Doctor  what is doctor?  how to be a doctor ?  what we do as a doctor?  the benefit of doctor?  conclusion and suggestion.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Doctor  what is doctor?  how to be a doctor ?  what we do as a doctor?  the benefit of doctor?  conclusion and suggestion."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Doctor  what is doctor?  how to be a doctor ?  what we do as a doctor?  the benefit of doctor?  conclusion and suggestion

3 What a Doctor is? Doctor is someone who have a duty to give a health consultan to their patient. Doctor (from the Latin word meaning "teacher") is a person who because of their knowledge trying to treat people who are sick.

4 how to be a doctor ? graduating high school. being accepted to medical school. Continue undergo clinical activities (Coschaap) obtain a license to practice. continue the specialist program.

5 what we do as a doctor?  Make people healthy  able to make decisions and handle emergencies.  Able to Provide Explanation With Both  Not Oriented To Money

6 the benefit of doctor? A great pleasure. Doctors can function wherever they are In Social doctors in highly respected by the community. Doctors also rarely affected by the disease

7 Conclusion and suggestion

8 Thank You

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