number at the top of each picture shows how many students have joined that team. Top: mice on teams Bottom: remaining mice
Play Slide Show Mode: Step 3b If you select Individual mode, each student clicks inside the box to participate in the activity. On each multiple-mouse slide, students use their own mice to respond to the same question with their own answers.
LOGO Creating Multiple-Mouse Presentations
Multiple-Mouse Slide Types Yes/No Question s Interactive Multiple Choice Question s Interactive Drawing Activities Interactive Standard PowerPoi nt Slides Static When you are in Play Slide Show mode, student mouse pointers appear in the three multiple-mouse slide types. If you insert standard PowerPoint slides into the presentation, these slides are static in Play Slide Show mode.
Yes No Is this a cube? This is a sample Yes/No question slide created by a teacher. When you view this presentation in Play Slide Show mode, this is the first multiple-mouse slide that you will see displaying all the student mouse pointers.
Which shape is a trapezoid? This is a sample Multiple Choice question slide created by a teacher.
Which looks like the moon to you ? This is a sample polling question slide—a multiple choice question without an answer. Use polling slides to initiate class discussions about opinion-based subjects.
Triangle: Diamond: Rectangle: Complete each geometric shape! You can only use the drawing palette in Play Slide Show mode. See the next slide to see how a student completed this activity in the presentation.
This is a screenshot of the previous drawing slide, completed by a student using a mouse pointer as a drawing tool.
Angle types An acute angle measures less than 90 degrees. An obtuse angle measures more than 90 degrees. A right angle measures exactly 90° This is a sample of a standard PowerPoint slide. Use standard slides for creating instructional content in multiple-mouse presentations.
Practice of The Lecture Penyajian interaktif tentang Berpikir Perubahan dalam MK Pengantar Technopreneurship. Menerapkan Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Microsoft Mouse Mischief untuk tercapainya target tujuan pembelajaran.
LOGO Berpikir Perubahan
Tujuan Pembelajaran : Memberikan pemahaman pentingnya perubahan dan peranan mindset (pola pikir). Menjabarkan perubahan mindset. Mengenalkan mindset entrepreneur. Mengenalkan teori kecerdasan finansial.
Pola Pikir Entrepreneur Bagaimanakah Perbedaan Pola Pikir Entrepreneur vs Non Entrepreneur ?
Yes No Produktif versus Konsumtif ?
Yes No Resources Utilization Versus Resources Disposal ?
Persepsi Memulai Usaha Setiap hari seorang manusia melakukan self-talk sebanyak 55.000 s/d 60.000 kali. Sayangnya 77% statement yang diucapkan bersifat negatif dan melemahkan diri kita (Deepak Chopra). “Saya kurang sukses” “Saya sudah terlambat untuk berubah dan menjadi orang sukses” “Saya sudah terlalu tua untuk sekolah lagi” “Saya bodoh” “Saya tidak berbakat bisnis” Kata siapa ???...
Berikut ini hambatan Persepsi Memulai Usaha, kecuali : Tidak berbakat. Tidak punya modal (uang). Tidak menyukai tantangan. Merasa sudah terlalu tua atau merasa terlalu muda. Menyukai comfort zone.
Pelajaran Apa Yang Kita Dapat 1. Balita berlatih berjalan karena “motivasi kuat” setelah bosan merangkak 2. Balita berlatih berjalan karena “tidak banyak berpikir risiko” 3. TAMBAHKAN list ini: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ ______________________________
Siapa Bilang....? Terlalu Tua Ingat lah, Kolonel Sander pendiri KFC memulai bisnis pada umur 70 tahun Tidak Berbakat Ingat lah, Brian si kaki satu memulai bisnis karena “kepepet” dan tidak bisa mencari kerja Tidak Punya Modal Ingat lah, Onasis memulai bisnis kapal angkut dengan OPM (Other People Money)
Untuk memulai Bisnis, Hanya perlu 3M : Motivasi, Mindset, Make it (Just Do It) Mindset, Motivasi, Money Games. Make it (Just Do It), Mindset, Motivasi Motivasi, Mindset, MLM. Motivasi, MLM, Money Games. MLM : Multi Level Marketing
Imagine…. Saat Anda Jatuh Cinta….Lukiskan!
Ingatlah Saat Jatuh Cinta:
Sekali Lagi, Ingatlah: Tingkatkan Hasrat Berwirausaha Anda sebagaimana Hasrat Anda Saat Jatuh Cinta Pertama.
Mana Yang Anda Pilih?....Why? UANGWAKTU MinusMinus MinusSurplus SurplusMinus SurplusSurplus
≈ Model Kiyosaki ≈ Model Stephen R Covey SO,... Bertransformasilah dengan cepat dan tepat !
Game Neraca Kehidupan 1.Peserta diminta menuliskan sumber- sumber pendapatannya. 2.Peserta diminta menuliskan jenis-jenis pengeluarannya dan menilai apakah termasuk “bad cost” atau “good cost” 3.Menghitung Wealth Ratio masing- masing.
Game Asset Produktif Vs. Konsumtif Buatlah daftar asset milik Anda sebanyak- banyaknya, kemudian nilai sendiri apakah asset tersebut, produktif atau konsumtif !
Harta ProduktifHarta Konsumtif Game Asset Produktif Vs. Konsumtif
Tips Praktis Gunakan visualisasi harian sesuai dengan tujuan, misalkan: imajinasikan nikmatnya mempunyai usaha yang waktunya tidak diatur oleh orang lain. Gunakan teknik affirmasi harian dengan pemilihan kata yang menggugah kesadaran pikiran, dengan mengucapkan kalimat “saya semakin sukses” saat kondisi tubuh relaks bangun pagi.
Penutup "Kalau Anda menginginkan perubahan kecil dalam hidup, ubahlah perilaku Anda. Tetapi bila Anda menginginkan perubahan yang besar dan mendasar, ubahlah pola pikir Anda." - Stephen Covey-
Sample Classroom Layout This illustration shows one possible classroom layout for 12 students: projector screen 3 USB hubs 12 mice (wired and wireless) This layout can be altered to accommodate more or fewer students. Be careful how you lay out cables between system components. Cables can be tripping hazards. For detailed hardware setup information: See the topic “Set Up Mouse Mischief in the Classroom” in Mouse Mischief Help.
Explore Mouse Mischief Now that you’ve seen what you can create on the Multiple-Mouse tab, start exploring… Connect a few mice to your computer, then click Play Slide Show to see how multiple-mouse features work. Use the buttons on the Multiple- Mouse tab to create your own interactive slides. Press CTRL+N in Normal view to create your first multiple-mouse presentation.
© 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Mouse Mischief, PowerPoint and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation has been published. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. Reference of Mouse Mischief www.themegallery.com
Impact of Mouse-Mischief Learning
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