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Pengenalan Jaringan Nirkabel. Survey Ringan Kapan terakhir anda menggunakan internet? A.< 1 jam yang lalu B.1 – 2 jam yang lalu C.> 2 jam yang lalu Untuk.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pengenalan Jaringan Nirkabel. Survey Ringan Kapan terakhir anda menggunakan internet? A.< 1 jam yang lalu B.1 – 2 jam yang lalu C.> 2 jam yang lalu Untuk."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pengenalan Jaringan Nirkabel

2 Survey Ringan Kapan terakhir anda menggunakan internet? A.< 1 jam yang lalu B.1 – 2 jam yang lalu C.> 2 jam yang lalu Untuk keperluan apa? A.Browsing B.Chatting C.Lain-Lain Dalam sehari, berapa jam anda berinteraksi lewat internet? A.< 2 jam per hari B.2 – 5 jam per hari C.> 5 jam per hari Dalam sehari, berapa jam anda berinteraksi lewat internet? A.< 2 jam per hari B.2 – 5 jam per hari C.> 5 jam per hari Perangkat apa yang lebih sering anda gunakan? A.Smartphone B.Laptop C.Komputer Desktop

3 Tren Perkembangan Komputer Komputer jadi semakin personal dan melekat

4 Tren Komunikasi : dari Kabel ke Nirkabel

5 Tantangan : Diversitas Perangkat Wireless

6 Tantangan : Security Wireless means shared. Shared means more threats

7 Sejarah Perkembangan Komunikasi Nirkabel

8 Komunikasi Nirkabel Transmisi suara dan data dengan memanfaatkan gelombang elektromagnetik di udara (open space)

9 Timeline Perkembangan Nirkabel

10 Diversitas Perangkat Nirkabel

11 Pertanyaan Q : Mengapa perangkat nirkabel begitu beragam jenisnya? A : Karena memang terdapat kebutuhan aplikasi yang beragam meliputi –Konsumsi energi –Jangkauan –Bandwidth –Mobilitas –Biaya

12 History & Development: Development & Applications 1983 - Tesla –First radio communication 1898 - 1901 - Guglielmo Marconi –first demonstration of wireless telegraphy (Morse code - digital!) –long wave transmission over longer distances (transatlantic) at an operating frequency of 1MHz 1906 - 1 st World Admin. Radio Conf. (WARC -> WRC) –increasing popularity of radio systems and their extended use –ability to define BW using filters led to spectrum control –recommendations for the assignment of RF bands 1907 - Commercial transatlantic connections –huge base stations (30 100m high antennas) 1915 - Wireless voice transmission N.Y. - San Francisco 1920 - Discovery of short waves by Marconi –reflection at the ionosphere –smaller sender and receiver -> due to the invention of the vacuum tube (1906 - Lee DeForest and Robert von Lieben)

13 History & Development: Development & Applications 1933 - Frequency modulation (E. H. Armstrong) 1946 - Mobile Telephone Service (MTS) in US –introduced in 1946, it allowed telephone calls between fixed stations and mobile sers –one single powerful transmitter/receiver (base station) provided coverage of up to 50km –based on FM technology, each voice channel of 3kHz used 120KHz of spectrum, and only half duplex service was available –blocking probabilities were as high as 65% (only 12 simultaneous calls could be handled!) 1958 - A-Netz in Germany at 160MHz –analog cellular, connection setup only from the mobile station, no handover, 80% coverage, 1971 only 11000 customers 1972 - B-Netz in Germany at 160MHz –connection setup from the fixed network (location of the mobile station had to be known)

14 MTS Phone

15 History & Development: Analog Cellular Services 1947 - The idea of cellular communication by Donald Ring –Split an area into cells with their own low power towers –Each cell would use its own frequency 1973 - Prototype of portable by Martin Cooper (Bell Labs) 1979 - Analog Mobile Phone System (AMPS) in US –Start of the 1G cellular network –Use Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) 1979 - NMT at 450MHz in Scandinavian countries 1983 - First commercial cellular phone named DynaTAC 1985 - France ’ s Radiocom 2000 1985 - UK ’ s TACS 1986 - C-Netz in Germany at 450MHz

16 DynaTAC : First Commercial Cell Phone The “ brick ” : –weight 2 pounds, –offered 30 mins of talk time for every recharging and –sold for $3,995!

17 History & Development: Digital Cellular 1991 - Specification of DECTDECT –Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone –1880-1900MHz, ~100-500m range, 120 duplex channels, 1.2Mbit/s data transmission, voice encryption, authentication, up to several 10000 user/km 2, used in more than 40 countries 1992 - Start of GSM (Europe) –2G cellular –fully digital, 900MHz, 124 channels –automatic location, hand-over, cellular –services: data with 9.6kbit/s, FAX, voice,... Early 90 ’ s - Start of CDMA (US) –2G cellular –IS 54 is a TDMA digital standard that uses the old AMPS system for transmission. –IS 136 is the new TDMA standard and –IS 95 is the CDMA based standard. All 4 systems are in operation in the US! 1994 - GSM at 1800MHz (called Digital Cellular Service (DCS1800)) –smaller cells, supported by 11 countries

18 History & Development: Digital Wireless Services 1996 - HiperLAN (High Performance Radio Local Area Network) –ETSI, standardization of type 1: 5.15 - 5.30GHz, 23.5Mbit/sETSI –recommendations for type 2 and 3 (both 5GHz) and 4 (17GHz) as wireless ATM- networks (up to 155Mbit/s) 1997 - Wireless LANs –many products with proprietary extensions out there already –IEEE-Standard, 2.4 - 2.5GHz, 2Mbit/sIEEE-Standard 1998 - Specification of GSM successors (3G) –UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) as the European proposal for IMT-2000 IMT-2000 1998 - Specification for next generation CDMA starts (3G) – Qualcomm starts work on wideband CDMA spec. 1999 - Specificatipn of IEEE802.11b –increased BW to 11Mbit/s 2000 - Bluetooth Specification –1Mbit/s specification, single cell –Work on 10Mbit/s spec. with multi cell capability initiated 2001- First 3G service was launched –GSM WCDMA by NTT DoCoMo Japan –CDMA2000 EVDO by SKT Korea

19 Tren Teknologi Jaringan Nirkabel

20 Tren Jaringan Nirkabel Tren teknologi jaringan nirkabel mengarah ke beberapa isu berikut : –Pemerataan jangkauan komunikasi –Pemanfaatan untuk keperluan khusus –Peningkatan kualitas layanan WiMax LTE

21 Wireless Mesh Network Suatu jenis jaringan yang memanfaatkan perangkat nirkabel (biasanya wifi) sebagai perangkat router untuk meneruskan paket

22 Delay Tolerant Network Suatu jenis jaringan yang punya sifat toleran terhadap delay dalam pengiriman datanya sehingga cocok dipakai di daerah yang terbatas jangkauan jaringannya

23 Vehicular Network Suatu jenis jaringan yang memungkinkan komunikasi antara satu kendaraan dengan lain (V2V) serta kendaraan dan infrastructure (V2I)

24 Localization Pemanfaatan komunikasi nirkabel untuk penentuan posisi baik indoor maupun outdoor.

25 WiMax

26 Kisi-Kisi UTS 2016 AM P01 - (Slide 4, 5) AM P02 - (Slide 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15) AM P03 - (Slide 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 30) AM P04 - (Slide 28, 29, 31) AM P05 - (Slide 5, 6, 11, 20)

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